Approved Minutes - 1937-12-21 122
• City Hall, j .
. Oawego,,Orn.
Deo.7,1937. _. .
Regular meeting of the City Council called to .order
by Mayor Ewing.--Councilmen, Inkater,Sullivan,and Goes .
abaent.There being no qourum the Council could nob trans» ..
act any business. . .
Several quest ion were d isouueed inf prmaily
but no official notion taken and the Council adjourned.
.. . .
. N.J.Duio,
Reoorder(X i.,,>,l''7
. . airy Hall,
Regular rneuting of the City Council called to order
*by Mayor Bwing.....Councilmen "'alzell & Sullivan absent,--mina
of previous meetings read and approved topxikinti*OnsmucaloguptitimmF
Various bills read and approved by the finance committee,moved
by 'loss second by Worthington that the bills be aldovred and warrants
drwan to cover on roll call all present voting "'yes" carried,. and
so ordered.
Mr,Tohnson w6s present and stated that he wan the owner
of Blocks 59 & 60 in go Oswego and that these Blooke abutted
Hemlock Street and th t the aounby had crushed rock out acorose
the property ltne into Hemlock and he ie under the impression' that
this had damaged his property considerable and felt that- the. ,
vity should file a claim with tho County Court covering this
damage.This matter was left up to the City :Atty_. & Street Cgm. .
Mr.Hirte of the Portland Gas & Coke Co. ,was ,prooent discuss-
ing the heating of the City Hall,no action taken other tlut the .
matter refeered to the Finance Com.
Moved by Goss second by 3adilek that tote Fire Chief be'
advise not to take the Hose Truck & Pumper outside of the City '
Limits and that he . ehovld not take. the Chemical,Tnuck outside
the City Limits.:after July,1,1938 unless. advised .otherwise. ,,
carried and so ordered.. ,
Letter from the Myor of Gladstone was read and piaoed
on file. Letter from the neorer*t innal.& Eduoutional Ass:inviting
the members of the City to a meeting, to. be hold "eo.
30 in the Lincoln,High School portland,,was read and' Lr.Sad ile k ,
stated that he would attend the meeting. .
The Portland,]lectric . yower Oo. ;ranchise ordinance was
given final reading moved by Sadilek aoa6nd by Moss that the ,
proposed ordinance be ado ted as re 'p ad on roll call all present
r voting "yep" oarr,ied and so ordered.
An Ordinance change the boundary lines of the wards to
correspond with the vounty voting precincts was given first r
There being no further,busineea the Council adjourned.