Agenda Item - 1971-12-21 • December 21, 1971 To His Honor The Mayor Members of The City Council Your Committee of The Whole met in special session on December 21, 1971, to consider confirmation of mayoral appointments to the City Planning Commission. The terms of John W. Schiffer and Robert H. Roddy will expire on December 31st. The individuals appointed by the Mayor are Mrs. Ardis Stevenson and Mr. Steven T. Schenk. We recommend confirmation of these appointments. Respectfully submitted, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 410 December 14, 1971 To His Honor The Mayor Members of the City Council Your Committee of The Whole to which various matters were referred, met in regular session on December 14th and begs to report as follows: a) Your Committee has reviewed proposed amendatory ordinances (Nos. 1447 through 1451) and recommends enactment of the proposed ordi- nances by Council. Respectfully submitted, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 410 110 September 15, 1971 To His Honor The Mayor Members of the City Council Your Committee of The Whole, to which was referred various matters, met in regular study session on 14 September and begs to report as follows: (1) In the matter of contract award for lighting instal- lations in the new City Hall, your Committee finds that four bids were publicly opened on 13 September and scheduled as follows: Frahler Electric Company $5,186.00 Lewis Electrical Contractors 5,376.00 Melts Electric Service 7,730.00 Dickinson Brothers 8,515.00 We recommend award of contract to Frahler Electric Company in the amount of $5,186.00. (2) In the matter of service agreement with Butler Ambulance Company, your Committee recommends extension of current agreement for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1971. Respectfully submitted, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE • 411 July 16, 1971 To His Honor The Mayor Members of The City Council Your Committee of The Whole, which met in regular session on July 13th, begs to report as follows: 1) In the matter of proposed Ordinance No. 1435 (Plan Review), your Committee recommends that this measure be set over to the regular Council meeting of September 7, 1971, for further consideration. Respectfully submitted, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE • 410 • July 1, 1971 To His Honor The Mayor Members of The City Council Your Committee of The Whole, which met in a special study session on 29 June, 1971, begs to submit the following recommendations for Council consideration. 1. In the matter of a proposed initiative measure for acquisition of additional City park sites, we recommend that the City Manager be authorized to undertake preliminary negotia- tions with property owners and to further confer with park propon- ents on initiative procedures. 2. In the matter of a request from the Lake Oswego IIMJaycees to operate a beer garden in connection with the annual Water Festival, your Committee has reconsidered this application and recommends granting of permit subject to all conditions and regulations that may be imposed by the Parks and Recreation Depart- ment. Respectfully submitted, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 411 A • July 9, 1971 To His Honor The Mayor Members of The City Council Because of the probability that discussions regarding Ordinance No. 1435 (Plan Review Amendments) will largely occupy our time at the Committee of The Whole study session Tuesday evening, I have tried to limit the number of agenda items for Committee consideration. We had previously scheduled the following items for considera- tion and/or discussion. None are of an urgent nature and can be deferred depending on time limitations. REFERRED ITEMS 1) Proposed Ordinance No. 1435 (Plan Review amendments). DISCUSSION ITEMS 1) City Pinball ordinance. 2) Communication regarding L.I.D. 130 (Carter Road). 3) Revision of greens fees. 4) Requested vacation - Portion of Gans Street. 5) Progress report - Park Acquisition. 6) State grant-in-aid offer - sewer projects. • June 9, 1971 To His Honor The Mayor Members of the City Council Your Committee of The Whole met in regular session on 8 June, 1971, and begs to report as follows: 1) In the matter of L.I.D. 124 and the proposed acquisi- tion of certain properties within the boundaries of the L.I.D. dis- trict for future parks and recreation purposes, your Committee recom- mends that the offers of sale of said properties be rejected at this time and that the matter be held in abeyance pending disposition of the L.I.D. hearing. 2) In the matter of proposed removal of three curb park- ing stalls on State Street south of the "A" Avenue intersection, your Committee finds that such removal must be accomplished as a traffic safety measure, and recommends relocation of bus stop to improve present parking facilities. 3) In the matter of leasing new quarters for City offices, and the relocation of the Police Department to the present City Hall, your Committee recommends that the City Manager be authorized to pro- ceed with negotiations for the lease of said properties and to return • his findings and recommendations to the City Council for further considera- tion. 4) Your Counuittee has reviewed the draft of a proposed ordi- nance for the establishment of a Library Trust Fund and recommends adop- tion of said ordinance. 5) In the matter of the proposed dedication of Mapleleaf Circle as a public street, your Committee finds such dedication to be to the mutual interest of the City and affected property owners, and recommends the acceptance of said street as a public way. 6) In the matter of providing water service to the I.O.O.F. Cemetery, your Conuiiittee recommends the continuation of this service sub- ject to future re-consideration. 7) In the matter of appointment of a Municipal Judge for a one-year term commencing July 1, 1971, your Committee recommends re- appointment by Council of Robert J. Croce. Respectfully submitted, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE • • May 14, 1971 To His Honor The Mayor Members of The City Council Your Committee of The Whole, to which was referred various matters, met in regular study session on 11 May, 1971, and begs to report as follows: 1. In the matter of proposed amendments to the City Code regarding dog control, ycur Committee recommends that said Code revisions, as modified by Committee action, be enacted by Council. 