Agenda Item - 2001-03-19 (04) -: E- Government City of Lake Oswego " "` Definitions L J•p• * E-Government — Information Services provided to citizens • Telephone • Walk-In • Web Site • Email * E-Commerce — Transactional Services provided to citizens • Integrated Communications i 4 G ti --_• Current Broadband i : Beaverton 1:] I E:i 1 Lake Oswego MIIIIIIImO Ili zi.. 0 4diar. 0 , c,__ , ._ .,=_,_ ,___ , ,/ , .. , _ Hillsboro TualatinCE:"..] I Tigard - Webserver 11 I IT In rastructure @ Lake I : 14 414; 1r.21.* 1,a: ` " xIR � 1� 4 • ii,, i Dotted Line t Relationship with... 11 Networked City Buildings 250+ Computers & Email Accounts Maintenance Mgt System TM a Financial Mgt & Human Resources System Court Docket Mgt System Utility Billing System Website 11 r E- Government Today * Searchable Website/City Code * D epart ment Inf ormation * C ounciUB oard Meeti ngs & A genda * Current News & Events * E mergency Information * N ei ghb orh ood Information * Job Openings 11 �� E- Commerce Today * Library - via LINCC _ _ - Request Materials to be picked up — Renew material online * Parks & Recreation - via Recreati onBiz — Register for classes & events • Recreation & Special Activities • • Adult Community Center • Golf/Tennis Siy �¢ ` •-�j'� E- Commerce Tomorrow i * W eb Store — Coming Soon ! '� * Lien Search C apability * Utility Bills * C ourt Fi. _ nes1 .. , * D og Li cense R enewals * Plann ing & Perm it Fees __,,. _ ___ * Integrate Web, Telephone, Walk-in' s y � 1 - • :..�'t Consider. . . 4.114 * Which Transactions * Cost effectiveness • * Outsource '1 * Staffing * Training * Marketing * Timing 111411111111 Challenges f * Utili ty Billi ng Syst em Update * Court System Update - Six to 12 Months Out — $25-50K to Upgrade Each * Increased need for Backup Systems ��_j" Some Costs to Consider. . . ir * Outsourcing _ ____ r _ . _:=__ - First Application $30,000 - Additional Appl. $15,000 * Server $ 15,000 * T- 1 w/Internet $ 18,000/yr * Firewall $20,000 * Firewall Maint $ 15 ,000/yr _,_ * Webmaster $60,000/yr * Backup Systems $30-50K * Consultants $200/hour � '• Next Steps. . . i6tr, * Mayor and Council to get City Notebooks * Cit y E mail A ccounts to be established * Forwarding to "at home" accounts * El ect roni c Council_„, „ _ Packets Coming Soon ! * Publi c R ecords L aw Impacts * Policy and Proced ures need t o be developed