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Agenda Packet - 2015-06-15
STAFF REPORT CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO PLANNING DIVISION APPLICANT/OWNER: FILE NO: Oswego Lake Country Club LU 15-0029 TAX LOT REFERENCE: STAFF: Tax Lots 100& 160 of Tax Map 2S1E04 Debra Andreades and Tax Lot 3000 of Tax Map 21E04DB LOCATION: DATE OF REPORT: 20 Iron Mt. Blvd June 5,2015 COMP. PLAN DESCRIPTION: 120-DAY DECISION DATE: R-10 September 10, 2015 ZONING DESIGNATION: NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: R-10 North Shore-Country Club I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval to modify the Country Club's conditional use permit(CUP) in order to remove an approximately 2-acre portion of land from the Club's property that is subject to CUP limitations and a 2-parcel minor land partition. No development is proposed as part of this application. II. RECOMMENDATION Approval of LU 15-0029 with conditions. The complete listing of conditions is provided on pages 15- 18 of this report. III. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS A. City of Lake Osweeo Community Development Code (Chapter LOC 501: LOC 50.02.001 Residential Zones LOC Residential R-10 zone Dimensional Standards LOC Sensitive Lands Overlay District LOC 50.06.001 Building Design LU 15-0029 Page 1 of 18 LOC 50.06.002 Parking LOC Access/Access Lanes LOC On-Site Circulation-Driveways and Fire Access Roads LOC Local Street Connectivity LOC 50.06.004 Lighting Standard LOC Weak Foundation Soils LOC Drainage Standard for Major Developments, Partitions. Subdivisions, and Certain Structures LOC Solar Access LOC 50.06.008 Utilities LOC 50.06.009 Historic Preservation LOC Burden of Proof LOC Public Notice/Opportunity for Public Comment LOC Hearings LOC Conditions on Development LOC Appeals LOC Modification of Conditional Use Permit LOC Compliance with Approved Permit LOC Minor Development Decisions LOC Platting B. City of Lake Oswego Streets and Sidewalks Code [LOC Chapter 421: LOC 42.03.130 Vision Clearance at Intersections LOC 42.08.400-42.08.470 Streets and Sidewalks C. Previous Actions CU 2-84; DR 17-84(Mod. 9-92);VAR 7-84;CU 5-85; HR 5-92; DR 19-95;AN 99-0003; LU 01-0017; LU 04-0026 IV. FINDINGS Background/Existing Conditions 1. The property is approximately 121.5 acres in size,with frontages on Country Club Road (a major arterial), Iron Mountain Blvd (a major collector), and Ridgecrest Drive, Fairway and Chandler Roads (all three local streets), (Exhibit E-1). 2. The property is zoned R-10. Properties to the east and west are also zoned R-10,and properties to the south are zoned R-15, all developed with single family homes.Two properties to the northwest are zoned Parks and Natural Areas(PNA)a City-owned open space. Properties to the north across Country Club Road are zoned R-7.5 or located in unincorporated Clackamas County, all developed with single family homes(Exhibit E-2). 3. The site contains the Oswego Lake Country Club that includes a golf course. The Country Club is designated as a historic landmark on the City's Landmark List.The site has a gentle slope towards the south and mature trees interspersed throughout the property(Exhibit E-3). 4. The previous actions listed above indicate that the golf course was already in operation in 1984. Therefore,the golf course's CUP would be pursuant to LOC, as uses that qualify as a conditional use that existed prior to 1982 are not deemed a nonconforming use but a LU 15-0029 Page 2 of 18 • conforming conditional use.The extent of the conditional use area is based upon the area of use in 1982. V. REVIEW AND APPROVAL PROCEDURES A. Neighborhood Meeting The applicant held a neighborhood meeting on February 24, 2015.The minutes of the meeting are included as Exhibit F-2. B. Public Notice to Surrounding Area The City has provided adequate public notice and opportunity to comment on this application pursuant to LOC 50.07.003. No written comments were received during the comment period. C. Burden of Proof Per LOC,the applicant for a development permit shall bear the burden of proof that the application complies with all applicable review criteria or can be made to comply with applicable criteria by imposition of conditions of approval.The applicant has provided sufficient evidence to enable staff to evaluate the proposal.These documents are listed as exhibits at the end this report. VI. MINOR DEVELOPMENT A. Classification of Application LOC describes a minor land partition as minor development. LOC, LOC (19) and LOC classify a minor modification of a (CUP) as minor development. Modification of Conditional Use Permit iLOC -Classification: The applicant is proposing to partition off a 2-acre portion (Parcel 1)of the large Country Club site that will result in a total of two lots;the 119-acre Parcel 2 would continue to be used as a golf course. Parcel 1 would no longer be subject to the Club's CUP approval. Therefore the area encompassed within the CUP would be reduced, resulting in a modification of the CUP. A request to substantially modify a CUP shall be processed in the same manner as a request for a new CUP. A modification is considered a minor modification of a CUP if it meets the following criteria: a. Meets all requirements of the development standards and other legal requirements; and As discussed below, regarding the partition, all dimensional standards and other requirements of the zone,as well as all development standards, are met. LU 15-0029 Page 3 of 18 b. Does not significantly affect other property or uses; will not cause any deterioration or loss of any natural feature, process or open space; nor significantly affect any public facility; and The site is zoned R-10. Uses listed in Table 50.03.002-1 with "P" are outright permitted; uses listed with C are conditionally permitted. The Lake Oswego Country Club is a conditional use (Table 50.03.002-1/ Nonresidential Use/ Recreation/Entertainment). A conditional use is an activity which is permitted in a zone but which, because of some characteristics which are not entirely compatible with other uses allowed in the zone, cannot be permitted outright.The site must be physically capable of accommodating the use and if any intensification of the uses on site were proposed, it must be shown that the functional characteristics of the use is compatible with uses in the vicinity.Conditions may be imposed on a conditional use to assure that the use meets the above criteria. LOC In contrast, outright permitted uses in a zone are deemed to be compatible with other outright permitted uses in the zone because they can be approved ministerially, and they are not subject to conditions of approval to make them compatible. See LOC of Approval not applicable to ministerial development.) The removal of a portion of the property that is subject to the CUP does not significantly affect other property or uses because: • The reduction of two acres in the area subject to the golf course CUP will not render the 119 acre "remaining" parcel physically incapable of accommodating a golf course use. The fairway and holes in the 2-acre area will be removed and the fairway and hole in the surrounding area may need toy be reconfigured (see below). - - - - stG -*. {"s _ m. t - _ Ate' ___ 11 y f 4 { s Use of the golf course is handled through a reservation system, so there would not be more players on the golf course than can play the golf course at any one time. Any reduction in the capacity of the golf course will be handled through a reduction in the number of persons that may obtain tee times. No additional traffic or off-site impacts would be created by the 1.65% reduction in the physical acreage of the golf course. • The 2-acre parcel will continue to be zoned R-10 and only those uses allowed outright in the zone(residential use) may be located there. Removing a conditional use,so that future use will be consistent with the zone's outright permitted uses, does not by that LU 15-0029 Page 4 of 18 action significantly affect other property or uses. Any impacts to adjacent property are those allowed outright to the extent that land that is now"vacant" can be used as allowed in the zone. This type of impact is no different than that which occurs in any part of the City when vacant residential land is developed. (Any future development of Parcel 1 will be subject to the zone requirements, development standards in effect at the time of application, and,for minor or major development, conditions of approval per LOC The conditional use, as the area is reduced,will not cause deterioration or loss of any natural feature, process or open space because: • Natural Feature: The focus of this portion of the criterion is upon the effect of the modified conditional use. Although an expansion of a conditional use might arguably have such an effect(and hence the reason for its inclusion in the criterion),a reduction of conditional use area will not result in the conditional use causing the loss of a natural feature. (Future development of outright permitted uses on Parcel 1 would be required to comply with the Tree Code, LOC Chapter 55, as on any lot in the City.) Open Space: Although the property appears similar to open space from off-site, it is not "open space" as defined in the LOC: "Open Space" are "parks" and "natural areas". The golf course is not a natural area. A"park" includes"...private land providing for one or more of the following: a. The active recreational needs of the community; ... b. The passive recreation needs of the community;or c. Scenic and aesthetic appearance and/or protection of natural processes on land that is to remain in natural or landscaped condition; and is either dedicated to the public or by other means committed to use for the general public,or permanently reserved by common ownership among the owners of a development. LOC Definitions The Lake Oswego Golf Course is not committed for use by the general public or in common ownership. There are no public facilities on the property that could be affected. c. Does not affect any condition specifically placed on the development by action of the hearing body or City Council. The most recent action on the property was an approval by the DRC to construct two new buildings to serve for the pro-shop and cart/club storage in 2004 (LU 04-0026).The removal of two acres from the golf course conditional use permit area does not affect any of the conditions specifically placed on that development by the DRC_ This modification is therefore classified as a minor modification,and could be reviewed as minor development by staff(LOC Staff exercises the authority granted by LOC,to refer a minor development application directly to a hearing body for review against the criteria for a minor modification of a conditional use, above, and the minor development criteria below. LU 15-0029 Page 5 of 18 B. Criteria for Review of Application Per LOC,for any minor development application to be approved, it shall first be established that the proposal complies with: 1. The requirements of the zone in which it is located; R-10 Dimensional Standards (LOC The site is zoned R-10.The applicant proposes to divide the site into two parcels (Parcels 1 and 2)and modify the area subject to the golf course conditional use permit (Parcel 2).There are no structures on the 2-acre portion that will become Parcel 1; there are structures located on Parcel 1 but they are not located near the partition boundary. Construction of future structures on these parcels will be subject to the site development requirements that are in effect at the time of building permit application or at the time of construction if no building permit is required. The current lot dimensional standards for the R-10 zone are listed in the matrix below. Standard f Limitation ( Parcel 1 Parcel 2 Lot Area 10,000 sf 2.112 acres 119.448 acres Lot Width J 65 ft. I `500 ft. I >500 ft.on all frontages Setbacks All setbacks met on all frontages. No development proposed Front 125 ft. Undeveloped I Undeveloped in the Side 110 ft. Undeveloped I area abutting the Rear 130 ft. Undeveloped I partition boundary Lot Coverage 25-35%, Undeveloped No change to existing depending on structure* height of house Floor Area 3,000 sq.ft.