Approved Minutes - 1937-11-16 City Hall . '.�_ .1 Oswego,OY'e, Nov.16,437. Regular meeting of the City Counoil ()ailed to or. der by gayor• Bwing.».,Oounoilman Sullivan absent.--No mine' read...» ar ioue. bi l is read a rid.approved by the f i nanoe� committee. moved by Daizoll second by Goss that the bills be allowed and warrants drawn to cover on roll call all ;present voting 'fyeso carried and so ordered, •- Mr.Hanley was pre sent representing the Ladd ,,estate Oo., and with-drew the vacation pett ion f ibed. at they previous meeting and presented the following resolution to take the place of same, ' RNSOLUTXON NO,.333, WHEWS doubt and ttnoertaintyy has arisen as to whether or pot there is a dedioatod•;street in the City of Oswego,knowrn as First Avenuo,and the line of Fourth Street extended southerly, W NR$AS the property that would be embraced in an extension easterly of said First Avenue has never been improved as a street and has never been aooepted by the City of Oswego, nd has never been considered as a street, " •NoM Thereforepin order that said doubt•be removed, IT IS' }L RlOBY f OLVRD'by the Council of the City of Oswego, ' as follows: 1. That First Avenue,in the City of Obwego,Oregon', - does not extehd• easterly beyond the weet line ' of` Fourth Street•' extended, a.Taht 'the property that would be einbraoed ' tn an extension easterly of said First Aveneu from its present • - terminus at the' West line of Fourth Street,ie not a street, has never been improved ae a atreet,and has never been accepted or considered a Street,' . Moved: by inketer ireoond by Sadilek that= the resolution No.336 •be adopted •as read,oarried and so orde ed. • Moved by Inkster second by Worthington that the Reoorder be authorized toendoree all liquor applications for the renewal of the lioense of all the existing lioeneee, . . carried and so ordered, Mayor' Nwing reported that cofaplainta had been • filed regarding a cow and other nuisanoes kept by some of the neighbors ohs Van Deinse,after some 'discussion -it was decided that the complaint should be made• in'` writ t ing to - ' the Counoil, The Franohise ordinance of the Portland General Nleotrio Co., was given' firetreading,moved' by ,Seadilek second by. Goss that the proposed, ordinanoe be tabled for the second, reading carried and so orderd,' the Reoorder presented his annual report to the Council . • - There being no further business the, Counoil adjourned. , . V,J,Duis. • Reoorder, e • . . . ., .V