2. In the matter of a proposed tree protection and con— servation ordinance which has been under study by your Committee for the past several months, we recommend that the revised draft of said ordinance be enacted by Council. 3. We recommend ratification of Committee findings and response to the Columbia Region Association of Governments regarding Portland—Vancouver metro Area Transportation Plan, as said plan relates to the Lake Oswego area. 4. Your Committee has given preliminary consideration to various proposals for acquisition of additional park sites. We recommend this matter be held in Committee for further study and that the City Manager prepare for Council a report on projection of Park and Recreation fund revenues and fixed obligations for the period 1971-75. 5. In the matter of proposed enlargement of police head— quarters and relocation of Council Chambers to a temporary structure, we recommend that the City manager be authorized to proceed with plans and cost estimates for Council consideration. Respectfully submitted, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE • ! April 13, 1971 To His Honor The mayor members of the City Council Your Committee of The Whole, to which was referred various matters, met in regular study session on 13 April, 1971, and begs to report as follows: 1. In the matter of proposed contract for sale of surplus water to Alto Park Water District, your Committee recommends that said contract be approved and that Council favorably consider enactment of resolution and Code amendment establishing rate structure for sale of surplus water. 2. In the matter of a proposed contract with the Lake Corporation to augment lake water supply from City Well No. 2, your Com— mittee reccmmends approval of one—year contract in accordance with terms and conditions as proposed by Staff. 3. In the matter of a proposal by the Planning Commission for a building moratorium on duplex residential zones pending a decision on plan review procedures, your Committee recommends favorable action by Council on a Resolution imposing such a moratorium. Respectfully submitted, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE • • march 10, 1971 To His Honor The mayor and Members of The City Council Your Committee of The Whole, to which was referred several items, met in regular session on 9 march and begs to report as follows: 1) In the matter of relocation of the Senior Citizens' Center to City—owned property adjacent to the Library, your Committee recommends that the City manager be autho— rized and directed to take all necessary steps to effect such transfer of the facility. Respectfully submitted, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE • • February 11, 1971 To His Honor the Mayor and Members of the Council Your Committee of The Whole met in regular study session on 9 February, 1971, and submits the following recommendations: 1) We recommend adoption of Ordinance No. 1419 which estab- lishes a new procedure in the selection of jury lists and amends general penalty provisions. 2) We recommend adoption of Ordinance No. 1418, re-enacting Ordinance No. 1411 and adopting final development plans for Phase V-A of Mountain Park. Committee recommends inclusion in the ordinance of the 40-foot building height limitation approved by the Planning Commission. 3) We recommend that ordinances controlling tree cutting be prepared and considered by Council in following sequence: a) Covering only unimproved, unplatted property; b) Covering only property which is presently, or at any future time, zoned commercial. c) Covering permit requirement to clear unimproved, subdivided property. c) Covering historical trees. 4) We recommend consideration and adoption of an ordinance calling a special election on a 1200,000 three-year serial levy for public safety. Respectfully submitted, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ■ i 411 • January 15, 1971 To His Honor The Mayor Members of The City Council Your Committee of The Whole, to which was referred various matters, met in regular study session 12 January, 1971 end 'begs to report as follows: 1) In the matter of the City's test program for col— lection and disposal of burnable solid waste materials, we have reviewed a report and findings of the Council's special committee on solid waste, and we recommend that the program and the assessment of monthly sanitation charge be suspended for a period of 90-120 days, effective 1 February, 1971. We further recommend that the special committee continue its investigation of alternate methods and/or programs for dis— posal of burnable wastes for future Council consideration. 2) In the matter of formation of an L.I.D. in the Upper Drive area, we recommend that Council initiate a Resolu— tion of Intention and that staff take appropriate steps to arrange for conferences and consultation with affected property owners. Respectfully submitted, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE January 8, 1971 AGENDA NOTES Committee of The Whole Study Session Tuesday, 12 January, 1971 1) Presentation of plans for South Shore fire substation. Architects Rudat and Boutwell will be present to submit design drawings. These are based on preliminary drawings previously cleared with the Council 's special committee. 2) Appointment by Council of five members of the Citizens' Budget Committee for varying terms. 3) City Manager's report on status of proposed lease — Oregon Bank Building and relocation of police department. 4) Application of fir. Hanford for permit to use street right—of—way for stone wall. Copy of map requested by Committee is enclosed. In further clarification of this matter, I discover that construc— tion was started by Mr. Hanford and halted by a stop order from the Building Department, prior to filing of application. 5) Discussion item — sanitary sewers in Upper C..... .. . I have asked Ir. Abraham to present a report on the history and current status of this long pending matter. I believe it is both important and timely for Council to review this matter as it relates to basic policy decisions in seeking establishment of a Local Improvement District. 6) Fixing dates for meetings: (a) Budget Discussions and (b) Further consideration of tree cutting ordinance. Respectfully submi ed, .�sz we Deane Seeger City manager DS:hb