+ —19,300 sf allowed Existing club house [(actual lot size— would continue to 5,800 sq.ft.)x comply with Floor Area 0.19]+750 sf for maximum* a garage Height 30-35 ft. Undeveloped No change to existing depending on structure* slope of lot *Applicant has not provided this information; however,the majority of the lot comprises a golf course and the parcel is so large that the club house structures on the site do not approach the limitations. As illustrated in the table above and in Exhibit F-1,the proposed parcels comply with all lot dimensional standards of the zone. In addition to the standards outlined above,the dwelling design and garage appearance and location standards of LOC and 4, below,are applicable to future structures on both parcels. R-10 Structure Design Standards (LOC and 41 These standards are applicable to future structures on both parcels. Compliance with these standards for future structures will be assured during the building permit approval process. LU 15-0029 Page 6 of 18 Street Front Setback Plane The front profile of a structure that fronts on a street shall fit behind a plane that starts at the setback line (front yard or side yard abutting a street) and extends upward to 20 feet in height, then slopes toward the center of the lot up to the maximum base height of the zone. Side Yard Setback Plane The side profile of a structure is required to fit behind a plane that starts at the side property line and extends upward to 12 feet in height,sloping towards the center of the lot at a 12:12 pitch up to the maximum allowed height. Side Yard Appearance and Screening This standard requires measures that minimize the appearance of side wall planes; at least one of the design treatments specified in LOC must be applied. Garage Appearance and Location The garage appearance and location standards require measures that minimize the appearance of the garage. Overlay and Design Districts(LOC 50.051 Sensitive Lands Districts (L0050.05.0101 The property contain a mapped Resource Protection (RP) District (Class 1 stream corridor) on the City's Sensitive Lands Atlas. The stream corridor has been delineated on the adjacent property to the north and a small portion is on the subject site; however, it does not need to be delineated because it is on the northern portion of the property.The area where Parcel 1 is being created contains no portion of the resource and no development is proposed on either parcel. A reduction in the area subject to the golf course CUP does not affect the RP District. This standard is met. 2. The Development Standards applicable to minor developments; Off Street Parking. Loading and Bicycle Access FLOC 50.06.0021 This standard requires that a single-family dwelling provide one off-street parking space. Compliance with this standard will be assured during the building permit review process on Parcel 1. Compliance with the parking requirements for the Country Club was demonstrated during the development review process for that project. Access/Access Lanes (Flag Lots) (LOC This standard requires that every lot abut a street for at least 25 feet(except flag lots), and prescribes standards for access lanes. As shown on Exhibit E-4, Parcel 1 has at least 25 feet of frontage on Ridgecrest Drive and Parcel 2 has a minimum of 25 feet of frontage on several public streets.This standard is met. LU 15-0029 Page 7 of 18 On-Site Circulation—Driveways and Fire Access FLOC This standard contains the geometric design standards for proposed driveways that serve as fire department access roads,and other design features such as slope and width of driveway approaches.The maximum grade and cross slope for a driveway is 15%and 5%, respectively. Driveway approaches shall be located and designed so that drivers entering or exiting the driveway can see approaching traffic for a sufficient distance to make a safe entrance and exit, and that American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials(AASHT0) standards shall be used in determining compliance with this standard. The Fire Marshal states that fire department access is approved.There is no specific driveway approach location proposed with the application.The Engineering staff finds that there is adequate site frontage along Ridgecrest Drive to satisfy the minimum sight distance requirements;there is no change to the driveway to access the golf course.As a condition of approval, the Engineering staff states that a sight distance certification based on AASHTO standards will be required at the time of building permit review on Parcel 1.As conditioned,this standard can be met. Local Street Connectivity ILOC This section is applicable to any development that results in the construction of a street or a land division on parcels of redevelopable land of 1.75 acres or larger, or any project that abuts a parcel upon which there is a street that has been stubbed to the proposed development site. The proposal for a minor partition does not require construction of a street and a street has not been stubbed to the site. However the property is more than 1.75 acres in size,therefore,this standard is applicable. • For development that results in the construction of a street, development is to be designed so that streets and residential accessways create connections that improve local access to the existing system and connections to adjacent developable properties.The standard requires streets to be designed to connect to abutting developable property. Local and neighborhood collector street design shall provide for full street connections between through streets with spacing of no more than 530 feet. • For development that does not result in the construction of a street, a future connectivity plan shall be filed with the City and recorded with the County that shows how the location of future streets will provide for full development of the subject parcel and placement of structures in a manner that allows for the future streets to be constructed. As stated above,this 2-parcel partition does not require construction of a street. For land divisions that do not require construction of a street, a future connectivity plan shall be filed with the City and recorded with the County. The applicant has submitted a Future Connectivity Plan (Exhibit E-5) showing a street connection from Country Club to Iron Mountain Boulevard and Ridgecrest Drive. As a condition of approval, this plan shall be recorded against Parcels 1 and 2, per LOC This standard is met. Lighting(LOC This standard prescribes equipment and lighting standards for public and private streets, and requires street lights at public street intersections along local streets.The Engineering staff states that this partition creating one additional lot will create increased traffic, bike and pedestrian trips to the intersection of Ridgecrest Drive/Crest Drive, thus requiring this LU 15-0029 Page 8 of 18 intersection to have a street light. Because this intersection does not already contain an existing street light, a new street light and, if the existing utility pole is not viable to support the new light,a new pole will be required to be placed at this intersection,to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.As conditioned, this standard is met. Weak Foundation Soils ILOC The City's Soil Inventory Map indicates that portions of the site contain weak foundation soils and other portions are identified as being in a slide area. Compliance with this standard will be assured during the Building Permit review process. This standard can be met. Drainaee Standard for Maior Developments, Partitions,Subdivisinns.and Certain Structures ILOC This standard requires that drainage improvements be provided to ensure that the proposed development will not adversely affect surrounding properties. All drainage systems shall include engineering design features to minimize pollutants such as oil, suspended solids, and other objectionable material in storm water runoff.Sufficient storm water detention shall also be provided. When on-site detention is not feasible or practical, as determined by the City Manager,the applicant shall submit a plan to mitigate any adverse effects resulting from increased runoff and construct these mitigating measures (LOC determination of whether or not the application complies with the requirements of this standard is under the review authority of the City Manager or City Engineer. The City Engineer has made the following findings: It is not feasible or practical to require this partition to provide on-site detention per the code requirement because the amount of storm water release from the maximum residential use permitted on one lot (one dwelling)that would be required to be detained would not be sufficient to keep the system functioning;the amount of release is likely not significant enough to prevent the orifice in the detention control structure from being frequently clogged. LOC requires the development to mitigate for its increased runoff resulting from the increased impervious areas from partitions; therefore, storm water facilities shall be provided to maximize the amount of storm water which is percolated into the soil and to minimize direct overland runoff into streets,drainage systems, and/or adjoining property,thus providing runoff mitigation to comply with the detention standards. The applicant proposes to create a parcel of approximately 2.1 acres and no development is proposed at this time.Given the 2.1 acre size of Parcel 1,there is adequate area on-site for stormwater from any future development on this parcel to be collected, detained and treated. Specific stormwater plans will be reviewed by the City through either building permit or land use review at the time of any future development proposal. The Engineering staff finds the stormwater proposal compliant with LOC, as there is adequate area on the Parcel 1 to provide on-site stormwater management for a new home (an outright permitted use). If Parcel 1 is further divided in the future,additional drainage analysis will be required at that time. As a condition of approval,a final storm design and drainage report will be required to be submitted for review at the time of building permit issuance,to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Driveway runoff cannot be directed to a subsurface disposal system without Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ)approval. Any alternative design that provides the equivalent compliance with the stormwater management standards shall be approved by the City Engineer, e.g., rain gardens, dry wells or storm chambers.As conditioned,this standard is met. LU 15-0029 Page 9 of 18 Solar Access FLOC 50.06.0071 This standard requires that 80 percent of the parcels resulting from a partition approval comply with the solar design standard. Both parcels,therefore, must comply with one of the three alternatives: (a) Basic Requirement, (b) Protected Solar Building Line, or(c) Performance Option. A lot complies with the Basic Requirement if it has a north-south dimension of at least 90 feet and has a front lot line that is oriented within 30 degrees of a true east-west axis. As shown on Exhibit E-4,the basic standard is met on both parcels. In addition, all single-family detached structures in any zone are required to meet the Maximum Shade Point Height Standard [LOC],which protects structures located to the north of the site from shading. Compliance will be assured during building permit review. Utility Standard FLOC 50.06.0081 The Engineering staff has reviewed the application and finds that utilities are available or can be made available as follows: Sanitary Sewer:There is an existing public 8-inch sanitary sewer line located across the Country Club property within a 10-foot public easement near the easterly lot line of proposed Parcel 1. This line extends into Ridgecrest Drive and heads westerly for approximately 300 feet.At the northeast corner of Parcel 1,the public main extends westerly within a 10-foot public easement along the north boundary of Parcel 1 for approximately 110 feet.There also appears to be an existing public main located in Ridgecrest Drive at the intersection of Crest Drive,which extends easterly along Ridgecrest Drive from this intersection for approximately 90 feet. Because the existing grade generally slopes down across the site in a north/northeasterly direction,the Engineering staff finds that the existing line crossing the Country Club property appears to be the most feasible location for a sewer connection. The applicant's topographic survey(Exhibit E-3) shows the location of the public sewer lines and existing public easements.With new development, the minimum easement width over public sewer mains is required to be 15 feet wide, with the sewer line being located at the center of the easement.Therefore, as a condition of approval of this development, a minimum 15-foot wide public sanitary sewer easement will be required over the existing sewer main that runs north/south near the eastern boundary Parcel 1. For the existing sewer line running east/west along the northern boundary of Parcel 1, a public sanitary sewer easement shall be extended south so that the easement line is located a minimum of 7.5 feet from the center of the pipe. The easement for this main shall also continue to abut the northern property boundary of Parcel 1 and extend as far west as the existing easement. The Engineering staff also notes that any future land division of Parcel 1 shall be designed so that private sanitary sewer laterals do no not cross other parcels, and they will need to have a direct connection to the public sewer. Public sewer easements will need to be provided for City Operations to be able to access manholes and the public sewer lines. Any alternatives from requirements described above shall be discussed with the City Engineer for approval. Water and Hydrants:There is an existing 6-inch public water main located in Ridgecrest Road along the site frontage that will provide water service to Parcel 1.The nearest existing fire LU 15-0029 Page 10 of 18 hydrant is located along the north side of Ridgecrest Road at the northwest corner of the proposed new parcel.The Fire Marshal states that hydrant location and fire flow are adequate. Streets and Sidewalks: Ridgecrest Drive is an uncurbed two-lane road within a 20-foot wide public right-of-way.There are no existing sidewalks located within the immediate vicinity of the site.See discussion under LOC Chapter 42, below. Other Utilities: It is the applicant's responsibility to ascertain the availability of electric,gas, telecommunications and cable TV. All new utilities shall be installed underground. Historic Preservation (LOC The Oswego Lake Country Club is designated as a historic landmark.The following standard applies to minor partitions. b. Criteria for Approval for Subdivision, Partition or Lot Line Adjustment(Major or Minor Development) Subdivision, Partition,or Lot Line Adjustment. In order to approve a proposed subdivision, partition (minor or major),or lot line adjustment on a landmark site or within a Historic District,the reviewing authority must find that: L The subdivision, partition (minor or major)or lot line adjustment does not result in a landmark to be split into separate lots. The Country Club is significant for its role in the development of the Oswego area and for its clubhouse that was designed by a prominent architect, Morris Whitehouse.The Clubhouse is a fine example of Arts and Crafts architecture, incorporating use of local stone and other rustic materials.There are no historic site features that could be split as a result of the proposed minor partition. ii. The subdivision,partition (minor or major), or lot line adjustment plat or map requires adequate setbacks from landmark improvements to provide for buffering and mitigation of impacts associated with development on the resulting parcels. There are no historic site features that would necessitate additional setbacks.The proposed minor partition complies with standard setbacks of the R-10 zone. iii. Yard and landscaped areas including large trees and shrubs associated with the landmark shall be retained