Approved Minutes - 1995-05-11 PM• BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 11, 1995 The Citizen's Budget Committee was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Secretary Eric Carlson. Members Present Included: Mayor Schlenker; Councilors: Anderson,Atherton, Chrisman, Klammer, Prosser, and Puskas. Citizen Members Present Included: Bates, Bullock, Carlson, Dobie, O'Rourke-Meadors (who arrived at 5:40), and Ruttan. Excused was: Citizen Member Sievert- Morris. Staff Members Present Included: City Manager Schmitz;Assistant City Managers Coffee and Kincaid; Finance Director Griswold; and Senior Management Analyst Waugh. TOUR TO LOCOM Police Chief Les Youngbar took the Budget Committee to LOCOM where Kathi Alford, Communications Manager, gave a presentation of the LOCOM Computer-Aided Dispatch system. The tour concluded at 6:35 p.m. STATE REVENUE SHARING HEARING Mr. Griswold directed the committee's attention to page 174 of the budget document to the Street Fund - Comparison of Revenue by Source. He explained that the State Revenue Funds typically are placed in the General Fund. Because of a lack of funds in the Street Fund, $183,550 in State Revenue Sharing Funds, was placed in the Street Fund. This was an attempt to eliminate transfers III and to replace Clackamas County funding which will end. The funds will be used for street maintenance construction and reconstruction. The meeting was opened for public comment-- There was none. In order to better facilitate the meeting because of time constraints, Ms. O'Rourke-Meadors asked that a motion be made supporting staff recommendation (unless there was an objection to the recommendation) immediately following staff presentation. She explained the reason for this was to keep the Committee focused on discussion. Time limits were placed. She opened the meeting to citizen comment for items not on the agenda. There was none. GRANTS At the request of the Budget Committee at the May 4th meeting, staff prepared a grant matrix regarding the allocation of City monies for grants attached to the agenda packet. Key issues brought up during discussion of the matrix included the amount of funding for social services, concert costs and funding sources. Ms. Pukas was concerned with the lack of funding for social services. Ms. Schlenker pointed out that the matrix did not actually reflect the City's participation with social services in particular,the role of the Social Services Coordinator at the Adult Community Center. In response to questions regarding concert costs, Mr. Kincaid explained that while revenue is received from sponsors, the City's contribution is $32,397 for the 95-96 budget year. The Committee discussed the need for establishing guidelines and criteria for distribution of city funds to various S groups. A subcommittee for the purpose of establising guidelines for future funding of grant requests was designated. Serving on the subcommittee will be O'Rourke Meadors, Carlson, Dobie, Prosser and Schlenker. • • International Festival-- The request for the International Festival was discussed at two previous meetings. The International Festival requested $4,000. The Budget Subcommittee on Municipal Grants recommended $3,000 -the amount awarded last year. At a previous meeting,the Budget Committee requested further information from Bob Chizum, Chair of the International Festival. Mr. Chizum provided the information but has been out of town for several weeks. Ms. O'Rourke Meadors moved that the International Festival be awarded $3,000. Mr. Anderson seconded the motion. The motion carried with Anderson, Atherton, Bates, Bullock, Carlson, Chrisman, Dobie, O'Rourke-Meadors, Prosser,Puskas,Ruttan and Schlenker voting in favor. Against: Klammer. • Commission for Citizens Involvement-- In review, CCI requested$10,500, an increase of nearly $5,000 from last year. Mr. Lobb, CCI President, explained at the May 4th meeting the reason for the increase was to allow CCI to be more proactive in neighborhoods by increasing their mailings and conducting a general town forum. At the May 4th meeting the committee voted on two options: 1)to grant CCI the same amount of funding they received last year; or 2) to grant CCI $7,250 and CCI determine how to spend the funds. It was a tie vote and the request was deferred for this week's meeting. Mr.Anderson moved and Ms. O'Rourke Meadors seconded that the CCI be awarded $7,500. The motion failed with Anderson, Klammer, O'Rourke-Meadors, Prosser, Puskas