Approved Minutes - 1935-11-19 The isecnrder Suer; authorized to charge off some of the uncollectable acaounte in the water deport Lent acco.•rite. ,57 Following Mlectton officials appointed by the Mayor, For '.he re ;ular annual 3lection too be he ld Decembor,2, , ln35 ,wtth the escantiori of all members of the Council pre- sent . ilia rd,No.] . Ward Wao.2. Judge s - J.'J.King, . Judges-Cora Bullock • Wm Kingkedo Harry Valuer L,.::..taaith Mrs J�tt.a Davidson Clerks- Mre.J . :;.Nainea, (::tark7-kirs.)i.:!.Jarisch . Minnie Clinefeiter, D re.Lu ,:r.c Worthington Alternates- Dora Br:indt. ' Alternatet•J{eery Yatei . Thor being no further buoines:: the Council adjourned. 01) 14 r E.J.Duic , '�f /�,,r' Recorder. . City Hall Oswego,Or . Nov.19,1)55. , Regular me"ting 9f the City Council called to order 11 by Mayor Iwing.--Pill ouncilmen present .-4, mina of preview; meeting read and apprbved.9 Various bills read and approved by the finance committee.-4Coved by aadtlok second by Trur llinger that the bills be allowed and warrants drawn to •' .cover on ,roll call all preuentvoting "yes" carried and so ordered. e1. resolution resolving that the measure of levying a tax for the purpose of financing the operations etc. of the Children&e Recreational 1ot.be placed on the . ballot . at the coming election was read and it was Moviid by Trull finger second by 3adilek that the resolution be adopted as read on roll cull 'all present" voting "yes" carried and uo ordered. Regular order of business• suepended for the benifit , of citizens present . Chief E.J.. ricon reported that two lead ,jars for tho• chemical truck;were broken and needed repiacenaent,he also stated that the various 'ire Depts. in `'lackamae `"ounty were organizing as a 'lackamas. vounty `rolunte::r Firemene Ass. asking the Council if it was, , agreeable if the Oswego Wept would j oined- permission granted.Ho further asked 'if it was, permiseable for a .person ' to drive the fire tuuiik if he did not belong to tho .Fire ` Dept.in case. an alarm` came in and thee were no Firemen there to take the truck out? T,t °appeared as thou this had happened very recently and IA *domed that considerable - disaureement arose from it . Mr Cushman, was present and • stated his side of the case stating that the called came in to . his place of busineus direct and it wee immediately relayed II to ventral to notify t-no Firemen of the fire up.quuhraan • came °veer to the Hall set to open up same and no Jliremen showed up by that time toke the truck and started for the Vire picking up ono' fireman at State & A.Ave. , t:nd 'oc:rttnued. onro to -the fire eto. this matter was discussed at length with the reoult that it was moved by Prullinger second by Rohrbaugh that a citizens committee bo appointed to work . 58 with the Council Comnitte ix to work out a auiliable plan for the operation and the maintenance of the hire Dept. `'arried and no ordered.. and the following eittzens appointed ; R.I( .Cushman, 't.A.Coan, C.A.Moore, Moved by Trullin;;er second by Worthington that the II • Council thank Mr XX.Cus}xnan for t}:es personal efforts made in the Robinson fire at Brairwood ,eerriec, and so ordered - - . The tteoorder presented the :annual Ni'nancia]: report ' • after acme disicussion it was moved by Trullint;er second by Sadilek that the recorders report be accepted ,curried and so 'ordered. Some complaint w4s filed that the tfarohal 'was patroltng . traffic to much on the State Highway etc. 'Mr Shriner was questioning regarding tie EOM matter and the Council advised him mai to discontinue this practice . There being no further business the Council adjourned.00 v, V.411� ' E..J.Du i s, �1'I� Recorder. I City }{all, . Oswego,Ore,. Decembc ,3, 19; 5. . Regular muting of the City Council cs'llud to order by Mayor i.'wing.- -All Councilmen `present.-•tins of previous meeting read and approved. Various bi:.11e re' ' u d approved by the f inmsnoe committee moved by Tru) 1 in;;'sr second by Sud ilek that the bills be allowed and wsr-oante drawn to cover on .roll Gall u11 present • voting yyee'1 carried and eo ordered. Regular order of butt inensi :supsended and the ., . sewer question discusssed. The .notice- of the approval of the application in ',`/uahtrgton D.C. wass read ... Mr. }y.I.Dovis explained the situation .as . to the plans and ' specifications and that about two weeks time would -be . needed to whip them in .shape for the calling of bids . etc . }coved by Trullin, er.'seoond - by Oadilek that Mr. B. I .])avis . bo authorized to, complete the plans and ' • specificationo^, the sewer system in-preparation . ' of the election etc., carried and so ordered.: . . - Moved by Worthington- second -by Trullinger that the Cost•of the oomPlet ion-of ,the plane and,- . :., • avecifictittOn for the sewer systet shall_ t1 ,t exceed $300.00,cerried and so ordered., .._ Moved by- Trullinger .second. by ,Goss that the. amount of the cost unvolved i# the oompletion of the plans be Odd out of the General bind and if the election' carries the Ueneral Fond be reimbursed from the proceeds of the Sewer b snds, corried and .so ordered. It woe agreod upon that ' }.ix O.C.Roehr go ahead with the legal end in regard- to the calling of. Fa s;•ecial election for. the sever system, Oeo.Oriffy reported that the Fire Department would meet the 2nd Wednesday in the -month for pura.'ose of election of officers.Couneilman 'rose reported taut the ', . ,