with the structure whenever possible. No landscape features have been noted as part of the significance of the Country Club, however,all landscape features surrounding the clubhouse will remain on Parcel 2. This standard is met. LU 15-0029 Page 11 of 18 3. Any additional statutory,regulatory or Lake Oswego Code provisions which may be applicable to the specific minor development application; Minor Modification of Conditional Use Permit FLOC A minor modification of a CUP must comply with the criteria of LOC and b. See analysis above under Section VI.A(Modification of Conditional Use Permit [LOC] - Classification). This standard is met. City of Lake Osweeo Streets and Sidewalks Code FLOC Chanter 421 Vision Clearance FLOC42.03.1301 This standard requires that no vegetation, fence or signage higher than 30 inches be located within a "vision clearance triangle."The vision clearance triangles for a driveway are formed by 10-foot legs extending from the intersection of the driveway and the street travel lane. Prior to issuance of a grading or building permit to construct any structure on any parcel,the applicant shall provide a site plan demonstrating that the driveway approach onto Ridgecrest Drive or Iron Mountain Road complies with this standard. As conditioned,this standard is met. Street and Sidewalk Improvements FLOC 42.03.005—.1251 This Code authorizes the City Engineer to make specific street and sidewalk improvement recommendations after taking a variety of policy and site specific factors into consideration.l. Factors considered in making frontage improvements include, but are not limited to, topography, soil characteristics,vegetation, consistency with the Comprehensive Plan [particularly Goal 12 and Lake Oswego's Transportation System Plan (TSP),drainage management,traffic safety(pedestrian and vehicular), parking needs, lighting, and aesthetics.The City Engineer's comments are included for review of the overall understanding of the project.The City Engineer's conditions of approval are included, as they must be included in the decision,to find that the application will comply with this article. The Engineering staff has reviewed the development proposal and offers the following observations and recommendations: The proposed 2-parcel partition can be expected to contribute an additional 10 vehicle trips to the City's street system per parcel per average weekday.2 Additional pedestrian and bicycle trips can be expected as well.The cumulative effect of new trips (all modes), imposes an additional burden and concomitant concerns for preserving street capacity and public safety, particularly for bicycles and pedestrians. 'To meet the review criteria for a minor development, the applicant must comply with "any additional... Lake Oswego Code provisions which may be applicable to the specific minor development application, such as... the Streets and Sidewalks Ordinance." LOC The determination of whether or not the application meets the requirements of LOC Chapter 42, Streets and Sidewalks, is under the review authority of the City Manager or City Engineer; the requirements of this Chapter are not under the review authority of a hearing body, other than to find whether or not the City Engineer or City Manager has found that the application complies with LOC Chapter 42, or whether conditions of approval are required for compliance with this Chapter. 2 Trio Generation(8'h edition), Institute of Transportation Engineers LU 15-0029 Page 12 of 18 The City has a governmental interest in assuring that new development does not contribute to a degradation of adequate, safe and efficient public transportation facilities. New development should mitigate the negative impacts (increased noise,and the degradation of aesthetics,safety, system capacity, and bicycle and pedestrian mobility) resulting from new development.The City has adopted a broad array of policies, plans, regulations, and fees that have been designed to offset the adverse impacts of development on the natural and built environment. In this regard,the following regulations and standards reflect the governmental interest in preserving the functionality and safety of the public infrastructure, and are particularly relevant to this development proposal: • LOC Chapter 42 requires frontage improvements to be constructed when property is developed. • LOC Chapter 42 directs the City Engineer to recommend to the decision making authority the appropriate width of public rights of way, and the width and character of the improvements contained therein. The implementation of the City's plans, policies,and regulations will offset to some degree the negative impacts of development on the public infrastructure. LOC allows the reviewing authority to impose conditions of approval on a development permit when the condition is reasonably related to alleviation of a need for public services or facilities created or contributed to by the proposed development. In addition,the US Supreme Court has ruled (Dolan v. City of Tigard)that, in order to require mitigation,the local government must apply a test of"rough proportionality" between the impacts of the proposed development and the need for the mitigation to offset the impacts from the development. The Engineering staff has reviewed the development proposal and field conditions in the context of the City's codes, improvement policies, neighborhood plan and TSP and makes the following recommendations: Factors considered in the Engineering Division's evaluation of Ridgecrest Drive include its functional classification and the following site specific factors: • Functional classification: local street • No existing sidewalks or pathways in the immediate vicinity of the site. • The existing right-of-way along the site frontage is 20'wide. Although City code requires new development (which increases traffic)to construct new sidewalks adjacent to the public street,the Code also allows the City to waive the requirement for a sidewalk when it is determined that a sidewalk is not warranted due to site specific factors. Such factors may include development on streets where there are no existing or planned sidewalks in the area of the development and no further development in the surrounding area is likely to occur. (LOC 42.08.400).The Engineering staff finds that the surrounding properties along Ridgecrest Drive are already built out with single family residences and that a sidewalk or pathway is not recommended at this time.To be properly done, such a project for a sidewalk would require a more extensive design analysis that would include adjoining properties and drainage conveyance facilities. Instead,the applicant should be required to sign a non- remonstrance agreement for participating in a future Local Improvement District for street improvements. According to the City's TSP, local streets in a rural setting shall have a 58-foot overall right- of-way width.This width can be reduced if site factors are found which eliminate the need for this overall width.The Engineering staff finds there is a small portion of the road along LU 15-0029 Page 13 of 18 the site frontage where the existing pavement crosses over the existing right-of-way line, and there is not sufficient existing right-of-way width to have a gravel shoulder along the edge of the road.There is also not sufficient right-of-way width along the site frontage to construct a future sidewalk.Therefore,for this development, a 10-foot right-of-way dedication is recommended. As a condition of approval of the proposed development, the City will require the following in improvements to alleviate impacts created or increased by the proposed development: • Dedicate 10 feet of additional right-of-way along the entire frontage of Parcel 1 on Ridgecrest Drive. • A new street light and, if the existing utility pole is not viable, a new pole at the intersection of Ridgecrest Drive and Crest Drive. The City finds that requiring the right-of-way dedication is therefore directly related to the increased traffic, bike, and pedestrian trips that will be created by this development. Requiring the right-of-way dedication along the site frontage and installation of a new street light(and a potential new pole), is roughly proportional to the adverse impacts created by the development because: • Parcel 1 will generate 10 additional vehicle trips per day using Ridgecrest Drive and the adjacent local street system.There is no change in vehicle trips projected for Parcel 2 resulting from the partition/reduction in area subject to the CUP. • Similar exactions for right-of-way dedication have been required for similar developments in the City,with the result being that such exactions have mitigated the increased traffic (vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle) by preserving the functionality and public safety features of the public street system. In light of the above facts and Code requirements, staff finds that the development of this site will place sufficient additional demand on this local street to justify the right-of-way dedication and new street light at this time, and that these exactions are roughly proportional to the degree of impact imposed by the new development, as described above, and consistent with the improvements of similarly sized developments of land in the vicinity, as required by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Dolan v.the City of Tigard. City of Lake Osweeo Tree Code FLOC Chanter 551 No trees are proposed for removal as part of the minor partition.The applicant will be required to apply for a Type II tree removal permit for any trees to be removed for house construction, prior to issuance of a building permit. The applicant will be required to comply with applicable Tree Protection measures(LOC Article 55.08)to protect any trees near the construction area. 3. Any applicable condition of approval imposed pursuant to an approved OOPS or prior development permit affecting the subject property. There are no outstanding conditions of approval that affect the subject property. LU 15-0029 Page 14 of 18 VII. CONCLUSION Based upon the materials submitted by the applicant and findings presented in this report,staff concludes that LU 15-0029 complies with all applicable criteria and standards or can be made to comply through the imposition of conditions. VIII. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of LU 15-0029, subject to the following conditions: A. Prior to Approval of the Final Partition Plat.the Aoolicant/Owner Shall: 1. Submit a final plat to City staff for review and signature of approval within one year of the dated of this decision. The deadline to submit the final olat to City staff is July 6, 2016. The final plat must be dimensioned as depicted in Exhibit E-4, and reference this land use application—City of Lake Oswego Planning and Building Services, Case File LU 15-0029. Upon written application, prior to expiration of the one-year period,the City Manager shall, in writing,grant a one-year extension. Additional extensions may be requested in writing and must be submitted to the City Manager for review of the project for conformance with current law, development standards and compatibility with development that may have occurred in the surrounding area. The extension may be granted or denied and, if granted, may be conditioned to require modification to bring the project into compliance with current law and compatibility with surrounding development. 2. All plats submitted to the City of Lake Oswego shall have accompanying vector based electronic drawings or maps consistent with the prevailing technologies in the Civil Engineering and/or Surveying fields(e.g., current or near current versions of AutoCAD). The electronic drawings shall conform to the mapping requirements for plats adopted in ORS Chapter 92. 3. Illustrate the following information on the final partition plat for review and approval of City Engineer: a. A 10-foot right-of-way dedication along the frontage of Parcel 1 on Ridgecrest Drive. b. Public sanitary sewer easements over the existing sanitary sewer mains on the site. 4. Submit a "Notice of Development Restriction" containing the restriction, below,for review and approval of staff,to be recorded with the final plat.The Notice shall be submitted for staff review and approval prior to recording and shall contain the restriction listed below. a. Parcels 1 and 2 are solar lots and are subject to the requirements of LOC [Protection from Future Shade]. 5. Submit final construction plans and an itemized cost estimate for the public improvement (street light)for review and approval by the City Engineer.The final plans shall conform to the City's design standards and specifications, and shall include the following: a. The design for a new street light and potential new pole at the intersection of Ridgecrest Drive/Crest Drive. b. The design for the individual private sanitary service and water service for Parcel 1. LU 15-0029 Page 15 of 18 6. Sign and record a Local Improvement District (LID)waiver of remonstrance agreement for participation in any future construction of street improvements along Parcel 1 frontage on Ridgecrest Drive. 7. Construct the improvements required by Condition A(5)(a),above, or submit a financial guarantee to ensure its construction per LOC The financial guarantee shall be based on 120%of an itemized engineer's estimate that is in turn based on final construction plans that are far enough advanced to support the estimates,to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 8. Submit a final future connectivity plan in conformance with Exhibit E-5 for Parcels 1 and 2, for review and approval of staff.The Plan shall be recorded with the Notice of Development Restriction, required by Condition A(4), above.The plan shall be no larger than 8'/="x 11" in size and cannot contain any lettering smaller than 10 point font. B. Within 90 Days of the Recordation of the Final Partition Plat.the Aoolicant/Owner Shall: 1. Submit a final title report, or lot book report from a title company demonstrating that the final plat was recorded and is valid and subsisting, and that the parcels are either free and clear of liens or encumbrances, or that the holders of the liens and encumbrances consent to the plat recordation. C. Prior to the Issuance of any Gradine or Buildine Permits to Construct Any Structures on Parcel 1.the Applicant/Owner Shall: 1. Submit a storm water disposal plan prepared by a registered engineer,for review and approval of the City Engineer.All infiltration systems shall meet minimum setbacks of five feet from property lines and 10 feet from building foundations. Driveway runoff cannot be directed to a subsurface infiltration disposal system without Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ)approval.Any emergency overflow shall be conveyed to an approved point of disposal. Installation of a rain garden is an acceptable alternative method for storm water disposal. Rain gardens shall meet minimum setbacks of five feet from property lines and 10 feet from building foundations. Rain gardens shall have a positively graded overflow or conveyance pipe leading to an approved point of disposal. 