Approved Minutes - 1959-07-21 PMJuly 21, 1959
The regular moating of the City Council convened on July 21, 1953, Momber6 prosent were DeBolli 6) Helmson, Holden, wm, Rogers, Stanley and Mayor Stidd, , fij,,.,. ,.x--CL---
Herrnsen moved, Roger6 6ocondod that the minute6 of July 7, 1959 !5e approved OS mailed, Motion carried.
REWZX FROM AUDIBKCE MS, Davis who is handling the annexation requests from the. Perncxelt Plat origlnably tuned by Herb Kruso presented to the Council his requo6t for in-snediate ': handling of the annexation roquests from the property owners that he had son- - tacted. Advised they did not wish to be held up pending the receival of annexation requests from ot.her property o\vners, Advised the annexation proceedings would be started at the Auguot 4, 1959 courtoil meeting.
CITY ATTORNEY - L. Eugene Crempton Presented the Bill of Sala to Portland General Electric Company which had been referred to Holden for checking from the July 7 I:beting. Holden advised Pa were writing a letter and this is to be bald until it is received. .!.:
Agreement between Oswego Wlghlends and City of Oswego presented for authorization for Mayor and Recorder to execute. This agreement changes the locality ‘of the work to be performed on contract dated September 21, 1957, Hermsen moved9 Lawrence seconded that authorization bo given for execution of this paper= Motion carried.
Reaolutiu-n setting date of August 18, 1959 as date of public hearing on I/D #45 Hemlock Street presented, This wa5 necessary as notice of public hearing had : not been placed in the paper to meet legal requirements. l%Bollis movad, tlolden seconded that same be approved. Motion carried.
Cf TY’ ENGINEER - Ray N.. Cruden
Advised that Resolutlon No. 1 on I/D #49 Leke Bay Court had not, been prepared for presentation. DLscussfon.arose on the width of the finished street.
Engineer instructed to present alternate of 28 foot width street for consideration. Lawrence moved, Holden seconded approval of handling in this manner, Motion carried.
Resolution No, I. on S/U f/!30 LAKE? GARDEN-CHANDLER Sowor setting date of August 18,
1959 as date of filing Engineer’s Report. DeBellis moved, Yermsen seconded that resolution be approved, Motion carried.
Reeolution No. 1 on f/D h’51 LAKE GARDEN Sl%3!TS setting date of August 18, 1959 as date of filing of Engineer’s report, DaBellis moved, Lawrence seconded that resolution be approved. Motion carried,
Resolution No, 1 on .1/D 452 OSWEGO Hl%liIs (ARMCRY) Sewer presented setting date of Engineer@9 report on August 18, 1959. DoBe moved, Lawrence seconded
that same be approved, Motion carried.
0 July 21, 1059 - Pago 2
Motion carried.
in the volunteer fire dept. Cheilman also advised the council that due to the annexation to the Riverdale Fire District we would enter into a new contract with them.
LIBRARY 8 PUBLIC BUILDINGS -.‘rhn, F. Holden None.
pUBtIC WORKS - R, iI. DeBollis Reported on what the street department has been the way of securing
Also advised regarding their proposed street improvement
. :
PARK - Gee. Rogers None.
?!ATEF: - Friank Hermsen Requested council approval authorizing the sale of the water pump and acCosaories from the well at 10th & C that has been abandoned. Hormsen moved, Holden seconded that the Engineer be authorized to proceed wlth the sale. Motion carried.
Mayor requostod information relative to the installation of water pipe in accordance with promises made to the public on the water bond sale, Engineer advised that bids would be secured by the August 4, 1999 council meeting so that the work could begin.
POLICE - Mayor stidd Presented for the Council@s consideration the metter of an ordinance whihwould permit <the issuing of parking permits for bu’sineoftes on State Street. Matter held for further discussion.
Mooting adjourned.