and Schlenker voting for and Atherton, Bates, Bullock, Carlson, Chrisman, Dobie and Ruttan voting against. A motion was then moved by Mr. Atherton to grant CCI$5,000. The motion carried with Atherton, Bates, Bullock, Chrisman, . Dobie, Prosser, Puskas, Ruttan and Schlenker voting for and Anderson, Carlson, Klammer, O'Rourke Meadors and Ruttan voting against. • Historic Review Board--In review, $3,000 has been proposed for the HRC in the 95-97 biennial budget. At the May 4 meeting HRC requested up to $71,000 to fund the Historic Restoration and Maintenance Grants Pilot Program in order to assist owners of historical landmark structures with costs associated with maintenance, restoration, and other improvements. At the May 4th meeting staff was requested to prepare an issues options paper which Mr. Schmitz presented to the Committee. He clarified that the issues options paper was not about the merits of the program but provided options to fund the program. He reviewed the recommendations as listed on the issues/options paper. CITIZEN COMMENT Pat Collmeyer,Historic Review Board -- wanted to point out that their request was as a result of legislative action. She asked the committee to consider changing the date in recommendation 5 from July 1, 1995 to coordinate with the date the law takes effect which would be 90 days after the legislature ends. She also asked they consider making the program retroactive one to two year. In addition, she asked that recommendation 6 be removed requiring that applicants demonstrate need. Craig Prosser moved to accept staff recommendation: . 1. Approve the concept of the program on a one time, one year basis, for reconsideration in FY 1996-97. Budget Committee Minutes-May 11, 1995 Page 2 2. Authorize an initial allocation of$10,650 for the program. 3. Fund the program by the transfer of the $35,000 for the State Street Bypass Study identified on page 97 of the Budget,to the Non-Departmental budget. 4. Authorize placement of the balance ($24,350)of the $35,000 in the Nondepartmental Contingency Account of the General Fund for future utilization should the pilot program need additional funding during the fiscal year. 5. Approve the concept that the pilot program not be retroactive and pertain only to expenses incurred by applicants commencing on July 1, 1995. 6. That the Historic Review Commission develop guidelines that require grant applicants to demonstrate need in order to receive these public monies. During discussion it was clarified that no property would receive a grant of over$1,000 as outlined by the Historic Review Commission in their grant prorgram. Several members were concerned with number six of the recommendation requiring applicants to demonstrate a need to receive public monies. It was pointed out the purpose of the grant is to preserve historic buildings whether public or private and demonstrating a need was not relevant. Ms. Chrisman requested that item 6 be removed as a friendly amendment to the motion. Mr. Prosser accepted the amendment. Several members indicated their support for historic . preservation but believed funding should not be a City role. The motion originally was seconded by Ms. Schlenker but she withdrew her second because she owns a historic home. Ms. O'Rourke Meadors seconded the motion to approve staff recommendation but that that item number 6 of the recommendation be omitted. The motion carried with Atherton, Bullock, Chrisman, O'Rourke Meadors, Prosser, Puskas and Ruttan supporting the motion. Anderson, Carlson, Dobie and Klammer voting against. Bates and Schlenker abstaining. • Natural Resources Advisory Board--Mr. Schmitz explained that the requests by the NRAB have been met. $1500 has been placed in the budget for a tourist brochure. In addition, another position has been traded in order to fill the Natural Resources Coordinator position. The person who fills the coordinator position will perform the mapping functions which was also a part of NRAB's request CITIZEN COMMENT Ruth Pennington, Co-Chair,Natural Resources Advisory Board --thanked the Committee for their efforts and NRAB agreed with staffs recommendations and proposals. • Neighborhood Traffic Advisory Board--Mr. Schmitz explained the NTAB requested $55,000 for projects. He said$40,000 has been included in the street budget as described on page 233 of the provisional budget. In addition, he directed their attention to Exhibit"A" of Issue Option Paper 5, Transportation