Approved Minutes - 1959-10-20 PM:a ‘, 1.. 4 i:! I, -0 3ctober 2$, 1959 The regular meotlc pr;{;; were DeBel P of the City Cquncil convenoJ on Wober 20,. 1939, Members is, Hermeen, Holden, Rogera, St$4ey and lu(ayor Stidd, tavironce, 0 . ,’ DeBelli8 moved, Stanley qeconded that the minute8 of Oatober 6, 1959 be approved ,,, a8 mailed. Motion carried. ,’ / I’ REXM8TS PROM AUDUMX3 Notie. CITY AYTORNEY - I;, Eugene Crampton : 4’ Advised the Counoil ehould take offioial aotion on e&cieing it, option or)+the ,-‘, : Lake Owego Water Co. Rogers9 moved, lhBelti8 qconded that the’ Recorder b&i ins’truated to write a letter to Paul Murphy advising the City was exercising it8 option. Motion carried. ‘i: ‘, PI ..1 , Bid openin held ou\ I/D #46 1ROh Ml’. COUNTRY CLUB ROAD with the follWng: Z’:, Oregon As dl altic! Carnpbny $9180,60) Charles T. Parker Conatruation $86i)4;2Qj.. Caecede Conatiwit~on Co. $9891&I+ Holden moved, hBellis seconded that ttie award be made to Charlee T. PaPker Co, a8 low bidder. ‘btioh carried, Public HearJqg held on Pernorest Palisades Annexation f#2* No written romon8trances ” on file with the Recorder and no verbal ones frm the floor* ORDI[NANCR NO, 634 - AN Cf3DImWZ ANNfWNC. TO ‘IWe‘ CITY OF CWEGC CERTAIN LAND CONW3UOUS TC THI!! CITY OF 06WEo3, BRING IN PALISADES PARK PLAT NOS.’ 4 efid 6, P&WREST PLAT NO. 3, ,:. ” -. AhW4DED RRPLAf OF FERNCREST PM NO. 3, AND CERTAIN OTHER LANDS fXICATI?D IN SECTIONS 16 and‘18, T28, RlE!, W&; AND DECLARING AN EMERGEtiY - read first time in it8 entirety. After disouesion, Roger! ‘moved, Hermsen seconded that ordinance ” be read .8eCond timg by .title’ only. read second time by title only. Motion Un8n@oU8ly approved. Ordinance No0 634 “’ Cn ~011 call vote unanimously approved. ’ Resolution presented prohibiting ‘parking on Parrieh Street f&m MoVey. to Hemlock. :j Hermsen moved, ‘ileBel~i8 seconded thet.aawe be approved.’ Motion carried.:, I Resolution on Brudvig annexation presented sottin$dato of November 17, 1959 i38 date<,of publio hearing? Motion carried, ’ Hermsen.,moved, Holden seconded thst - 8fme bF/ approved. <,, ‘it .’ -*, I, :I II CITY ENCINBER - Ray NI Cruden Presented reeolution.accepting as corn&ted I/D #28,-Y&es Street Sewer end 8etting November 17, 1959 88 date of p\lblic hearing on 88808ment8. Dfhlli8 ,’ vved, &r&n seconded that 8eme be approved, Motioh carried. ‘. Presented resolution accepting’ a$ cqpleted I/D%14 #outh kswego. Sewer and +tting December 1, lsM9 a8 date of Publio hearing on aaaesemeftta, DeBellis-% - ‘--?J” moved, Roger6 seconded that aatne ba approved, Motion Obrried, ‘. . . .a MXSCELLANEOUS’ Mayor presented,-let& from Governor Hatfield’8 UN Day chaiwaan asking that October ‘24, 1959 be praclaimed a8 United Nationti Day, With approvai’rof ..qouncil m8mber8 Mayor proclaimed Ootober: 24, 1959 a8 United Nationa-Day. .,,.; . ’ ‘:, : _ 2, .,d, . .’ ,-. ,’ :.\ / .I .- : ,’ .’ : . . , : d < t. . ’ .: October 20, 1959 A &go 2 .I FINANCE! 4 PERSONNEL - D-e Stanley .i, . .* Stanley moved, Hermsen seconded $hat the Council confjrm the ,ec$ion of the ” . Finance Committee in approving bills and payroll for the month (If September as per ? records on file in the Reoorder’e offiae, On roll call vote mo!;ion carried, ‘I.:. _. Presented letter from Public Works ChaMan tgrcninatlng the empl,o)snmt of W&P, Johnson due to 8 broken leg as of October 14, 1959. All sick ldave and vacetlon tima had been Used* Presented to Camroll, Kenneth C. Klewitter for employment in th@ Poli& l&pertmen‘& Starting salary to be $319&O a8 of Cofober 15, 1959. Appoi,ntsnsnt protested by DeSellie due to past record a5 police officer. After much, discus&on, Stanley moved, Rogers seconded that Klawitter be employed-from October lb to’ October’ -21 on ‘a temporaxy basin and ae 64 that date ho be placed on 31x month'6 probation'&" a starting sefary of $319.00 permonth, Kermsen, Kolden, Rogers, Stanley and Stidd voted yes* DeBellis voted no- Motion oarrledz ' I>, -3, >, '. FIRE - Jme 8, Lewrence Fire Chief reque&ed permission in Portland startling October 23, 50 attend e speaisl ‘reecue:‘school ,to be held ., ‘.’ ApprMmate cost would be 824.00~ Karmaen moved, ,’ DeBellis seconded:that he.be pormitt4d to attend and furnish reaejpte for ex- “1,) I pendftures. Mot5.M aarried, I. l. ‘K&ton Millet presented for’m~bsrehip~ in the Voluri'teer Firemen. Had already \\ li : bean approved by the Volunteers, Kermsen moved, Stanley secdnded that he be appxoved. Motion aaWed,. . * + " a' !' '* /y:t LlRRARY‘& PUE&IC BUILDINGS - h)n, F. Holden NOna* PURLZ WORKS - R. F. IleDallie . * ,.ii+ \ Read to the Counoil the quarterly report of the Clacksnas Ceun$y Health @partmentr : ', PARK - Gao* Rogeta .5 ,:, I. " ., !! None. : ,, s. : ,_~_ .:; WATER - Prank Kermsen -i ,, ~ " Further: diecus;siion held on the progreet; mede in csnpleting phase one of ‘the ‘) -work to he perfomed with the $300,000. Engineer advleed he would have plans ready to submit to the Council at the Nattember 3 meeting ancf secure their approiial and at that time would aak.for authorization to call for.bide. - . : . FELICE - +iayor Scidd . II’ ,: Chief placed before Council the desirability of posting bail ,at the time of ” -’ c: arrest ststlng much time and effort would be caved in collections.T Matter taken under advisement, ,t r,. I. Meeting edjourned. .- :., \!\ .’ .\‘.I