2. Provide evidence that the driveway approach onto Ridgecrest Drive complies with AASHTO standards. 3. Demonstrate that driveway approaches comply with the "vision clearance triangle" standards. No vegetation, fence, or signage higher than 30 inches will be allowed within the area formed by 10-foot legs extending from the intersection of the driveway and the street travel lane. 4. Complete the installation of the street light as required by Condition A(5), and receive a certificate of completion and acceptance by the City. 5. Per LOC Chapter 52, apply for and obtain an approved erosion prevention and sediment control permit issued through the City of Lake Oswego, and install and maintain all BMPs as indicated in the permit. These measures shall remain in place throughout construction period. LU 15-0029 Page 16 of 18 6. Install all tree protection fencing as required by the Code Requirement No. 1, below. All protection fencing shall be inspected and approved by staff prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits. 7. Apply for and obtain the appropriate tree removal permit, if necessary, and submit mitigation plans. For mitigation, deciduous trees shall have a minimum caliper of two (2) inches and conifer trees shall be a minimum eight feet high (excluding the leader). Mitigation trees may be larger or at a greater ratio, more than 1:1, depending on individual circumstances. D. Prior to the Final Building Inspection on any Parcel or Occupancy of any Dwelling on any Parcel,the Apolicant/Owner Shall: 1. Provide certification from the engineer of record that the storm water facility was constructed according to the design and is functioning properly. 2. Install all mitigation trees as required by Condition C(7), above. Code Reauirements: 1. Tree Protection: Submit a tree protection permit application as required by LOC 55.08.020 and 55.08.030 for review and approval of staff, including off-site trees that are within the construction zone. This plan shall be attached to the construction documents or printed on the construction site plans,and shall include: a. The location of temporary tree protection fencing, consisting of a minimum 6-foot high cyclone fence secured by steel posts, around the tree protection zone,or as recommended by the project arborist and approved by the City. b. A note stating that no fill or compaction shall occur within the critical root zones of any of the trees,or that if fill or compaction is unavoidable, measures will be taken as recommended by a certified arborist to reduce or mitigate the impact of the fill or compaction. Such measures shall be clearly outlined in the tree protection plan. The note shall also inform contractors that the project arborist shall be on site and oversee all construction activities within the tree protection zone. c. A note that clearly informs all site contractors about the necessity of preventing damage to the trees, including bark and root zone. The applicant and contractor(s) shall be subject to fines, penalties and mitigation for trees that are damaged or destroyed during construction. d. A sign shall be attached to the tree protection fencing,which states that inside the fencing is a tree protection zone, not to be disturbed unless prior approval has been obtained from the City Manager and project arborist. Notes: 1. The applicant is advised to take part in a post-Land Use Approval meeting. City staff would like to offer you an opportunity to meet and discuss this decision and the conditions of approval necessary to finalize the project. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure you understand all the conditions and to identify other permits necessary to complete the project. If you would like to take advantage of this meeting, please contact the staff coordinator at(503)635-0290. LU 15-0029 Page 17 of 18 2. The land use approval for this project does not imply approval of a particular design, product, material, size, method of work, or layout of public infrastructure except where a condition of approval has been devised to control a particular design element or material. 3. Development plans review, permit approval, and inspections by the City of Lake Oswego Planning and Building Services Department are limited to compliance with the Lake Oswego Community Development Code, and related code provisions. The applicants are advised to review plans for compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations that could relate to the development, i.e., Americans with Disabilities Act, Endangered Species Act. Staff may advise the applicants of issues regarding state and federal laws that staff member believes would be helpful to the applicants, but any such advice or comment is not a determination or interpretation of federal or state law or regulation. EXHIBITS A-D [No current exhibits; reserved for hearing use] E. GRAPHICS/PLANS E-1 Tax Map E-2 Vicinity map with zoning E-3 Topographic Survey E-4 Preliminary Partition Plat (7 pages) E-5 Future Connectivity Plan E-6 City of Lake Oswego Cultural Resources Inventory Field Form 1988-1989 for Oswego Country Club, dated January 1989 F. WRITTEN MATERIALS F-1 Applicant's Narrative F-2 Minutes of Neighborhood Meeting, February 24, 2015 G. LETTERS Neither for nor Against (G1-99): None Support(G100-1991: None Opposition (G200+): None Date of Application Submittal:April 17. 2015 Date Application Determined to be Complete: May 13. 2015 State Mandated 120-Day Rule: September 10. 2015 LU 15-0029 Page 18 of 18 Fidelity National Title ,., Company Of Oregon ( 01 ee11,.......° 900 SW 5th Ave., Mezzanine Level Portland, Oregon 97204 Phone: (503)227-LIST(5478) E-mail: csrequest@fnf,com Parcel# : 00198805 p Ref Parcel Number : 21E04 0 �� y F\ Gil:,,.•,„ ,.....,„„r„... ,; Y ..a -�/;r'.�',-i,�`,T\,,l`;,,\' _V..`-1 ,\ r\r'� \ ;, I1 .� i.\' ` 5` . '4 \/ ?'"Y k .11<,..1.x. 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ET EwAnaus ARE eased ou cN`r aM LAKE054E. TPPOGNAPHY LEGEND: + n�W r<-� �'1 a PPNCHu0RN;TP-K DENG A PRAss user AT DIENE .. >_ „ ti C6rv(R M 5W. NAt,s ROAD ANO GW GOIfNIRv CLV EasrD MgNNOM AS 4101ED ® 2t,c7IC SO% - - v n /4 02/00405501 40-OWN AS LO Du WC ® 500'11x44 SEWER RANH,. W4 D011NCNCR + ]. FIELD su0VEYED 013800111'O.20/S. 000ANDO1 w LITV'Y POLE g WATER vAL (.6.4'...96,95 cOrsr l '�' — z U71UTY STATEMENT ® 505000 00100 • ® anon Dortar z _ v' , • r R. THE UNDERDRouND U 1105 WORN HAVE SEEN MAPPED wRE 'T' DOR DE.5uRVE'1 INFORMATION ODDER'.41304E GROUND MENDE 1% ORE DORM, 1 N f�/ 111ANO GROUND 0AP G5 BY OSHERE.AND aiSTNG 0RAVI,i11S I {F§5 RAIL BOR 1 5 Z. .,Sr C >< PPI] PS THE SUR,X_v(R 0ANEE NO GUARANTEE DIRT U RAS uw111 x0. 04'OECIDUC414!REE V Ic 1N-.l0-S ' —f 2 C1H[unbERCROVNO uPLITEG SWORN COMPRISE ALL SUCH UIILINES >M1f' I[`wI+HSno — AREA.EIMER C1 SERVICE OR ADARDENE0-SHE SURVEYOR g `LEMIC RISER DoE.-EyERyREEN TREE + i,�-usa ,413 T T T ..i.. R1PE001 DOES Nal WARR WT THAT THE UHRERGRaUUO UTLITES w E '+ y SHOWN ARE IN THE EXALT LOCATOR!NOTATED ALT0000H HE DOES •RouNR UGxI �\ COT 0 i (El co coca T 1HAT TNE4 ARE LOCATED AG ACCURCTELT AS P05W0tE { I i u FOHEAU00 AYAOUND1,THE SURvEMR HAD NOT OHYRDA1£Y it 1 i 4 PRELIMINARY PARTITION PLAT • IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 3, THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SECTION 4, THE NORTH SURVEY REFERENCES 1/2 OF SECTION 9, AND THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 10, T. 2 S., R. 1 E., W.M. (A)PLAT OF FOREST HILLS(1925) CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO, CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON [B)FOREST HILLS,PLAT 3(1926) DATE: APRIL 1, 2015 [C FOREST FULLS.PLAT 4(1927) D PLAT OF UPLANDS CREST(1947) E PLAT OF LAKE GARDEN{1059) Fl PS 3292(1960) Q G SR 1-16895 01 p H SN 7955-OD7 CC O ' . fj 514 1957-043 / ral; J� PS9349(19DOL 1)H 1C PLAT 06 0(198 PLACE(1979) 0 Q / r L PS 22062(1987) V lal Z &3 Ili9 Al' PS 25605(1993) D L,J J _ Y. l" 78 N, PS 25816(1994) O 0 �� :76 75 r� o PS 26214(1994) •a 00 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD MARKET ROAD NO. 31) P.PS 26404(1995) C S .. • _ a,PLAT OF BRIDGE COURT(1995) 19 0 9[ R PARTITION PLO 1996-22 1- O — 65 E �I p CO €9 PS 27 (1997) z ® o� Gy T PS 27680(1998) [[U PS 28448(1999) O ` [v PS 28862(2000) SHEET 3 SHEET 4 07 _lop*, [w!5N 29722(2002) 1�� 73 / V • G� [51 SN 2003-114 Y TN 2080-306 72 [Z)SN 2014-199 �\ (AAT sN 2014-zoa 86 12a ? a9 - PARCEL 2I- o — 70 119.448 ACRES B7 47-----)/�D ! o DEED REFERENCES m m z 449/636 BOOK 449,PAGE 636, OSWEGO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB ® o RCORDSCLACKAMAS COUNTY DEED pR�`� �� , RECORDS �p�� pS $OOK 449, PAGE 636 ��� ert -�@ 5' SHEET 2 / SHEET INDEX PARCEL 1, 2.112 ACRES x-(108) ® QO SHEET 1 NARRATIVE,OVERVIEW.MONUMENTS _ � \ SHEET 2 WEST PORTION BOUNDARY ®- ''�m"`SHEET 6 CD ® • �O SHEET 3 NORTH PORTION BOUNDARY co4 ,'V‘..-,74,-. ® OD ( ' �g SHEET S V�`� ¢ SHEET 4 NORTHEAST PORTION BOUNDARY pi.G',--;-;017.1_..,. 9a 130 �, ��Q �<cr SHEET 5 SOUTH P081100 BOUNDARY ID '♦�•� 92 G Q G� SHEET 6 DETAIL OF NEST PORTION BOUNDARY fa p� lab g3 — P P SHEET 7 APPROVALS,DECLARATION. lir 111 al 120 1 4# G�Q� ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS OQO 391 Q 94 ',4,• •VB lir# FA ]O 104 96 103 E ll•18 9/� 11111116. (1 a0) [)� ` etlil LEGEND -.�4} 99 .`PNN• 96 p -11°\4,1011 �� I® ed.„10,,�,��.sv 300' lII O TO BE SET UPON APPROVAL 5/8”x 30-LR. •ro'QQ �� 300' 0 1 W/TPC MARKED 44ES7LANE CONSULTANTS' • FOUND MONUMENT �.,�I•IEawio�SJ:m�lmr�,J, SOU THERN PACIFIC RAILROAD SCALE: 1 INCH a 300 FEET C 2 uico . dREGISTERED SURVEYED FOR: N PROFESSIONAL l OSWEGO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB LAND SURVEYOR (0 A SURVEYED BY: tA.c,._ WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS, INC. 15115 S.W. SEQUOIA PARKWAY, SUITE 150 OREGON TIGARD, OREGON 97224 JULY 25. 1990 (503)gg4-0652 GARY R. ANDERSON 243E RENEWS: 12-31-2015 SHEET 1 OF 7 51.1-OGitnCw7 0 PRELIMINARY PARTITION PLAT IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 3, NE SOUTH 1/2 OF SECTION 4, THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 9, AND THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 10, T. 2 S., R. 1 E., W.M. CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO, CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON FOUND MONUMENT TABLE GATE: APRIL I, 2015 W !DESCRIPTION NOTES 1 /� SEE SHEET 3 5p I I.R.MPG'CENTERLINE CONCEPTS INC' SET IN IYI �DpLPH COURT JVI ,,Lr 5 1 LYICIi 91 I ER.NNA PC"CENTER UNE CoNCEPTs wc- SETIN 99 TO r DGEP a� x1 - • HELD 0S PO100 ON CURGE 0IO' 4 `�4'2Ea31S1� 57 E.R.NO CAP,DOWFI61' NTi'24'25'W OF CORNER.SET IN IDI Ird D. {� lep$001 76A p5 NOTES &3 1'EP. SETIN NI 1.104111 (n J ayTE OF EINE,SETIN EFL FONN0 0 au N. 54 314"IP PF LINE IN [5EDGE POND 1. ALL IRON PEPS(I.P.)BEZES SHOWN ARE ilkINSIDE DIAMETER. 59' 110'I.R_NO CAP,UPWM OD' HELD FOR RN7.UNKNOWNN ORIGIN 71 7 LANVSCAPC ARCH 55 v/'I.P.IN ROCK WALL SET IN{N 0 3'g oc ONE 2.WHERE MONUMENT IS NOTED AS"BENT I =� 7h0 4�-10'EASLMENY E1uos MEASUREMENT WAS TAKEN TO A POINT 57 112"I R.DOWN 01' UNKNOWN CRIGIN,POUND ON IN BELOW THE BEND REPRESENTING 111E REST Sil xa'LP, 01¢'5 P1 LINP,RET IN IRI is a N , ® Ar MOhIUMENF r APPROxIMA11ON OF ORIGINAL POSITION. 1 ., .,,..�N,u',ael5�... .......�,.. n O ��� ry�e�/ 59 344T IP SET!NMI SCALE: 1 INCH - 100 FEET w N � ER.WM/R"PARISE ASSOC.PIS 220n' SET IN pp `A / LEGEND RI 1'I.P..00VUN 0.0,BENT SET INK. 0 SET 5/8"8 30'I.R.W/VPC 62 1"IP DOWN 0.3 SET IN lot 0 1 Z / MARKED'WESTEAKE CONSULTANTS' SZ793 512'¢514"E O,IN'IN IDI,FOUND 512'251)"E019'IN IAAl 11111) Iq�. It FOUND MONUMENT I I'I,P,OOIMIR.A' SET 94 EA IP, IRON PIPE AS 11'IP,UP 02. SET IN IDI 01 \ I.R. IRON ROD 66 I1'I.P.,VP O4' SET INN 1.., 0/00 RIGHT OF WAY 87 T 1.P GET IN um 3\ 1N H MX FOR N'S EINE,N2i'22$B'w P21'00 /OPO WITH ORANGE PLASTIC CAP 6s 1'LP.,DOWN 6a' ?fir_ W/RPC WEER RED PLASTIC CAP CORNER.sETIN IRI -C7 To 112'LP-,TOP PINCHED,DOWN O5' 11110,ORIGIN UNKNOWN ''1° \ W/VPC WITH RED PLASTIC CAP ]I 1R'I.P. HELD FOR EINE,ORIGIN UNKNOWN 72 1"I.P.LINDEN LANDSCAPE E0010ER HELD,SET INIIIt 4.`a SURVEY REFERENCES 73 N2'I R..NO CAP.FLUSH N2U'a8'l P'W,05T0F LINE.UN040144-- �',.-Tr D PLAT 92 UPLANDS CREST 1947 Iia 3.4.1.P. 011 P.MP.BNED HELD FOR LI9S \ F PS 3292(1960) ( ) 111 va' P. KILO FOR LINE,ORIGIN NNKxD,,WN 41. H $N 1955-001 112 T I.P.UNDER FENCE 021'NOF LINE,ORIGIN 01RNO N [IC PLAT OF DOLPH PLACE(1979) LEFT.ORIGIN UNKNOWN `�1C�� 11 P5 25606(1993) DCj�'I`- 1�f)0+1�H1 --i CI) [Q] PLAT OF BRIDGE COURT(1995) 112 1'1.P DONN0.5' HELD,ORIGIN 11/050NM L] ANDS 1 �N°W 79g9� [U]PS PS 27600(1909) 115 1'IPFLUSH II 110 FOR LINE.ORIGIN UNKNPNN �f�r TO 290 /3ON Y 0526662(2000 11& •sle'I-R..12'LONG BENT 1000E) %01160,"E20T FROM CORrvERSETaFR LEGEND,ORIGIN UNKNOWN PLA i 10'SANITARY SEWER W SN 29722(2002) 2I R_Mi.pC-CENTERIAE CONCEPTS' HP11,SET IN pp ,I .RpC12561fi SSP SOCK %]SN 2003-114 117 ... .,..E OSLA 1 :Z)SN 2014-190 1211 s18"ER,NAYPC'PARIS&ASSOC' nr5•AVStrW PHA'OF CORNER.UNKNOWN �rj PS 590.PACE 627 �j Op opt. L0(BO P 115 0�649• AA)SN 2014-206 ORIGIN,!.'PER DI NOT FOUND \\ 127 1!2'1P. N2o 5TA¢'E 023.OF CORNER aG(„ 101361 423 3A0 k��'(3a CJ2 10.SANITARY SENOR EASEMENT DEED REFERENCES 124 'LARGE NAR Nlf!'S539'W0,43',UNKNOWN ORIGIN, N �^ REPLACEb PER LEGEND C ( / 6(bl(590.PACE 127 w -r� '✓ 449/636 BOCK 445,PAGE 636 130 I LR.WwC 1N ASPHALT,ILLEGIBLE 070.59'241/4-0 OE CORNER S> I1 N RECORDS COUNTY DEED 0� PARCEL 2 0000605 nNC fiPOINTACE0 Ne 3.