Agenda Item - 1935-12-17I I& : * ~I ““j c f (3) I’ I *** +;;-,,,,- ’ ~‘--I’ ‘1 -.-*---. ?;y. ~ --.* ‘ ” . . 1 X~jv.MD’ Fc’ln:l,lrcso~~.~~~!IINo ‘-I ,.. NOTICTS 03 l3OHD .S,XTION,:j i . ‘I. I i Stat‘i of Oragen, I _‘; II I 1’ . ‘4oynty of Clackamas IO r ! ‘j ‘! c- -. ‘: ., aity of 09wcge, ,. :/ ,i 11 /I ,/ ;.r ii _’ . Netice haroby is given thaf’sr/ slootion ef’;tha aity, of , I ) Oswa~o,~hokama Cbunty,Ora~on,wlll bo held Bit tha alty &jll for 1 1. : Ward Neol~,find at the X.O,O.Y.Hall,for ward N4;020en the 3rd day of . ,; Jenuary,lW6,betwoen the heurs of 9100 rlalo~k A,.M. and 8t00se~clt3~~ ‘. . 1’0112, te subait to the 16gkl vi& .of the Cii;y of. OWego the qucnti.8 , Bf i~rrulng bond6 of the City of Oawege in thdi amunt o,! &U~OOOoOO , 1 for tho purpoeo. of oomtruoting a bower 6yBtjp, to,,bo payable frti ; General Toxatien. iI ..I ‘.- ‘I ;p ’ ., i Tha vbte will W’by Wlotpupo+which ahnll bc the ‘i werdr u Ronda Yoett t~ild~‘Bo~ds No”,~\nd the votd’rs ahnll pls.oe a or081 1 i.:, . . . . . :J (X) between the pord ‘Inonds~I~ and the word @‘web” er botmen the word a ,. _ ,I mBonda14 o.ad the word l’NoH,whioh inrlic/ltes hi:: choke,, ??he ~~118 for the raogptisn of ijthe bflllots east fog or olrsedr Claokamae county :#i‘aotien shall be a8 followa ‘, .* - .&ha-- - -. .I-...-*. -. . :------y ‘t’ ’ . < ,a .F, ~~~“7~--Ty-y-~-: ” .-i :; ! : : i !I ., . : . : , ‘,, lg$- b:ayor’tl fire car!l;~i t tee htrd beon uimble tit) for to mot t with the fi:-rl duprrtuent commit teti in reprd to a now , f tre tley(. . 4\ntrilent ordinnnw and ask@ t;hat the alection be deferrod until uftel* the Irleoting of the cmtilittlrce. ., Nr&cVoy nnd Chief Bocotj made talks in rB- gnrd to mndi tlono 111 fire depnrta[ent, Wovud by Wdilok second ,by Trulllnger tti t)ltlt the City Recorder have u tclayhona inutrllled in the E’lro DCi8!.!rtiTl nt.. ‘Not an exl;cneion of the City 0 unct .39mit!d nnd oo orue:*a?d, I ounc il W.&j m.lrne d t 1) the cu 11 of XbJ iAnyor 6 n ,; ’ to order by the of previous meeting read read and approved by the Trullingor aeoond by Sadilak that tj)e bills be nllewed and warrwnto drwn to oovef! on roll +~ll all present vo t ing #yes* oarried and 80 0rdored.t Counoilaun OOOEJ report.ird that they had v.