Agenda - 2001-03-19 c?�i o4 LAKE Os..., CITY COUNCIL INFORMATION SESSION °° Monday, March 19, 2001 iiiii!'41°1111! Aii 4:00P.M. Council Chambers City Hall 380 A Avenue OREGO$ AGENDA City Councilors Judie Hammerstad, Mayor Jack Hoffman, Council President Ellie McPeak Also published on the internet at: ci.oswego.or.us Gay Graham Contact: Robyn Christie,Deputy City Recorder Karl Rohde E-Mail: public_affairs@ci.oswego.or.us Bill Schoen Phone: (503)675-3984 John Turchi This meeting is in a handicapped accessible location. For any special accommodations, please contact Public Affairs, (503) 635-0236, 48 hours before the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. INFORMATION SESSION 3.1 E-Government 3.2 Comprehensive Plan 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to ORS 192.660(1)(e), to deliberate with persons designated to negotiate real property transactions and (h) to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. 5. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 6. ADJOURNMENT City Council Information Session Page 1 of 1 March 19, 2001