(� /f u SEMENT NORTH I.00'0E CORNER h/.' -<c`- SEE SHEET 6 PARCEL 1 14 119,448 ACRES -PRIVRTT ACCESS EASEMENT ,�y s Doc Na.zm�-05awe a R. 21,26'PRIVATE REVOCABLE- CENTERLINE 6'WATER EASEMENT '..+� V DRIVEWAY EASEMENT N ' (P54pp FF}}[Tp 2.112 ACRES \\ ANGLE POINT LEN1ERYINE, WW1)13 23a,PAGE 136 ,f ., 1741 lT I Ali Q 11 SUCK 611.PAGE 3 3A07µWHIN PROPERTY VARIES (rie5'45;DT=E 6'WATER EASEKTAR $. 12B.89)(x� (52117 ' all S V ngRix 100'OF CORNER 30rdI)N3 -' II}` -.=.1' ANGLE POINT CENTERLINE S'WATER MESH SCREEN 87(k FT ® 1 _ o@ 4 EASEMENT'192557 M 1.06 OF CORNER ASPHALT SB428.51"W N>T `Q A TURN-AROUND CROSSES UNE / �' '428,77' 732.�e pS. R�5 N l 5]652'49"W 11.49'(2014-453308) N w Al, 4500 99' )S, G LOT 6 ® .1'sPNgcT64rT S'Jz,yy�,\''''- o '39'25'57' v. L.7- 13101 8.- 7D 3r� ye,a1 -_.0.-1 33�2 IS33 'Ira 34.3071} Cor 5 s43 ° ASPHALT Rona 0.30 S8 ' 0 CROSSES Td GRAVEL wnctE 21.96 iI DD 3a' - 107 4 R/ '''''.'25 N ONT4 PR�EA1r �TMAN-ARIXINO r - 99.36 . 166 765 27,25 LOTS OCECJ?£S 1® 210'00• I. '- W 404,92 S85'64'18"W 325.97' ® r5J 0072 r' ___ •s 6.5249P UPLANDS CREST LOT 1 40 57 REGISTERED SURVEYED FOR: FIRE HYDRANT PROFESSIONAL OSWEGO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB 126 oRk� 2,3'5.OF LINE LAND SURVEYOR SURVEYED BY: \ \ .2..A.\.(1-A-C.,-- WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS, INC. 15115 S.W. SEQUOIA PARKWAY, SUITE 150 OREGON TITANS, OREGON 97224 JULY 25, 1990 507) 684-0652 GARY R. ANDERSON 2434 RENEWS: 12-at-2915 SHEET 2 OF 7 252.3-001FP.n,.; 0) PRELIMINARY PARTITION PLAT IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 3, THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SECTION 4, THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 9, AND THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 10, T. 2 S., F. 1 E., W.M. C#TY OF LAKE OSWEGO, CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON DATE: APRIL. I. 2075 D I- a a 0 0 re ISO' 9 50' 106' 200' W .-, L!'1 _ 27. R.'/ -63 �C01'J5'33" SCALE: 1 INCH s 100 FEET -- _ X \ '�,' € M L=75.62' a C�0o1'a7'16" a 79 64_ 7: �= L=69,42' n "'="'"' ~ CH,=69,441' p'' 78 0 51 5 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD (MARKET ROAD NO. 31) 58026'!5"E—A ID s V I _ _ 160'sp 2, ri, • sas'44'Ts'E (ssBTD'n'c) I N 5='"1''4=1.25[1] f lsa'SPIR4L w COI " - '°I. NW26'32'E_1 m SI 5=135',4=1,231) 60'SPIRAL �I VARIES 0=136.,4=1.25111 --� . szsD' �` 4 58716'03"E 319.96' , I 161.49 45.36 589'23'49"E= — 58729'39"E - 121.70' ,- .. i 0 163.52' ' 4 \ — 0 3.//:1)3.//:1) .. R=2909.79ep1NOARr is A 45,1xo'� W 1�- X001.47'18" WOLF OF SPIRAL CURVE a CENTOD OA PER(1}N1 o ! L=90.62' cHwtO DArA As 1) .i...,::: O m ® ! CH.=90.82' AD, ® 587'26'15'E 1- O •55 13S0�3 ' - L1w26�p} La = C/ 49 05 c yss ! y 6j26'I CENTERLINE 6'WATER EASEMENT �-A /./ VOLUME 230,PAGE 138�'' I D PN PLACE 5 i% A� ,...0.1.0 0/..(F/10,!..1' L56g5q(A 6A 96 //- NOTES LEGEND SURVEY REFERENCES V. zz-EOGE POND I. ALL IRON PPE(IR.}SIZES SHOWN ARE O SET 5/8"x 30"LR.W/VPC MARKED �! G SN I-168(1970) INSIDE DIAMETER. 'WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS" N SN 1955-001 V- LANDSCAPE,ARCH /1 I] SN 1557-043 zo 3'9E OF 11615 2.WHERE MONUMENT IS NOTED AS"REIFF', • FOUND MONUMENT J PS 9349 1971 Q, t�� MEASUREMENT WAS TAKEN TO A POINT /! ( ) m FM AT MONNMENT]1D5 BELOW THE BEND REPRESENTING THE BEST LP, IRON PIPE / -/ p]PS 25214(1994) p5 26444{7 95} APPROXIMATION OF ORIGINAL POSITION. 0 PLAT OF BRIDGE COURT(1995) hcL" LR IRON R00 R PARTITION 04 PLAT 198URT O / R/W RIGHT 0R WAY ]] _Z]SN 2014-199 6.--S0 6-23 0 / W/OPC 9150 ORANGE PLASTIC CAP Pv a/ W/RPC WITH RED PLASTIC CAP �F� w/VPC WITH RED PLASTIC CAP / DEED REFERENCES �]0.6p, ,y 449/536 BOOK 449,PAGE 636. Tv- CLACKAMAS COUNTY DEED "FSRECORDS FOUND MONUMENT TABLE f 2vj\ # DESCRIPTION NOTES ! W I.LP..DOWN 0.3 HELD FOR 8.2 LINE,N37Z406'W 0.21'OP )� �A. \ CORNER,9E710541 .to 6�a \ 70- jr LP.,TOP FrNCPEU.DOWN 0.5' HEL0,00.15 UNKNOWN 62 314•!P,CONM05 63'6509,52,24663+69,0.65-05 4.�,,,' 71 R2•'P. NEW FOR LINE 080GN1 UNKNOWN LEFI7IGIIUIR]ORIGIN UNKNOWN 03 516'I R.NO CAP.001001.5• 68.04 31.56,00 LEFT,580 LFFT PEN 101 �,V1 \ 72 I-I.P.UNDER LANDSCAPE BOULDER HELD,SET IN p-11 y4-LP HELD FOR TINE.UNKNOWN ORIGIN S 028'0810 57,OF LINR.UNKNOWN l \ T3 12"10-,PO 0454.FLUSH 1',. 78 +R.Wo,C..'5ASSOCPFOR06 SOC PLO 1140 62.76_51,54,24'LEFT,SET IN RI ..„.........---=-----00= \ ORIGIN 8 74 13rd'fP ]4+%.51.48.14 LEFT.5f8'I.R,PER if;NOT 79 510`IR-VP93' x501171,5229 LEFT(82+807'!5,54,449' FOVNO LEFTIIz 75 1•LP.,TOP PINCHED 71+82.86,452%LEFT 00 I.R.VWRPO'THURSTON&ASSOC NG',00 LEFT,HELD FOR RMlsET REGISTERED lF SURVEYED FOR:: 94 1���1,N'. -`+ o 75 IA WYYPC,•ANDY PARIS&ASSOG" 70.77.7845.07LEFr IN TVI PROFESSIONAL OSWEGO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB La-F 83+6991,44,80 LEFT,SET IN N]AT 4T.W' 109' ]] Yfi'I.R.NO CPP.DOWN 9.t' 70+78-174500'LEFT 61 Sf+'IR-NOCAPUP 0.4',BENT LEFT LAND SURVEYOR N 3> 78 LR,NdVPG,-EurFoRD3ASSOC PLS 1148' 62+76.51,54,24'LFFT,SET INL73 83+89,8p,5Z,746s3.890,h6var SURVEYED BY: N So 3rrIP-,009065 LERr11OIw9Z10RIGIN 050140085 WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS, INC. 10'EMENT.81'SEWER62+79.15,52.28'LEFT 162+5075,54.49' }5115 S,W. SEQUOIA PARKWAY. SUITE 150 75 SIB'I.R.[iP 0.3 LEST 83 401,0,50 GAP,007511 15 58+08.21,56,00'LEFT,59.0 LEFT PER RI U EASEMENT.BOOK I G 25. 1 TIGARD. OREGON 97224 SBO,PAGE 627 93+4415,45.00 LEFT,HELD FOR RTW SET 85 444'1 P. HELD FOR LINE,LHNORT RI ORIGIN 11` JULY 25. 1990 {503) 684-0652 66 10 07875•TNURSTON N ASSOC INC.' IN I7] 125 914'IP-,00WN 05' WELD FOR LINE.UNKNOWN ORIGIN GARY R. ANDERSON 01 518'I.R.NOCPP VP 0.4•,BENT 63+88.91,4400 LEFT.SET IN IU]AT 47.95' Or 2434 3 LEFT 1X3 SW 1,0,UP NELO FOR LINE,UNKNOWN ORIGIN RENEWS: 12-31-2015SHEET OF 7 2523-00P.,,,..07 r PRELIMINARY PARTITION PLAT IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 3, THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SECTION 4, THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 9, AND THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 10, T. 2 5., R. 1 E., W.M. CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO, CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON DATE: APRIL 1, 2015 Moo eOl1��rglN ,31""R,e�gRO R =253.31' �� TT 75 4 ® 06.42253" i - e ix CH,=16.42' C • T8D SPRU 571'48'42"E AVENUE �� _ _76 seasas<°E (sa zr56E1[I] a COUNTRY CLUB ROAD (MARKET ROAD NO. 31) r ,,s..2.ORA,- 12 J� ¢" - E 589'55'54"E 1356.21' a - — - 4ia3'sB"'q:2„` 989.55'54"E 324.01' I 164.34' r oaf;�1 ff'584'49'25"E�, ; ?z- 1- S68'O7'49'E �;d.� 9+Y`1 N 53.85' ® o1FR5EAT CE SEPAL 135.0.—// URS -' J �b6,q, . A- CENTERLINE PER[p 511(1 ,55-� 1 ..- CHORD DATA AS SHOW g5,.. ' 3 3 7- �.'4;6';.. FOUND MONUMENT TABLE NOTES Q' "a I CT R=150.00' w,; (G , W DESCRIPTION NOTES 1. ALL IRON PIPE(I.P.)SIZES SHOWN ARE X032'27'16" .m,''h 1"T GI INSIDE DIAMETER, .[[�� 74 1-.TV4'V.P 74«3834,46.14'LEFT.5,6"I.R.PEP(v1 NOT L=$4.97' 'e,�'A p 'PO✓ FOUND 2.WHERE MONUMENT IS NOTED AS"BENT", CH.=83.83' $„`y -)N 90 75 1.1 P.,Top PINCH EO ]1.4040.4520 LEFT - MEASUREMENT WAS TAKEN TO A POINT 51610'28"E Io 76 LR.NOYFC.'AN DV FAR VS/ASSOC• 70.1510.45.0T LEFT BELOW THE BEND REPRESENTING 131E REST 40• 40' APPROXIMATION OF ORIGINAL POSITION. �'" Ty- 515"IR NO CAP,DOWN 01, 70.78.17,45.05 LEFT M1,�`v� Ei w m 88 i'IT. HELD,SET IN IEI C `ybi5 6 Q 010 "1 07 SR'I,R,NO CAP HELD FOR TINE,OAIGIR urvKNOWN LEGEND n OP I> P,�4�h 55 HIP_ ROLE.8ET3N MI _ as +rz•1 P.DOWN or HELD PER 0 SET 5/8"A 30"1.R.W/YPC I� 0" ¢1.ORIGIN UN KNOWN NW CORNER 6•CHAIN LINK MARKED"WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS" FENCE IS D.5'S.&0.5'E. : h((,� 5 O e 107 1R•I.P NEED FOR LINE,nAnw VNKNOWN I sir m • FOUND MONUMENT 6F MONUMENT •,�1,yM1M1 120 Z yt 113 1.1.P..SMASHED 78.37.41,45 IT LEFT,OR1GM UNKNOWN I..�\ 583.31.54•E 2,0Y FROM CORNER SET PER TP. IRON PIPE 4' GDA, LS 1 Q I 1 I� 118 5r5'I.R,,11"LONG RENT A LOOSE • LEGEND,ORIGIN WIKNONM o°+ OJ 1-•- 1iT I.R. IRON ROD TA Z p0.p 117 LN-'A'roRc'CENTERLINE CONCEPTS- HELD.SET IN Rfl L �' D N. 118 1'I,P,COINS 0.5 SET IN ICI HELD FOR E.R.10 R/W RIGHT OF WAY B 0 110 1"I,P, SET M I01 4510 FOR E.RAW W/CPC WI114 ORANGE PLASTIC CAP FENCE INTERSECTION AT MONUMENT W/RPC WITH RED PLASTIC CAP `' - / Z `N 120 314'I P.(THIN METALI ORIGIN UNKNOWN.10.96'FROM W.RPN ' s] --"""" O 101 314"I.P.VP 02(FINN METAL) ORIGIN UNKNOWN.1I DY FROM W.RAN W/YPC WITH RED PLASTIC CAP \\ COV�Z EC 131 3!4'LU,OR03' \ M87,50,45.ar LEFT.HELD FOR RMI PER CO .5Y5'�' O(`\ 1 132 314"1.0 FLUSH 7537,55,44.97 CM-.HELD FOR RAN PER RJB 5D GQ� tv )1 SURVEY REFERENCES DEED REFERENCES ; P 4 Cl FOREST TILLS.FLAT 4(192Y)11 SN 1q51-04 449/536 BOOK 449,RAGE 636,RENDS 0 -s Gpgp6 v E PLAT OF LAKE GARDEN(1959) CLACKAMAS COUNTY SEED O6 Lp�L • ID ANGLE POINT 4'CHAIN LINK FENCE AT MONUMENT fit hE CD \O0 too. D so' IWaxe o' 7976'55"W REGISTERED SURVEYED FOR: PROFESSIONAL OSWEGO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB I � 39.55' LAND SURVEYOR �.., ............... � � 0° yo SURVEYED BY: SCA INCH = 100 FEET ‘-P. 'S0 .,. •••••11-1-C.,-- WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS, INC. zs', Oyu 9y OREGON v G1ARg15 50RECON SEOUGI97224KWAY. SUITE 750 ,1$ JULY 25. 1990 503) 684-4652 4j55NAliGARY R. ANDERSON SEE SHEET 5 p RENEWS: 12-31-2015 TTTJ-TZIF c.v..? 4 OF 7 PRELIMINARY PARTITION PLAT IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 3, THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SECTION 4, THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 9, AND THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 10, T. 2 S., R. 1 E., W.M. CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO, CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON DATE: APRIL I. 2015 SEE SHEET 4 yY 5 CD OR r' oa NOTES 19'00'18"W ( � p '� W 1. ALL IRON PIPE IP,)SIZES SHOWN ARE �v { MONUMENT ON 58.11' In `'LPLG t'��" INSIDE DIAMETER. ANGLE POINT FACE (51914V,, .01')[A] �I(i20R0;ff1•E ':,50', OF d'ROCK WALL CUQ" /% 178,99'){x] (3J7DT.72 }�.✓'" Z.WHERE MONUMENT 15 NOTED AS"BENT", A QV e zrBXX `t�" MEASUREMENT WAS YAKEN TO A POINT 9 C. X585'4$'51"W Iy715 ® BELOW THE BEND REPRESENTING THE BEST o H GY,';` 126.77' •q D$• APPROXIMATION OF ORIGINAL POSITION. O1 CM 32 7g• M (633 7'13]L13438)(9J (E 30.33'.77-7=------.......,.... I' �R rs�s. w G-. S3 ,s, SURVEY REFERENCES LEGEND n p S� C2 A PLAT OF FOREST HILLS(1925} 't Q� X65 L�j., 0 SET 5/S•x 30"1.k.W/YPC MARKED N VI 4 4'y B FOREST HILLS,PLAT 3(1926) "WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS" fLI0 ) lfj C]FOREST HILLS,PLAT 4(1927) 89'50'51"E v� 2Sd 0 PS 22062(1997) • FOUND MONUMENTCEN f 10.55' Q 3 'S NIPS 25608(1993) MONUMENT AT SW Qa ,L5.PLAT 6'• LP. IRON PIPE CORNER ROCK WALL L 82'52'38"E 280.00' N00'11'S1"E 36,00' [S]7 PS 27615(1997) 11 18• G (N00'I0'03'E 3650')10] [w]SN 29722(2002) I.R. 5909 ROD L=147.36''14" [x]SN 2003-114 R/W RICHT OF WAY N639b'40'E 39.97' (NOTE 39.75'1[0.] \ CH.=145.66' DEED REFERENCES w/mac N1 H ORANGE PLASTIC CAP R=120.00' 574'46'14"E '-.1.- • 445/636 9006 449. AGE 036©EED W/RPC N1TH REO PLASTIC CAP x080'55'53" 59'41'37"E A W/YPL WITH REO PLASTIC CAP B 10 s $ RECORDS L=169.50' 91.49' 1 v CH.=155.76' �!y S49'22'54"E 669'38'56.5 9985 4,. 30'28'37"W 5.84' •g,q1• (N30"26'45 4')(w] .•,,,...., ^1��+ 01W PER[Al ,3,ro'o�1'ry QS 7532" - 9s 9� ;% ODT75'14'W 4.82 •••,,,. "'i'TFj, '=250.00' L=84.80 521'41'18"E 79.12' sSD•a3'os'•as.ez')[w] FOUND MONUMENT TABLE )->•,53`• X019'26'02" le) (421'43'10•S 79,12'))R] 1 ® \ ® `'') Je CH.=N37'34'32"W 64.39' MONUMENT 1.0'E. 8 DESCRIPTION NOTES 4 100' ,.IO 5a' 'Qin' 200• ip„ OF w CAD GF FENCE sa NELO.sETwIA �L=2Pe0a" `,� 200.00' L=95.67 ® �� INC O 314'I,P.IN ANGLE POINT ON FACE OF ROOK [Al - AL FEET Ni WALL UP 1.5 1 R=250.00' J111114�u,�.�,..,,,... a2 a4•IP. HEW.SET IN � 92 1'I.P.CON/14 CT AT SW CORNER ROCK WALL MELS.SET IN[AI CN.202.09' ° n N5Ya153w X02 2423 No 33 r1.P, HELD,50018191 (R"250.00'.8=4731'45' CH.-N41'33'43"W 94.76' 94 IR-WRPC'SENTERLINE cENCEPT3'UP 0,4' HELD,SET TNIw1 CH..S51'49'361,201.49' '0 (R=200.00',4=272715' 7/695 1"I P„BENT FOUND IN 00.7 L=207.39')[5] ED Ck=N41'46'23•W,94,92' O 1.6 98 "MR PC•GENreRLINe CONCEPTS'OOWN 75LP,5Ei 181151 ASPHALT PAVEMENT L=95.83')(5] 4' CROSSES BlI N(AAY s CD HELD FOR N-S LINE a S00•3490•WOFRAN F 12=99.201 L=105.59 07 11Y I.P.UP OS' PER ISI 44 (S /1060'59'04" ,, tw 5,9'LA N0 CAP IN MONUMENT BO% NELDFOR CENTERLINE FE ISI R6yQ LASS, +o- CH.=N85'58'50"W 100.67' 4p ) 99 I.R.NNRPC'CENT9RLRIE CONCEPTS INC' HELP.SET IN[WI r 30, �E' (0=39.20,4=65'59'45' s1 k- 100 I,R.NNR PC"CENTERLINE CONCERTO DIG HELD,SET IN[WI >so'Po °3-,,.s?ry3,>, .SJ CLQ=1105,611[5]3^E,100.$3,bg`x,19 '-5S Il°' �D 98 101 SOI'LR NC CAP ORIGIN UNKNOWN.oN OLD 0511PE9[Al j33' 563 3,�5. O,`�r- CC" X02 IR.WlRFC'CENTERLINE CONCEPTS-lNC IN ON PAN,SET IN IMF / 0. I ASPHALT los 02.NAR PC"CENTERLINE CONCEPTS INC UP N34GET N09'EN 24'OE R,W POINT OF CORVE, OPF`S IS] yl(S _ s0. ,AO v..S. 1111 5518' NO CAP DOWN 9.9'IN ASPHALT,DENT HEP,SETINIs1 '-'<",.T ..... S'n C \,OA .- REGISTERED SURVEYED FOR: �-p e 516'I R.NO CAP OCMVN O.3'IN ASPHALT.BENT NELL%SET IN 151 `� PROFESSIONAL OSWEGD LAKE COON IIVY CLUB m ITSlee 3w•IP POUND IN Ira LAND SURVEYOR I:4'lS 'PAR16AASSOC•DOJUN0.4'IN ,,�� ,�(( SURVEYED BY: ITO ooLPCOURSE005'FA POV851610] .nvl�S�__ WESTLW. E CONSULTANTS, INC. 109 Y IP.DCWNO S' S33.3S5VE.3ox or al 10.ORIGIN 15115 S.W. SEQUOIA 22RKWAY, SLATE 75O 1990 TIGARE7, OREGON 97224 i3NKNOA'01,ONOLD LINE PER IY.1 JULY 25. (503)694-2652 110 3.R.WY]PC'CENTERLINE CANCEPTS' MELD,SET IN[XI --,_,_,._,_ GARY R.ANDERSON 117 RWOF •UTHTERLINECONCERTO" MELp.SETINIx1 SOUTHERN PACIFIC 34 RAILROAD RENEWS: 12431-2015SHEET 5 OF 7 21i.7.3-'n4TF.d„P CO PRELIMINARY PARTITION PLAT IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 3, THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SECT10N 4, THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 9, AND THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 10, T. 2 S., R. 1 E., W.M. CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO, CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON Ilirliil DATE: APRIL 1,2015 ow 50' SCALE:PIINCH =50 FEET '. O �p.NOs o�1 T X16 �T 3g9 P 62 3� 1a T 2 z0'6wort ,g,rS� 5� bk9 —— i TRA�Sp�j6 LINE X6$52 — FOUND MONiUMENTTABLE \ PLA �N _ EU S 1 DESCRIPTION NOTES OPLpNOS 12'54°.:V',,-. 