Agenda Item - 2001-08-07 - Number 9.1 - v�,,�E�, 9. 1 w° nR/n7/n1 AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY MEETING DATE: August 7, 2001 SUBJECT: ORDINANCE No. 2300. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO AMENDING THE LAKE OSWEGO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP TO INCLUDE .5 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BOONES FERRY ROAD BETWEEN JEAN WAY AND 63RD AVENUE WITHIN THE URBAN SERVICES BOUNDARY, TO DESIGNATE TAX LOT 100 OF TAX MAP 21E18BC AS GENERAL COMMERCIAL (GC) AND THE RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY (21E18 INDEX, TAX LOT 300) AS INDUSTRIAL PARK(IP) AND ADOPTING FINDINGS (LU 01-0010) RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2300. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego amending the Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan Map to include .5 acres located on the north side of Boones Ferry Road between Jean Way and 63rd Avenue within the Urban Services Boundary, to designate Tax Lot 100 of Tax Map 21E18BC as General Commercial (GC) and the railroad right-of-way (21E18 Index, Tax Lot 300) as Industrial Park (IP) and adopting Findings (LU 01-0010) EST. FISCAL ATTACHMENTS: NOTICED (Date): IMPACT: July 26, 2001 • Exhibit A -Findings and Conclusions No. LU 01- Ordinance no.: 2300 0010-1428, Resolution no.: N/A STAFF COST: $ • Exhibit B -Map BUDGETED: Findings no.: LU 01-0010-1428 Y N Previous Council FUNDING SOURCE: consideration: r . -----) A,e,C24,11/.._ Lt3)----cf-/ . CITY ATTORNEY ASST. CITY MANAGER CITY MA AGER Signoff/date 1-j J( Signoff/date Signoff/date 2 (-1`7 0 N �.!i M:\Ord\RptCovOl.doc ORDINANCE NO. 2300 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO AMENDING THE LAKE OSWEGO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP TO INCLUDE .5 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BOONES FERRY ROAD BETWEEN JEAN WAY AND 63RD AVENUE WITHIN THE URBAN SERVICES BOUNDARY, TO DESIGNATE TAX LOT 100 OF TAX MAP 21E18BC AS GENERAL COMMERCIAL (GC) AND THE RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY (21E18 INDEX, TAX LOT 300) AS INDUSTRIAL PARK (IP)AND ADOPTING FINDINGS (LU 01-0010) WHEREAS, a notice of the public hearing for consideration of this ordinance was duly given in the manner required by law; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the Lake Oswego City Council on July 17, 2001, to review the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve application LU 01-0010 to include the subject properties within the Urban Services Boundary and to apply a Comprehensive Map Designation of Industrial (IP) to 21E18 Index, Tax Lot 300 (railroad right- of-way) and a Comprehensive Plan Map designation of General Commercial (GC) to 21E18BC, Tax lot 100; The City of Lake Oswego ordains as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby adopts the Findings and Conclusions, No. LU-01-0010-1428 attached as Exhibit"A". Section 2. The Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan Map is hereby amended to designate the property at 21E18 Index, Tax Lot 300 as Industrial Park (IP) and the property located at 21E18BC, Tax Lot 100 as General Commercial (GC), and to include the properties within the city's urban services boundary, as shown on Exhibit "B". Read by title only and enacted at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego held on the day of , 2001. AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: EXCUSED: Judie Hammerstad, Mayor Ordinance No. 2300 1 Page 1 of 2 E Dated: AflEST: Robyn Christie, City Recorder APPROVED AS TO . Ate,r4,44 David D. Powell City Attorney M:\Ord\2300-B oonesFerry&JeanW ayUS B.doc • Ordinance No. 2300 Page 2 of 2 1 3 1 BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL 2 OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO 3 4 A REQUEST TO AMEND THE CITY ) OF LAKE OSWEGO COMPREHENSIVE ) LU 01-0010-1428 5 PLAN MAP TO INCLUDE PROPERTIES ) (City of Lake Oswego) • LOCATED AT BOONES FERRY ROAD AND ) 6 JEAN WAY WITHIN THE URBAN SERVICES ) FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 7 BOUNDARY AND TO APPLY ) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATIONS ) 8 [ORDINANCE No. 2300] ) 9 NATURE OF PROCEEDING 10 11 This matter came before the City Council pursuant to a recommendation by the Lake 12 Oswego Planning Commission to include an area of approximately .5 acres located on the north 13 side of Boones Ferry Road between Jean Way and 63rd Avenue within the City's Urban Services 14 Boundary and to apply a Comprehensive Plan Map designation of General Commercial District 15 (GC) to Tax Map 21E8BC, Tax Lot 100 and Industrial Park District (IP) to the railroad right-of- 16 way located at Tax Map 21E18 Index, Tax Lot 300. 17 HEARINGS 18 19 The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered this application at its 20 meeting of May 30, 2001. The City Council held a public hearing and considered the Planning 21 Commission's recommendation at its meeting of July 17, 2001. 22 CRITERIA AND STANDARDS 23 A. City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan 24 Goal 1: Citizen Involvement Policy 1 25 _ 1 .5 .3 Goal 2: Land Use Planning (Section 1,Land Policy 24 26 1 -FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS (LU 01-0010-1428) .� Page [City of Lake Oswego,LU 01-0021] EXHIBIT DavidD.Powell CCityAttorneyAttorneyy-City of of Lake e Oswego 300'A'Avenue-P.O.Boo 369.Lake Oswego,Oregon 97034 O�D (503)635-0225 FAX(503)099-7699.7d33 1 Use Policies &Regulations) 2 Goal 14: Urbanization Policies 10, 13 (a) and 17 (f-h) 3 B. Metro Urban Growth Functional Plan 4 Title 1: Accommodation of Growth 5 Title 6: Regional Accessibility 6 C. Statewide Planning Goals 7 Goal 1: Citizen Involvement Goal 2: Land Use Planning 8 Goal 14: Urbanization 9 FINDINGS AND REASONS 10 The City Council incorporates the staff Council Report, dated July 3, 2001, on LU 01- 11 0010-1428 (with all exhibits attached thereto) and the May 16, 2001 staff report (with all exhibits 12 13 attached thereto) together with the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of May 30, 14 2001, the record of the proceedings before the City Council, and the entire record of the 15 proceedings herein, as support for its decision. 16 CONCLUSION 17 The City Council concludes that LU 01-0010-1428 complies with all applicable criteria 18 and is consistent with applicable Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan Policies and statewide 19 planning goals. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Page 2 -FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS (LU 01-0010-1428) g [City of Lake Oswego,LU 01-0021] David D.Powell City Attorney-City of Lake Oswego �-f / 380"A'Avenue-P.O.Box 369,Lake Oswego.Oregon 97034 1 '� /1 (503)635-0225 FAX(503)699.7453 LU 01 01 ....0010 MAP 2 IE 1888 I I COMPREHENSIVE PLAN . . ....____.STR T ....k., MAP AMENDMENTS -a- EE • .. - . ,1/4z_ _ NOT --..„..- CONSTUCTED 3.. _ 7— ,r• / 1 202„....,„. 4.......... 2 ffe,25 , , I .Y,'•• I I ' _' D' 0 21 7 — 0 .1.11/Pin ,.. -• : EXISTING CITY USB --, ", 4 7,ITN-A 02 , --r . ••-• aSSESSED EY DEiPT DF REVENUE , ....,'. i •••• f il I 14 I . .. u 1 f ill I \ '13 to , , 1 17. 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