Agenda Item - 2001-10-10 V KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 610 SW ALDER,SUITE 700 • PORTLAND,OR 97205 • (503)228-5230 • FAX(503)273-8169 Boones Ferry Road Public Involvement Process L Corridor Study ■Key to the development of a successful and community supported plan was an active public involvement process. } ,� Public Involvement I In addition to the PAC,elements of the public � � i Process involvement program included: I • City Staff Community Contact(Tom Tushner) s •"' • Community Newsletters and Mailings(4) . ! tom"-�`' • Public Workshops(3) ' r'P,t`" • Project Web Site a1, h • One-on-one business/property owner meetings(more than 10) gi ffl RI S K i,,,rri u� s Boones Ferry Road Corridor Study 'P 1 Ui �l J KINIwn L NeoNetw,Ina KInolmn L N•mleb•,Inc Boones Ferry Road Summary of Existing Conditions Corridor Study ■4—5 lane cross-section I !� I 54 private driveways ■7 public access points - "i i' Summary of ■4 signalized intersections - �', I' Existing and Future •23,000-26,000 average �'"'' < vehicles per day I S�"`�` Conditions Analysis •30—40 crashes per year(since 1997) �'�, :'';•' g7; ■Acceptable intersection operations during peak - 4', hours - ■47%/53%split between"through"vs."local"trips 6REEIIIIINKS ®a 6REEIIffiORKS Boones Ferry Road Corridor Study Klhel•on L NLONNe•,Ina KIItNeen L Nemleq•,Ine. Summary of 2020 Future Conditions Summary of 2020 Future Conditions ■Estimated 34-percent growth In peak hour traffic ■Projected left-turn vehicular storage deficiencies (approximately 1.7-percent per year) at: i _ III 30,000 to 35,000 average vehicles per day • Mercantile Drive(NB) 1 — ' 1• •Intersection operational deficiencies forecasted at the • Oakridge Road-Reese Road(SB) following intersections: -, ,• • Bryant Road(NB and SB) " - •-' • Red Cedar Way fl '- • Douglas Way II _ _ II Multi-modal issues: • Lanewood Street ' ill { • Reduced transit service along corridor • SW Madrona Street i y`= • Need and desire for continuous pedestrian and bicycle facilities mom om Boones Ferry Road Corridor Study IC me moms Boones Ferry Road Corridor Study K KIhN•on L N•edLb•,Inc Klnoloon L Nowlin.,Inc. 2 KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/TRAFFIC ENGINEERING N610 SW ALDER,SUITE 700 • PORTLAND,OR 97205 • (503)228-5230 • FAX(503)273-8169 Summary of 2020 Future Conditions Boones Ferry Road L Corridor Study ■Accessibility Issues; • Congestion leads to higher delays and longer q for .7411) ,. driveway and intersection turning movements. l • Likely increase in number of m'y r.r', , „ _ ,.,,, Summary of pedestrian,bicycle,and f� rr. vehicular conflicts. `i 1 1"� 2 � ' Corridor Alternatives ,y Analysis • Mainline congestion due to , j` - j'> lack of exclusive left-turn 4.° lanes. _ ' a i' 6REQ1tiiti s Boones Ferry Road Corridor StudyK MRECJICtn IU I'fURKS K IOeel.en L Aeemletee,Ina. IOtlMeen L A.emlelee,Im Presentation of Tech Memo #3 Roadway Cross-Section Summary ■Design alternatives were developed and s t. evaluated for the following roadway and e s - i 3 i streetscape elements: _ • Vehicular Travel Lanes q i • Median Treatments ' j �' -- ., •Traffic Signal Improvements ,.`o._ • Bicycle Facilities _ I • Pedestrian Facilities/Landscaping • Intersection/Crosswalk Treatments „ ? • Roadway Illumination • Parking,circulation,access concepts •--•• -y- , "42 -- +x , NI III ERE Boones Ferry Road Corridor Study f`DCCt1111oD�5 Boones Ferry Road Corridor Study `IJ4 W Illl GREE❑�ILU Il gneleen L Aeemluee,Iro. lUOelem L Nemleteei lna. SW Boones Ferry Road Vehicular Travel Lanes Corridor Study ■11-foot vehicular travel lanes [i Elements of the PAC Recommended Plan e g ' i o= a g dYalig'I I I;- t rr&[IIES a �1[U I f'prEflwol S Boones Ferry Road Corridor Study K KIXNeen&Aeeaeletee,In.. p,�se„L N.mlate.,Ina. 3 V KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 610 SW ALDER,SUITE 700 • PORTLAND,OR 97205 • (503)228-5230 • FAX(503)273-8169 Median Treatments Traffic Signal Improvements I •12-Foot Two-Way Left-Turn Lane ■Traffic Signal Improvement Alternatives •Landscaping Treatments wherever possible • Timing ,.,t Tom LAW .•, ''',yi<<•; • Coordination •, • Interconnect H L.41 -FT - 7Z-7T _____ _ ._ _. _ Boone.Ferry Road Corridor Study t Boone.Ferry Road Corridor Study '� 6REEfIUJURKSb.C1 MINKS INKS \ Kltt•Imn L A•trool•a•,Ina Kin*L A••eelat••,Ina. Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian Facilities/Landscaping •5-foot Striped Bicycle Lane ■8-toot Pedestrian Way/Landscaping Strip zI 1 5 g ,, t `f`'�j 1 w W \ Y 1 I , I• ri — = 1\..,—,:.) . ., 1 omit% tii 6REED000RKS Boones Ferry Road Corridor Study K mums Boones Ferry Road Corridor Study Kle•1•en L N•ml•t••,Ina. KIReI•an L A••eol•ba,Ina. Intersection Crosswalk Treatments Roadway Illumination Options •Concrete,Textured Crossings II Ornamental Lighting Fixtures ihr11i_____ --- ~ H--- y al Iq rzl• lair ir - - tea, J,1 ---- I • _ I- •• ..., t I uiuRKS Boones Ferry Road Corridor Study K Rams Boones Ferry Road Corridor Study ®< Ul �l�l q�l.m L N.eel.t•a,Im. OiICCI I I U J KItM.en L.L..mletea,Ina. 4 KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 7 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 610 SW ALDER,SUITE 700 • PORTLAND,OR 97205 • (503)228-5230 • FAX(503)273-8169 PAC Recommended Cross-Section Areas for Further Study /0 •Request to the State Speed 5 ,, ( 5 ; S . I Advisory Board for a 25 5� It ; o f k. -; . . ; , K mph posted speed limit. : , - c. P L: ■Land use and building f r ` design study for rp= development guidelines 68 within the envisioned Lake r) Grove Village(2001-2003 •66'curb-to-curb width(82'total right-of-way) • l „° TGM Grant project). (e,%+. y iKiI Boone.Ferry Road Corridor Study Boone.Ferry Road Corridor Study ►i IURRISS 6REf�RIORfSS ti Klmeleern L Aeeeoleeee,Ino. Kimble,.•Neadoeee,Inc. Boones Ferry Road Corridor Study ail • Comment and Discussion tip: ,tea rp[rnlil�Riic Boone.Ferry Road Corridor Study OOI�lCCOu��W J Klmel•en 6/uamlaeee,Ino. 5