1 SP 11,R W0110ENTERUNE CONCEPTS INC' SET INN I.aT 4D ® '— —I -16.03 SI I LR,NM1RPC"CENTERLVNECONCEP•91NC' SET IN N 81) - / 1 1HELD ASP0{NT ON CUR00 6.10 ( 12 PS ,a 52 ER SOGAT.,DOWN [12,00')[N1 Hl } NT1'24'29W OF CORNER,SET IN[0] O At 596T�, \ 1 53 1'LP. SET IN NI ^Js LOT 40 3 BLACK METAL FENCE SgG jA%1� 1 1 54 314'LP, 0.65 OF 0110.6E011400.FoU NP 0,88'N. ( GAIL 0.21 N. 44RIE5 1.5'S.10 25' / 1 ` } DT LINE IN N 10'SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ,L� DF LINE N PF LINE DON 590,PAN 021 55 112'1 R_SOOT?,Dom 0Ar HELD FOR RN1,UNKNOWN ORIGIN "1"/ 4•CHAIN LINK t8'(LNl ,/ OA 55 3,4'EP IN Roc,WALL SET INIFI JO FENCE 30.2 o91�1y� Lb'''AOti)d \--- 'PA. 12 172'0R 00161/01' UNKNOWN ORIGIN,TOOND ON[NI FC 0_ 0 544'' 9.`' — � 10-001-4 58 13/4•I.P. 10.14.S.OF LINT,SET IN 111 IS> [9N k5,' F I 52 13/4'LP. I SET IN[HI 0 /Pj 1:3314351 ® ® '=127.90' \ \ PARCEL 2 60 I.R_WIHPO'PAR158 ASSOC.PLG 2264" fSET IN INF 61 1"IP,ROwry P.3',BENT GET IN MI " N6121 f 792,1 LL=58 2ro5'24" PARCEL 1 4' ' '''-21 119.448 ACRES 62 1,LP.DOWN o- ser IN[0 5'87' s3 1"I.P,OONM 04' S51'45'25'W 035'.GEF IN€41.FOUND TENTER FIRE 01000NT ' ``' '— (4a9/8,ig CH.=57.74' I 4! '512'25'14.00.19 IN[AA1 63201'24'0 0.63'OF 4,Aj J 2-112 ACRES d! m gq 4'LP,gpwNO¢' GET 1N[D} CORNER r - 7.25 3 p,W 8 N EDGE OF2,A5�PH4W I1 -- •57775'30; MAO.O5'N.OF UNE u EN 65 'IP.,0202' SET1N101 CENTER WATER MANHOLE N 6G 1'IP,5204' sNTININI /'i`!!' m as9 43 1.a'�FINE U'.I, A� 67 1"IP 5ET114161 „,,,,:„•,..6- RR=114.46' l CENTER LrnuIr BON 4T 1 NOTES ,� cr.. r1=027'17'40" 200• fib plg D 1'N.OF LINE cS L=54.53' (2.06)1AAI 6' ' - o� 1'i 1, ALL IRON PIPE RP.)SIZES SHOWN ARE INSIDE DIAMETER, GR / R.Ta.48' �_ CENTER UTILITS'NOT CH.=54.01' 660320021" R=154.90' k_ 0.6'S.OF UNE }\\ 2.WHERE MONUMENT IS NOTED AS'BENT',MEASUREMENT N63'46'40'W 1,39.64' x020'05'26" . X WAS TAKEN TO A POINT BELOW THE BEND REPRESENTING 0R=114.46',xz719'2P', c,H.=3s.s• k 1 THE BEST APPROXIMATION OF ORIGINAL POSITION. N9525 55 L=54,32' /o, Lb —� CENTER unLlTr Rox I E=54.46'x4491636, (R.7095',L=3981•x0] CH.=54.04' (IOq�,X12E, 'r3?>0q,k_ 0.P'$,OF LINE cors N61'22'S0"W CP 4 7 � k }l ` SURVEY REFERENCES LOT 5 fr0ras.0r' �,y I \ rD PLAT OF UPLANDS CREST(1947) N]7?�� tt V te.t2' H ON 1955-0960) 1 (QT 4 004 W 5 k_ N PS 25810(1994) 16sgr49 p 4`3'23' [L1 PS 28440 0909) 5'Lsv _. Z SN 2014-199 LOT 3 a ) 8?sr. 21305. o La0s0.36-5-sDEED REFERENCES LOT 2 N m _f2f S El 0.49/936 BOOK LACKAMASPb 41ACE 11REED LEGEND UPLANDS CR£Sr LOT I 0 RECORDS 0 SET 5/6'0 30'IR_W/TRC MARKED ` "WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS" • FOUND MONUMENT DETAIL OF WEST END I P IRON PIPE (SEE SHEET 2 FOR 1"=100•SCALE VIEW) REGISTERED SURVEYED FOR: LR_ IRON ROp LPROND SUROONEYL I OSWEGO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB 0/8 RIGHT OF WAY �] /� SURVEYED BY: W/OPC WITH ORANGE PLASTIC CAP 1�2.c W113 S.W. E CONSULTANTS, INC. W/RPC WITH ORD PLASTIC CAP 75175 S.W. SEQUOIA PARKWAY. SUITE 150 OREGON DOAR0, OREGON 97224 W/'TPC WTH RED PLASTIC CAP GARY R.2 ANDERSON (503) 684-6652 • 2434 RENEWS: 12-31-2015 SHEET 6 OF 7 91 COPY U,,3 O PRELIMINARY PARTITION PLAT IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 3, THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SECTION 4, THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 9, AND THE NW 1/4- OF SECT#ON 10, T. 2 S., R. 1 E., W.M. CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO, CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON DATE: APRIL 1, 2015 APPROVALS DECLARATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF .20 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT OSWEGO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB IS THE OWNER OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO. LAND REPRESENTED ON THE ANNEXED MAP,AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE,AND HAVE CAUSED THE SAME TO BE PARTITIONED AND BY: PLATTED AS SHOWN.IN ACCORDANCE PITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 92 OF THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES REVISED STATUTES. DECLARANT 00 HEREBY GRANT ALL EASEMENTS,WITH RESTRICTIONS,AS SHOWN AND NOTED HEREON, APPROVED THIS DAY OF .20 OSWEGO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB BY: CLACKAMAS COUNTY SURVEYOR SEAN WOOLWORTH,PRESIDENT ALL TAXES,FEES,ASSESSMENTS AND OTHER CHARGES AS PROVIDED FOR BY O.R.S.92.095 HAVE BEEN PAID THRU .20_ APPROVED THIS DAY OF ,20 CLACKAMAS COUNTY ASSESSOR It TAX COLLECTOR BY: DEPUTY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF SS COUNTY OF ON THE DAY OF -20 .BEFORE ME,A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE AND COUNTY,PERSONALLY APPEARED DEAN STATE OF OREGON EXECUTED WHO BEING FIRST DULY SWORN.01D SAY THAT SAID INSTRUMENT WAS EXECUTED ON BEHALF OF SAID COMPANY,AND HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED SAID INSTRUMENT SS TO BE NIS OWN FREE ACT AND DEED. COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TH15 PARTITION PLAT WAS RECEIVED FOR RECORD ON THE DAY OF 20 , NOTARY SIGNATURE AT O'CLOCK. .1.I., AS PLAT NO. AS DOCUMENT NO. NOTARY PUBLIC—STATE OF COMMISSION NO: SHERRY HALL,CLACKAMAS COUNTY CLERK MY MISSION EXPIRES: BY: .....__._._,......._ ._ DEPUTY NOTES 1. DETERMINATION AND BASIS OF BEARINGS BASED ON MONUMENTS FOUND REGISTERED SURVEYED FOR: AND HELD PER ,CLACKAMAS COUNTY SURVEY RECORDS. PROFESSIONAL OSWEGO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB 2. THIS PLAT IS SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OUTLINED IN CITY OF LAKE LAND SURVEYOR OSWEGO LAND CASE FILE NO. q�\� A SURVEYED BY: / }&-- —_ WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS, INC. 15115 S.W. SEQUOIA PARKWAY, SUITE 150 OREGON u TIGARD. OREGON 97224 JULY 25, 1990 (503)684-0652 GARY R. ANDERSON 24.34 7 RENEWS: 12-31-2015 SHEET 7 OF ;i-007FF`_Gwa 12 Future Connectivity Plan Two Parcel Partition Applicant& Property Owner Oswego Lake Country Club ' `� '1;0'!q: ..., .''''; -,i-;.'2.'r i:-.71106‘''''''''''''''...:'' ...":-..-...:'-'-''''.. -' ''':: '''''''. :2:-' . )'.'''''.1/1,' ! •1'./, ' ''-' ' -- ,- '-.'i;' 'j:'-',',:.----.,'.'r.7. ':: .'','...:;;;''.;:,::.'.Y!'.;..'2;,-:',/.„ 7: r.',... :-.:'',7>7:'''.:./.' "-''' L.' ,WirifF .' .i ' , ..:!.'; .'..'. '''. "'" ...! :'%:-.' C'r ',.2,-,...."..; A „,--`:',,,,ir".....,.C..... .:".S.-:4-,...",:::7„111:::0,;:,\......',,,,':;:-.,:..;:;s,',.....:.,',,,:(,." -:.ii,-.../4 ,.--„;.-.../:,::f. -'' " .',''' , '-' ',, ,ii.„, :ii„,f:::?(„.::;;;:,,„;:,........'.. .f.:..]..‹•;;;;;";:,,,,-;,,-, i .. .. .0" `,.`-2.2..'„:"...,.' " ',,, ,-.-...,,1:::....-,-,,, XiiDE ',',..:-.:-:!F°9-: " :.: °.5:''''. : ::' /q Ili ,1*,,,,,___,, to, 1 r- M , r.'-.,--,..,,,44, 41,1.',.... :V.:,...'•.V 'W-,,",---41.r,',r1..q.,,.. ...,-:'-'g'tV'41*-',• i'''.'if••• 1::0-;'''''. -,'.'''''''•'''": .-:•'•'''' .77...:.• '' '-' - • ' * -•-: ''... fite —L = :'''':2'.•=,',0!4ifi'ailr'-Y.0,$•#'•-',;-V;'•:' ,..;;.! ....4,.1.t,: .'°3,'::.;.,..,if-,,:,:g1.4,,,,,, .,:-_:,. ,,,....,,,.:: ::,:i• ..,„,,.,,,/,..;.,..--.4,z ,:-:-.,, ,, ,,, ................, .,...„.: .-;.,.: -...,:. : :. ....-..- _ -.. .,- .: :.,.tt, , ,:.--,,,-..:- ,.-.,m,2:y. ,,..4.,.. ,:r.r,,,...:.:,. • M M '.:"....".'::::...:',.,',':',`.,,Y......f.' '',':,:;....,,-::„q,.'..',,,,..., ...,... ..C.,*,..0,1#,,4...1,!,,,,,,A-4.,...,:„oz.... .0,...-.....:,]4-..2-.....,..:•.„,, ..-„,,',. .,:..'.:::7;..-.-„,....., --...-., -;....-,----24,,;,-:.,,-;-„,----, ..-..-,--. ----,,.- ,;".- ---.:-:-;-' -.'."--...-.-:-:-::**-..,..S4--•••' "." '- itit":'.'..---."'::-- :----.y"..-.. a-.-.. .,,,,,, b op, .,---- -'• - -,,,,,,'. .}',.*:c..5'.::= ..1..• 5",..-.°5".417;‘.4',fti......'-.- .-.-*.A4..',...'.: "',', "....-.....54.-..7*.. ...:,.m:-, 2-.L...:t, L:.=-?,,,v',,-,....:...;:: ,: ' r.,=,:,.,,,,..;.,-. -,', -"" ",s.' ,',...:,':,,,,., .;,-..,',._,•,.: ..,,,: - ' :.,', ..,,A4,,,-.7, i, ,,,.., Mlf,',,:,1 ,:•,- 1. Connectivity is applicable to this two parcel partition application as per Section spacing. • Legend 4. This plan reflects applicability of the connectivity exceptions listed in 50.06.0003.4.c.vi including extreme topography, sensitive lands and existing development patterns on abutting properties. : '10 v. 5. While this connectivity plan is required to be recorded by current City of Lake Oswego zoning code applicable to this I. •„,.. .• two lot partition application,this plan shall not binding on the property,is subject to change,and shall not be the d Local Street Pedestrian/Bike basis of any right-of-way dedication or street improvement upon the property without owner written agreement an City approval of a land use application involving future development upon the property. ' Connection Connection 14 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO CULTURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY FIELD FORM 1988-1989 HIST. NAME: Oswego Country Club STYLE: English DATE OF CONSTRUCTION: 1925 Cottage COMMON NAME: Same RESOURCE TYPE: ORIGINAL USE: Club/golf course Building ADDRESS: 20 Iron Mountain Boulevard THEME: Architecture; OWNER: Lake Oswego Country Club Recreation, PRESENT USE: Country Club/golf course Development ARCH./BLDR.: Morris Whitehouse; Robertson, ADDITION: N/A Hay &Wallace, Builders BLOCK: T/R/S: 2S IE 4 LOT: TAX LOT: 100 QUAD: Lake Oswego LOT SIZE: 98.09 ZONE: (County) PLAN TYPE/SHAPE: Asymmetrical NO. OF STORIES: 2 FOUNDATION MATERIAL: Concrete BASEMENT: Yes ROOF FORM &MATERIALS: Truncated multiple hip WALL CONSTRUCTION: Wood STRUCTURAL FRAME: Stud PRIMARY WINDOW TYPE: Small multi-light casement with simple surrounds EXTERIOR SURFACING MATERIALS: Uncoursed stone; shingles DECORATIVE FEATURES: Wrought-iron lanterns OTHER: Massive interior brick chimney CONDITION: Good EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS/ADDITIONS: Major addition added to s. elevation, (n.d.) NOTEWORTHY LANDSCAPE FEATURES: Golf course; ornamental landscape materials ASSOCIATED STRUCTURES: Buildings associated w/ golf course SETTING: Located on n. side of Iron Mtn. Blvd; in area of early to mid-20th century residences. NOTES: RECORDER(S): Koler/Morrison DATE:January. 1989 SHPO #: 323 FIELD #: 69 EXHIBIT E-6 LU 15-0029 15 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO CULTURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY ADDRESS 20 IRON MOUNTAIN BLVD. TAXMAP/LOT 25 IE 4/100 SHPO# ROLL/FRAME# rte`"` '''• '• rt. . • -1 4. fix.•.;,--!---:- 3 -. "" ` fi` .. . „ ^a,. 4 » `�'– x ` 2.. x ",� �„ ' fir-`r ` fi --...--- -';;;'.47... .,--:."- -46,,..,,,,......."...,,—,,..._'-'-'", , � ," 'rte . ' - ^' - � � t " cz, i Y ii 1 { • ,_ atillilliF A - / ^ yam. .. 16 STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE Address: 20 Iron Mountain Boulevard Historic Name: Lake Oswego Country Club The Lake Oswego Country Club was founded in 1925 by Paul Murphy, Sr., a well-known developer, who hoped to attract residents to the suburban community. The Clubhouse was designed by prominent architect, Morris Whitehouse and built by Robertson, Hay and Wallace, General Contractors of Portland. The golf course was designed by H. Chandler Egan and constructed by William Tucker and Son of New York at the cost of$500,000. Covering approximately 165 acres, a significant amount of which are fairways, the property swings gently upward from the shoreline of Lake Oswego to an altitude of roughly 400 feet. The site offers 9xpansive views of mountains, river, lake and hills. Several of the fairways were at one time part of Iron Mountain farm and the Ladd Dairy farm managed by a Mr. Hogan. When .the course was constructed it was considered a very difficult par 73 course not only to score but difficult, literally, to climb. The 17th tee had a Pierce Arrow open touring car operating on cables to take members to the top of the hill. A 1927 article in "The Northwest Golfer Illustrated," described the Clubhouse as "the center of social life in the District. On the lakeshore, directly below the Club House is the Club bathing beach, where a swimming pool has just been completed. Here will be held many gala water events this summer. Stone fireplaces have been built in the hillside above the lakeshore...for club members' use and will no doubt be very popular supper scenes following summer afternoons of golf and swimming." The Country Club almost went bankrupt during World War II according to Orman Bean Jr., a long-time member and son of charter members of the club. A club scrapbook notes, "The severe change came during WWII, when loss of members (occurred) due to gasoline rationing, and the upper new property was sold. Gradually changes are being made to increase yardage and challenge." Bean credited Paul Murphy with keeping the club afloat during these hard times by not selling the land for homesites, but instead contributing his labor, along with others, to grounds-keeping. After the worst financial strain had passed Murphy sold the course plus.200 feet of Sake frontage to the members for $50,000. In 1945, Harry Coffey (See Harry Coffey House, 409 Edgecliff and 1850 North Shore) reorganized the club to obtain new members and the course was designed to a par 68. Oswego golf professionals associated with the club have included Boyd Bustard, Bill Kerry, Perry Smoker and Bob McKendrick, who played in numerous national tournaments. The Clubhouse is a fine example of Arts and Crafts architecture. The building incorporates use of local stone and other rustic materials. Multi-light casement windows and projecting bays and dormers contribute to the historic character of the structure. A major addition to the building was made within the last decade, and although the facade and side elevations of the original building have been retained, the scale and mass of the addition detract from the overall historic character of the building. The Oswego Country Club is significant for its role in the development of the Oswego area. Bibliography: "A Gold Flag Flies Over Country Club." Lake Osweao Review. 8/75. Bean, Orman Jr., Unrecorded Interview with P. Kohnen, 3/9/89. Clackamas County Cultural Resource Inventory, Department of Transportation and Development, 1984. "Eighteen New Holes In Oregon's Fairyland of Green," Clara S. Shepard, The Northwest Golfer Illustrated. 5/27. Wilmot, R. W., Unrecorded Interview with 3. Morrison, 3/89. 