Approved Minutes - 1937-10-19 lr ! 1�19 • vita, Ha 1l., Ouvego,Or . Oct.19, lc!37. , . • Regu1ar m?le3tinz of .tbe Uity Cownoil cabled to order 'ay May or I:::ing,.....CouncI.lnlan .3n1.liva., absent.....Mins of previous meet ing read and ,1a;p roved.-.-Various bills' read and at,,,Aroved by the f tnanoe oommtttee moved by Da:t.ras. s 3 ;:end by (Goes that the bi llu be a !lowed and warrants d' a;:n to stove r on roll call a 11 Ora:aent vot inG *yes+a, c:a,.•rie.l and so o,•.lered. . Mr.J.'ck At ty. for :.:r.C 'D.Johnson,was preoent as?c'.nr . for anxtutst.kit.brcaX a perrntt ,fer Mr. Johnson ,to ,haul, some more dirt fro'n certain city utroets-,being that Lr•.fohnson was no tz, (We tit it 1113 .lecirned that he had been inJuired • ' in a ,00llieion bet•,.een hiss truck and another auto at . 4t:1 Jtr. e: .:D,.Ive ,and that he was in the hospital; The . Mayor and st;Q3t Com. wore authorized to issue another , toma'_)or31rjy. :1eruutt to M.r.Johnson should he desire ,to secure . 113 J3 [ Wre the next regular ma nt ing; . better from DOB.Mat iueu & lioltnan toggther with . check coven!::• da.:1:1r;o dohe to 11o.8ho30 3over ,Line weal? ;iota 341 �& 342 1ui;owood Add,by blast i.ng,was read,a lso a • raly.►se was,. reed r.310:3 J.ng them from any.. fuher ,].lability: and the acce')tanoo of the check would "be irlg n full se:t 1 .le» , :lent of this ,articular a)(tire. ,Moved. by Goss second by\ ;dad i le 'c that the Mayor, be authorised to :3.ign the re lease Corr,.+; .l a..'i .'33 O,'darea. . The ,'art and Gent 1, Electric V'ranchina Ordinra:)oe wr.u again dis3usse '-m and it s re feared ,baol; to the ?ortland Gen' 1. .4lt:o. 'o. ,•rrlth .a free ye ire 1iratteti.on ;+ inat ;ad of t•,venty years. , All Ordinunco covering the tax levy for t.the, ensue ing-i.c year ,was g ivo n f irrlt -reritl ing 1aovad by Da Be ll- second by. Goss that the t,roponod ord inunoq be tabled for the 'a.ec,3.nd:. read ing cr;;•a'iea Ind -t3Q -ordered. . . ,,, . An (2.4 i-.-,:,noo roared s,ing. .the.,license fees on' ,sin Ball machines wuo given ,f;trot reading moved ' y Dalaell; -- . Second •by. :3adilok that the :,rQpoQci,1.;ow'dt&nnoe be tabled , •_ for the ;,3cond rcud ir..; carried and so ordered. The :)Noposed ord incinae,•given seooncl reading moved by Goss second {.r Ja6 i 4 that the proposed ordin:,nce be adopted as read . carried and. :33 ordred. ,. street 0omitttee ra,,orSed that sort impirovement was desired .,n Cedar Jtr. east of ornel? 3tr and on Pine 3tr. - .` west of Ise this matt it left up to the ;3tr. Committee awl the Recorder. • Moved by Inkster seoond by Uadilel; that the ilsoordur . be ay.tthor. ;.zed to construct sone more she lying for the Library,enrriad and s I ordered . `�+� . ':a There bt. g no further business the Connci1 adjourned. Y 3.J.Duiu , Reoorddr, +