Improvement Financing which lists a group of projects for which funds can be available if a General Obligation Bond is passed. Budget Committee Minutes-May 11, 1995 Page 3 • (The committee broke from 8:05 to 8:10) Matt Finnegan, Chair,Neighborhood Traffic Advisory Board -- Mr. Finnegan thanked the Commttee for their support. He distributed a May 7, 1995 memo from the NTAB outlining their request for an additional $55,000 to fund traffic calming on Royce Way, Wembley Park Road and West Bay Road. He reviewed the proposals as described in memo. Howard Shapiro,Chairman,Lake Grove Neighborhood Association --A letter was received from Mr. Shapiro stating the Association's support of the NTAB's request for additional funds. No motion was put forward. CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE ROLE & PROCESS In response to a question regarding timelines for the budget process, Mr. Schmitz explained that the Budget Committee needed to make a recommendation to the City Council by the end of May. This allows ample time for legal noticing requirements for Council consideration by the end of June. Mr. Kincaid briefly reviewed ORS 294.406 (attached to the agenda packet)the law which outlines the duties and functions of the Budget Committee. The City Manager is the Budget Officer as established by City Charter. He prepares and submits the proposed budget to the Budget Committee, and the Committee modifies the doucment as they see appropriate. The process has changed whereby the committee deals more with policy review than a line item review as in the past. FOLLOW-UP REQUESTS FROM MAY Because of time constraints,this item was deferred. Ms. Schlenker indicated that she did not want the Mayor's budget to go out until she was able to clarify several errors. TAX INFORMATION FOLLOW-UP FROM MAY k Because of time constraints,this item was also deferred. ISSUE/OPTIONS PAPERS • Issue Paper No. 1 --Franchise Fees and State Shared Revenues Mr. Kincaid reviewed the issues options paper. The provisional budget proposes that rather than going to the General Fund Franchise Fees be placed directly in the Public Works Fund. In addition, that State Revenue funds be placed directly into the Street Fund. Mr. Bates moved and Mr. Anderson seconded to approve staff recommendation to adopt the budget as proposed and continue the new practice into the future. The motion carried with Anderson,Atherton, Bates, Bates, Bullock, Carlson, Chrisman, Dobie, O'Rourke Meadors, Prosser, Puskas and Ruttan voting in favor. Schlenker voting against. (Mr. Klammer was 111 excused). Budget Committee Minutes-May 11, 1995 Page 4 • • Issue Paper No. 2 --Distribution of Current Estimated Bancroft Bond& Redemption Fund Surplus Mr. Griswold reviewed the issues options paper. He explained,that the City's Bancroft Fund retired all outstanding bonded Bancroft Debt in October, 1994, and since there is no more debt and a surplus in the debt service fund, there is no purpose for having a debt service fund. The City's auditors recommended that the Bancroft Bond& Redemption Fund be closed and funds transferred to the General Fund. Staff's recommendation is to defease the estimated $960,155 Bancroft Fund Surplus in 1994-95 and transfer that surplus to the Sanitary Sewer Fund to finance needed capital. Mr. Schmitz explained the reason for the sewer fund is because Lake Oswego has been identified as the provider for sanitary sewer services for areas within the city's urban service boundaries--approximately 54 miles of sewers. These funds would go toward planning and engineering work. After discussion,Mr. Atherton moved and Ms. Schlenker seconded that Option 2 be approved. That is, defease the estimated$960,155 Bancroft Fund Surplus in 1994-95 and transfer that surplus to the contingency account of the General Fund and that it be identified as Bancroft Funds. The motion carried with Anderson,Atherton, Bates, Bullock, Carlson, Chrisman, Prosser, Puskas, Ruttan, Schlenker voting yes and Dobie andO'Rourke Meadors voting no. ADJOURNMENT The next meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m., May 18 at which time th LORA budget will be presented. The regular meeting will be held directly after the LORA budget to finish issues and options paper and to begin discussing the budget. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. ' _`•-ctfully submitted, Cat RX C ul P y Patricia P. Kopetski Recording Secretary 10 Budget Committee Minutes-May 11, 1995 Page 5