17 18 Oswego Lake Country Club Two Parcel Minor Partition Conditional Use Permit Minor Boundary Modification Prepared for: Oswego Lake Country Club 20 Iron Mountain Blvd. Lake Oswego OR 97034 Mr. Michael Carbiener General Manager 503-636-3631 Prepared by: Westlake Consultants,Inc. 15115 SW Sequoia Parkway, Suite 150 Tigard, Oregon 97224 Phone: 503.684.0652 Fax: 503.624.0157 EXHIBIT F-1 LU 15-0029 19 Application and Subject Site Summary SUBJECT PROPERTY: Tax Map 2-1E-4 Tax Lots 100, 160(121.5 Acres) PROPERTY LOCATION: South of Country Club Road—Subject Site property for this Application is directly North of Ridgecrest Drive, at the westernmost boundary of Oswego Lake Country Club Golf Course, Lake Oswego,OR 97034 PROPOSAL: Two Parcel Minor Partition and Conditional Use Permit Boundary Modification SITE SIZE: Entire Site=Approximately 1213 Acres Application Creates Total of 2 Parcels Parcel 1=Approximately 2.1 Acres Parcel 2= Remaining 119.4 Acres ZONING DESIGNATION: R-10 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Len Schelsky, P.L.S. Westlake Consultants, Inc. 15115 5W Sequoia Parkway, Suite 150 Tigard, OR 97224 Phone: 503.684.0652 Fax: 503.624.0157 Email: Ischelskv@westlakeconsulta nts.com APPLICANT: Oswego Lake Country Club 20 Iron Mountain Blvd. Lake Oswego OR 97034 PROPERTY OWNER: Oswego Lake Country Club 20 Iron Mountain Blvd. Lake Oswego OR 97034 20 Application Description Introduction The Oswego Lake Country Club ("OLCC") and its members are a widely recognized non-profit business in the Lake Oswego community and the OLCC golf course location in central Lake Oswego contributes to the natural aesthetics that are a strong element of the City. The approximately 121.5 acre property is continually managed by the OLCC Board to provide effective and desired golf course and clubhouse amenities. As part of this ongoing management, a small area of surplus land has been identified as no longer needed for golf course operations. This is approximately 2.1 acres of land located at the very western boundary of the OLCC property and is a triangular shape with frontage on Ridgrecrest Drive—see Figure 3 below. Proposal This application requests approval for a two-lot minor partition and modification to the boundary of existing conditional use permit, a preliminary plat of the subject site is included. The existing golf course and club house building and improvements are not involved in this application. This application is to partition a two acre parcel of identified surplus land from the west end of the Oswego Lake Country Club ("OLCC")property, along Ridgecrest Drive. The request modification of the conditional use permit boundary is to document removal of the two acre parcel from existing OLCC conditional use permit approvals. Exhibit F depicts the partition parcel. The remaining 119.4 acres, containing the golf course and clubhouse, is not included in this application and no changes to this land or improvements are proposed. Further there are no changes to existing conditional use permit approvals proposed other than removal of 2.1 acre partition parcel from the boundary of these existing conditional use permit approvals. �; 6 s7 1 ' j�[3 S 3 LLQ Fy5 v PAR�«. E r f Y _ S ,,t'..4 .,sv,Rv ,s° s R e s is 3L 0.i d V s`� f }^, '',.." a A410L7 A , Vb 1 Figure 1-Site Vicinity Map Oswego Lake Country Club-Minor Partition and CUP Boundary Modification WESTLRKE CONSULTANTS,Inc. 1 21 Existing Conditions As depicted on the existing conditions survey sheet, Exhibit E, the 2.1 acre partition parcel is currently vacant and has an average slope of 10% from west to east. The triangular shaped partition parcel has frontage along its south boundary on Ridgecrest Drive, a public right-of-way. The site and surrounding area is zoned R-10 and lies within the City of Lake Oswego. Single-family residences on a variety of lot sizes occupy most all properties surrounding the existing OLCC property. The site is not within the 100-year flood plain and there are no Sensitive Lands Overlay applied to the partition parcel land. Existing landscaping and vegetation on the property consists of a mixture grass and landscaping associated with currently unused golf course. Existing trees are depicted on the survey. b >u.suli N ^T+ f ', i Y .._rte a } fUtR ;... Figure 2-Oswego Lake Country Club Property Oswego Lake Country Club-Minor Partition and CUP Boundary Modification WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS,tnc. 2 22 . „--,,,,,...--- i'''''':.$'14.P.-:**--I:' ,--• ';-iiftt4:4-: :',,---3-0,/ '' -ir- ---*1 ,— , "" .s' - 3 sig .Wqr r'?" '' ",- 7. i .� . � � � 1"1 "' _. '"sem ,_ ,n •' .1 - .,,_ - V-: ',. '"' '' .4!ittf „ - x _ ",_, '-':,- - . .— ;.:- - -=',-1•,---‘11101*-- - ,-i.,;,:. _- mr-. i -- , . _ -,,,. .. ki j b. �c .,sF?�-r.. ... - .. .. ..2. Figure 3-01CC Partition Parcel Public Facilities 1. Sanitary Sewer: There is a City of Lake Oswego 8" sewer line located in a public sanitary easement through the 2.1 acre partition parcel, located parallel to the eastern boundary of the partition parcel,which is available and adequate to serve the partition parcel. 2. Water Service: City of Lake Oswego currently has an 8-inch water main in Ridgecrest Drive public right-of--way that is available and adequate to serve the partition parcel via a water service connection. 3. Stormwater Management: This application is a land division application to create a separate parcel for the 2.1 acres and no development is proposed. Given the 2.1 acre size of the partition parcel, there is adequate area located on-site for stormwater collected from any future development upon the partition parcel to be collected, detained and treated. Specific stormwater plans will be reviewed by the City through either building permit or land use review at the time any future development may be proposed. 4. Streets: Ridgecrest Drive is a public right-of--way which is 30 feet wide at the southwest corner of the partition parcel and 20 feet in width along the south boundary of the partition parcel. Existing improvements, including asphalt pavement of varying width, are depicted on the existing survey Exhibit E. Oswego Lake Country Club-Minar f artQtioa and UP ou clary IF adi cation WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS,1nc. 3 23 TABLE 1 ZONING LOT DIMENSIONAL AND DENSITY REQUIREMENTS Residential Low Density—Dimensional Standards (50.04,001) Side Street Side Lot Street Front Yard Setback Lot Area Width Frontage Lot Depth Setback Setback (ft.) .. (M.) (ft.) _ (ft.) (ft.) IR-10 f 0.23 Ac= 10,0Q0 s.11 65 I 25' I None 1 25 1 101 I 151 Parcel 1 I 2.1 Ac. I 525 I 525 I 250 I 25 10/10 I N/A 'Parcel 2 I 119.4 Ac. I >65 I >25 I Variable I 25 1 10/10 1 N/A 1 10-ft is required for portions of structures exceeding 18-ft. 2 Section 50.05.003(4) Density Requirements I Maximum Density—50.04.001 IR-10 Zone 1 unit per 10,000 sq. ft. (net area) I Gross = 121.5 Ac 110,000 s.f. Apprx.423 units Minimum Density—50.04.001 Not applicable to partitions I Table 50.04.001-1 Maximum Floor Area Calculations The following illustrates the calculations for the Maximum Floor Area per Lot pursuant to LOC 50.04.001 Parcel 1 = 3,000 + [((2.1 Ac.*43,560)— 5,800) x .19] = 19,278 square feet Parcel 2 = Golf Course (Not/Applicable) Building Height LOC 50.08.035 As a golf course, Parcel 2 is an undulating topography and no development is proposed through this application. Parcel 1 is 2.1 acres in size with a slope that may meet definition of a sloped lot depending on location of future residence upon the property. Base height will be reviewed and approved by the City of Lake Oswego at time of future development. � �:.�-, -.,-�;..:,.-.».✓:.... y�:ex.-- .-..:�im�-«�rH.crszrr«�;.� ,. n.�yih.;s:,:,;r..:.,-.s....r.�:-ar:..a,^-:¢w�.wzv�:-<�.'.'en,�.ss •'« -".--asaw.^�;...M...-ron x ..era Oswego Lake Country Club-Minor Partition and CUP Boundary Modification WEST LAKE CONSULTANTS,inc. 4 24 Lake Oswego Municipal Code Approval Standards & Criteria Applicant Narrative The Lake Oswego Municipal Code sections applicable to this Two Parcel Minor Partition and Conditional Use Permit Boundary Modification land use applications include: Chapter 50 Community Development Code • Article 50.02— Zones and Site Specific Standards • Article 50.03— Use Regulations and Conditions • Article 50.04— Dimensional Standards • Article 50.05— Overlay and Design Districts 50.05.010—Sensitive Lands Overlay • Article 50.06— Development Standards 50.06.001—Building Design 50.06.002—Parking 50.06.003—Circulation and Connectivity 50.06.004—Site Design 50.06.006—Geologic Hazards and Drainage 50.06.007—Solar Access 50.06.008- Utilities • Article 50.07-- Review and Approval Procedures 50.07.003—Review Procedures 50.07.005—Conditional Use Permits 50.07.007—Land Divisions Chapter 42 Streets and Sidewalks Chapter 55 Trees • Article 55.02— Tree Removal The specific applicable sections from the above Sections and Applicant Responses demonstrating compliance with each are as follows: CHAPTER 50 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE Article 50.02—Zones and Site Specific Standards 50.02.001 —Base Zoning Districts 50.02.001(2) Residential-Low Density Zones APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: The site is currently zoned R10 which is consistent with this section. This application proposes a two lot partition resulting in one parcel of 2.1 acres which is vacant and the other parcel totaling 119.4 acres containing the existing golf course and clubhouse improvements. Consistent with the R-10 zoning district, future development on the 2.1 acre parcel will be single-family residential. This section is met. Article 50.03— Use Regulations and Conditions 50.03.002— Use Table 50.03.002(2) Residential Use Table APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: As per Table 50.03.002-1, single-family detached dwellings are a Permitted Use in the R-10 zone. This application for a two lot partition and conditional use permit boundary modification is consistent proposing creation of a 2.1 acre parcel that is served with the services and access capable of supporting future single family residential use on the vacant parcel. There are no changes or Oswego Lake Country Club-Minor Partition and CUP Boundary Modification WESTLAK€CONSULTANTS,Inc. 5 25 development proposed to the existing golf course and clubhouse improvements on the 119.4 acre parcel created through this application. This section is met. 50.03.003— Use-Specific Standards APPLICANTS RESPONSE: The provisions of this section contain standards applicable to specific land uses, including manufactured housing, institutional facilities, and telecommunications facilities. This application does not propose any uses or development listed in this section. This section does not apply. Article 50.04—Dimensional Standards 50.04.001 — Dimensional Table 50.04.001(1) Residential Low Density Zones APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: This application meets the a pplicable maximum density provisions of this section, as illustrated on Table 1 of this project narrative hereinabove. This application meets the applicable lot size and dimension provisions of this section, as illustrated in the attached preliminary partition plat Exhibit F, and as detailed on Table 1 of this project narrative hereinabove. Given that both proposed parcels exceed the minimum R-10 dimensional standards, a future single family dwelling can be constructed on the 2.1 acre parcel that satisfies applicable yard setback, height, lot coverage and FAR provisions, including maximum FAR calculations provided in on Table 1 in this narrative hereinabove. This section is met. 50.04.003—Exceptions, Projections, And Encroachments APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: The provisions of this section cover standards applicable to height, dimensional, setback and density exceptions involving primarily siting and construction of structures. This application proposes a two lot partition resulting in a 2.1 acre parcel and a 119.4 acre parcel, both of which exceed minimum R-10 lot area and dimensional standards as detailed on Table 1 hereinabove. Future development on either parcel will be reviewed by the City for compliance with applicable provisions of this section. Article 50.05-- Overlay and Design Districts 50.05.010—Sensitive Lands Overlay 50.05.003(4) Yard Setbacks APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: This application is a two parcel minor partition creating a vacant 2.1 acre parcel and a 119.4 acre parcel containing the Oswego Lake Country Club golf course and clubhouse improvements. This application doesn't propose any development or site improvements on either parcel being created. There is a Sensitive Lands Overlay("SLO") applied to a portion of the 119.4 acre parcel along the northerly area of the property near Country Club Road. There is no SLO applied to the 2.1 partition parcel at the west edge of the OLCC property. Given no development is proposed within or near current SLO, this application satisfies this section. Article 50.06— Development Standards 50.06.001 —Building Design 50.06.001(a) Yard Setbacks APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: The applicable provisions of Table 50.06.001-1 shall be reviewed and approved during a future building permit review process for detached single family dwelling upon the 2.1 acre partition parcel being created through this application. No changes are involved or proposed through this application for the golf course and existing clubhouse improvements on the proposed 119.4 acre parcel. Oswego take Country Chale-Minor Partition and CUP Boundary Modification WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS,Inc, 6 26 50.06.002—Parking 50.06.002(2) Standards for Approval APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: This article applies to all development that generates a parking need. As required by Table 50.06.002- 3, one off-street parking space is required per single family dwelling unit. Given the total 2.1 acre area of the vacant partition parcel being proposed through this application, the amount of required parking and location upon the parcel can be provided and will be reviewed for approval through future building plans. No changes are involved or proposed through this application for the golf course and existing clubhouse improvements on the proposed 119.4 acre parcel. This section is met. 50.06.003— Circulation and Connectivity 50.06.003(1)—Access/Access Lanes (Flag Lots) APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: This article is applicable to all partitions of land. As depicted Exhibit F and on Table 1 hereinabove, both of the proposed parcels have greater than 25 feet of frontage on an existing public right-of-way. The proposed 2.1 acre partition parcel is of a size and configuration that future development upon the property will be served via a driveway entering/exiting in a forward motion onto Ridgecrest Drive. Parcel 2 is the 119.4 acre parcel containing the existing golf course and clubhouse improvements and no changes are proposed for this parcel. The grade of the driveway will be less than five percent. Fire access standards will be review for compliance during application approval. There are no public streets "stubbed" to the 2.1 acre partition parcel. 