Approved Minutes - 1959-04-01 PM0’ I April 1) 1950 ‘C , The adjourned meeting of March 17, 1959 of the C;it.y Council reconvened on April 1, 1959. Members prasent were DoRell.i!j, Hormsen, Jtolden, Lawrence, Rogers, Stanley and Mayor Stidd. : ‘rj Mnbers of the Council signed the Canvass of El&ion Returns in&- cetiny the $300,000 Water Rand Issue Passed nitt[ a vote OC 334 for and‘ 116 against. . ? Proclamation which the E%yor issues on a Charter1 Amondment’~& signed by the Mayor and made re@y for posting. ORDINANCE NO, 612 - AN ORDINANCE J’ROVIDING FOR;: TiJE 1SVANCE AND SALE OF TtJHW HUNDRED THOUSAND DOILARS .WlRTtl OF GENBJIAL OBLIGATION BONDS TO ,. PROVIDE RIHDS FOR IMPROVING AND EX’tENDI[NG THE CI’J’Y \lA'iER SYSIBM, REPEAI.- ING OKDINAJJCE NO. 600, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCk - read first time in its ent!.rety. After discusr,ion, DeHellis movkl, Lawrence seconded that Ordinance No, 612 be read second, time by title only. Motion carried unanimously, Ordinance No. 612 read second timajby title only and on roll call vote was unanimously approved. / OHDINANGE Nd; 613 - AN ORDINANCE P;WVIDING FOR A$ ELECTION’-?-0 RE HELD WTHIN AN ARCA HEREIN DFSCRLf#iD ON THE QUESTION ‘?F ANiGXATXON OF AN ARE.4 WHICH IS CONTIGUOJJS TO THE CUY r)l: OS’NEW), AND Di:,CLARltiG AN BMEJWNCY ._- read first time in its entirety. After dis&ssic)n, Lawrence”moved, DeSJellis seconded that Ordlnanc? No, 613 be readisecond time by title only. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance Noi 61.3 read second tims by title only and on roll call vote was unanimou+y approved. Meeting adjourned. , :i . e ./ ;j :I :i :\ ; ; 3 I . . , *I ( .-~’ : ,. I‘ !I . ‘I.’ \‘I ” ,‘, .‘.j .: ,‘;. ,, .a ., I;.,: *j .7 3 ,: T.1 :.,,,j ., . . ‘.a