50.06.004—Site Design 50.06.004(1) Landscaping, Screening, and Buffering APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: These criteria will be reviewed for compliance during review of this application by City staff. 50.06.004(2) Fences APPLICANT'S RESPONSE The applicable provisions of this section will be reviewed during any future building permit review process for a detached single family dwelling upon the 2.1 acre partition parcel. 50.06.004(3) Lighting Standards APPLICANT'S RESPONSE The City Engineer memorandum from the pre-application meeting notes that a streetlight may be required as a condition of approval at the intersection of Crest Drive and Ridgecrest Drive. Article 50.06.006— Geologic Hazards Development Standards Weak Foundation Soils Hillside Protection Drainage Standards APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: This application is for two parcel minor partition creating a vacant 2.1 acre parcel and a 119.4 acre parcel containing the Oswego Lake Country Club golf course and clubhouse improvements. This application doesn't propose any development or site improvements on either parcel being created. The applicable provisions of these two sections will be reviewed during any future building permit review process for a detached single family dwelling upon the 2.1 acre partition parcel. 50.06.007—Solar Access Solar Access for New Development Solar Balance Point APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: Oswego Lake Gauntry Club-Minor Partition and CUP Boundary Modification WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS,Inc:. 7 27 This is a two parcel minor partition creating a 2.1 acre and 119.4 acre parcel. As depicted on Exhibit F, both parcels comply with th basic requirement by having a north/south dimension greater than 90 feet in length and a front lot line within 30 degrees of true east/west axis. Other applicable provisions of these two sections will be reviewed during any future building permit review process for a detached single family dwelling upon the 2.1 acre partition parcel. Article 50.06— Development Standards 50.06.008— Utilities APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: Section 50.06.008 applies to all development requiring connection to utilities. Utilities will be provided to both of the proposed parcels in this two lot minor partition application in accordance with the applicable provisions of this section as follows: Sanitary Sewer—As depicted on Exhibit E, there is a City of Lake Oswego 8" sewer line located in a public sanitary easement through the 2.1 acre partition parcel, located parallel to the eastern boundary of the partition parcel, which is available and adequate to serve the partition parcel. Water Service - City of Lake Oswego currently has an 8-inch water main in Ridgecrest Drive public right-of-way that is available and adequate to the serve the 2.1 acre partition parcel via a water service connection. Stormwater Manaoement-This application is a land division application to create a separate parcel for the 2.1 acres and no development is proposed. Given the 2.1 acre size of the partition parcel, there is adequate area located on-site for stormwater collected from any future development upon the partition parcel to be collected, detained and treated. Specific stormwater plans will be reviewed by the City through either building permit or land use review at the time any future development may be proposed. Streets - Ridgecrest Drive is a public right-of-way which is 30 feet wide at the southwest corner of the partition parcel and 20 feet in width along the south boundary of the partition parcel. Existing improvements, including asphalt pavement of varying width, are depicted on the existing survey Exhibit E. Ridgecrest Drive is adequate to serve one future single family residence upon the 2.1 acre parcel via an individual driveway. Article 50.07--Review and Approval Procedures 50.07.001 — Summary Procedures Table 50.07.003—Review Procedures APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: As per Table 50.07.001-1 and subsection (14)(1), this two parcel partition application and conditional use permit boundary modification is classified as Minor Development. Submitted with this application are copies of both the required pre-application and neighborhood meeting materials. This Minor Development application shall be processed per the applicable provisions of these sections. This narrative, preliminary partition plat, and other documents and plans submitted in support of this application for the proposed two parcel partition and CUP boundary modification demonstrate that applicable standards and criteria are satisfied or can be satisfied through conditions of approval. 50.07.005 Conditional Use Permits APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: As per direction provided from City staff after the pre-application meeting, this application includes a request for a minor modification of the existing conditional use permit boundary applied to the Oswego Lake Country Club property through conditional use approvals over the past four decades. Thus, concurrent with two parcel minor partition, this application requests to modify the perimeter of the City Oswego Lake Country Club--Minor Partition and CUP Boundary Modification WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS,Inc. 8 28 1 recognized conditional use permit boundary for the OLCC property and remove the 2.1 acre partition parcel from conditional use permit boundary. In accordance with the applicable provisions of this section, there is no development or use of OLCC property being proposed through this application that involves any existing conditional use or improvements. In summary, this boundary modification request is a formality necessary to document removal of the 2.1 acre partition parcel from future involvement in any activities on the 119.4 acre parcel containing the existing golf course and clubhouse improvements. Given the vacant and unimproved condition of the 2.1 acre partition parcel and its location at the very westerly edge of OLCC property, there are no impacts to existing OLCC approved conditional uses on the 119.4 acre parcel, this application satisfies Section 50.07.007—Land Divisions 50.07.007(3)— Platting APPLICANTS RESPONSE: The provisions of this section are applicable to final plat review, approval and recording. Conditions of approval will be imposed req uiring compliance with applicable provisions of this section which will be reviewed and approved for compliance by City staff during the final plat review process. CHAPTER 42 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: Ridgecrest Drive is a local street and a public right-of-way. As illustrated on Exhibit E, the attached existing conditions survey, there is existing pavement located within the existing right-of-way that will be retained and is adequate to serve a future single family residence on the 2.1 acre partition parcel. As depicted on Exhibit F, a 10 foot dedication of right-of-way is proposed along the 2.1 acre partition parcel. CHAPTER 55 TREES ARTICLE 55.02— Tree Removal APPLICANTS RESPONSE: As depicted on the aerial photo hereinabove and the submitted existing conditions survey Exhibit 3, the 2.1 acre partition parcel is currently vacant and there are trees regulated through this section located on the proposed parcel. With existing public sanitary and water line locations, utility connections for the 2.1 acre partition parcel will be via water service and sewer lateral connections to existing public lines and can be made without removal of any regulated trees. Any regulated tree removal necessary to construct a future single family residential dwelling will be reviewed and approved during the building permit review process. CONCLUSION As proposed,this two parcel minor partition and conditional use permit minor boundary modification application demonstrates through a combination of the subject site's location, existing and available infrastructure serving the site, the findings in this narrative and submitted supporting information, that all applicable Lake Oswego Municipal Code standards and criteria are met. Therefore, the property owner Oswego Lake Country Club respectfully requests the City of Lake Oswego approve this land use application. Oswego Lake Country Club-Minor Partition and CUP Boundary Modification WESTLAKE CONSULTANTS,Inc. 9 29 30 W consultestlakea ntstinc MEETING M IN UTES ENGINEERING • SURVEYING • PLANNING PHONE 503 . 684 . 0652 DATE OF MEMO: February 26,2015 PROJECT NAME: Oswego Lake Country Club DATE OF MEETING: February 24, 2015 PROJECT NUMBER: 2523-01 LOCATION: Oswego Lake Country Club PRESENT: Michael Carbiener,Lee,Len,OLCC board members,neighbors DISTRIBUTION: SUBMITTED BY: Len On Tuesday, February 24, a presentation was made to neighborhood residents of the Oswego Lake Country Club regarding the club's desire to segregate a 2 acre parcel on the west side of their property. Michael Carbiener, OLCC Club Manager, opened the meeting and presented the goal and intent for separating the property. He mentioned that the board of directors initiated the process in the fall of 2014. The club is proposing improvements to the course that will require major funding and creating the parcel would benefit their cause. Michael and Westlake Consultants contacted the city and attended a pre-application meeting at the city to discuss the procedures for creating the parcel. It was determined that in order to accomplish the separation a modification to the club's conditional use permit was required along with a land use partition. Michael provided a brief overview of the boundary limits of the 2 acres and stated that once the parcel is created, the club would entertain offers to establish the value. At that point, appropriate decision points would be considered. Michael pointed out that the club would most likely place restrictions on the property—for example allowing a maximum of 3 building lots for any future development. Lee Leighton, land use planner, then provided an overview of the planning process that the city will require for modifying the conditional use permit and approving a partition application. He pointed out that the city deemed the land use a major development action and thus will require a Type 3 process for review. The Type 3 process includes a public hearing at the city. Lee provided an overview of the 2 acre parcel and pointed out a number of physical features for the site. A public sanitary sewer line runs north/south through the property in the general vicinity of the east line of the 2 acre parcel. He also pointed out the limits of the improvements along Ridgecrest Drive, i.e., asphalt paving,trees, right of way. Lee noted that the city will likely request additional right of way along Ridgecrest and pavement widening. Lee responded to a question regard zoning for the property. Zoning will likely be the same as surrounding area, R-l0. Michael further commented that the club would in all likelihood restrict further development to a maximum of 3 parcels and that use will be for residential. EXHIBIT F-2 LU '15-0029 31 3 Another question was directed at drainage requirements for future development. Lee responded by noting that any future construction on the site would be subject to city standards for runoff Future improvements could require water quality swales, rain gardens, pipe extensions, etc. There were several questions and comments regarding the pavement width on Ridgecrest and possible improvements to widen the paving for car and emergency vehicle access. Lee noted that the city will be providing their recommendations for the widening and a possible turnaround in the vicinity of the east line of the 2 acre parcel. Lee noted that pavement widening would probably not include curbs or sidewalks. The city, and local residents, like the rural feel of narrow streets that do not include curbs and sidewalks. A number of neighbors are concerned regarding a number of large trees in the northwest corner of the property. Lee noted that during the partition process, the trees would not be effected. However, assuming future building permit applications, at that time a builder may request certain trees be removed. A tree removal permit as part of a building permit is a separate application and neighbors can provide comment during that process. Michael was presented with several questions regard restricting the number of future parcels to 3. He responded by noting that the club would work with their attorney and potential purchaser on deed restrictions to establish parcel limits, setbacks and other limitations. Lee provided an overview of the tentative process for the CUP modification and partition. A land use application will be prepared and submitted to the city for completeness review. The city will then set a hearing date. That time frame will require approximately 6-8 weeks from date of the neighborhood meeting. Once the land use is approved, the recording of the final plat for creating the 2 acre parcel will require 3-4 months. 32