Approved Minutes - 1995-05-18 PM• BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 18, 1995
The Citizen's Budget Committee was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Chair Erin O'Rourke-
Meadors. Members Present Included: Mayor Schlenker; Councilors: Anderson, Atherton,
Chrisman and Klammer. Citizen Members Present Included: Bates, Bullock, Carlson, Dobie,
O'Rourke-Meadors and Sievert-Morris (who arrived at 5:45). Excused Included: Councilor
Prosser, Puskas and Citizen Member Ruttan. Staff Members Present Included: City Manager
Schmitz; Assistant City Managers Coffee and Kincaid; Finance Director Griswold; and Senior
Management Analyst Waugh.
This regular meeting of the Budget Committee reconvened after the LORA meeting concluded.
No. 3 Tax Base Distribution
Mr. Kincaid reviewed issues options paper 3. He explained that the provisional 95-97 budget
provides approximately one-half the increase of the tax base to Public Safety and one-half to the
Library and that the General Fund retained the original tax base amount. He said the committee
needed to determine the distribution of funding. Staff recommended to keep the same
• distribution just for this year and reassess the distribution annually.
Ms. Schlenker indicated concern that the Public Safety and Library Funds not be funded at a
lesser value.
Mr. Anderson moved and Ms. Chrisman seconded that staff recommendation be approved.
The motion carried. Voting for: Anderson, Atherton, Bates, Bullock, Carlson, Chrisman,
Dobie, Klammer, O'Rourke-Meadors, and Sievert-Morris. Voting against: Schlenker.
No. 4 Employee Position Requests
Mr. Schmitz reviewed issues options paper number 4 which includes four new staff positions in
the biennial budget. He pointed out that departments requested 12.5 positions and eight of those
were omitted. The four positions included in the budget are one full time person in Computer
Services, Library, Parks and Recreation and one full time equivalent in Police & LOCOM. Ms.
Dickerson, Director of Library Services & Chief Youngbar, Police Services, were at hand to
answer questions.
Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Bates seconded that staff recommendation to approve the
personnel mix as submitted be approved. The motion carried with all members voting in
IIINo. 5 Transportation Improvement Financing
This issues options paper is recommending that an election be held for voter approval of a
General Obligation Bond Sale netting $6.9 million to fund the City's transportation improvement
Because of time constraints the committee was not able to make a decision on this issue options
paper . Items raised to be discussed at the May 25 meeting include:
• Exploring gas tax options;
• Traffic management plan on Kruse Way;
• Explore instituting a utility surcharge similar to Tualatin
• Bring back specifics on how other regional agencies are dealing with transportation issues, in
particular, Clackamas County and Metro.
Ms. O'Rourke-Meadors indicated she would be in contact with committee members to discuss
issues they may have with the Transportation Improvement Financing issues options paper.
No. 6 Open Space Maintenance
This issues options paper recommends budgeting $37,000 for the on-going maintenance of open
III spaces area.
The consensus of the committee was to approve the proposed Open Space Maintenance
Because of the increasing involvement with the school district,Ms. Schlenker moved and Mr.
Bullock seconded that the City ascertain where the city's partnership with the school district is
being utilized and that it begin to be detailed in the budget process. The motion carried with
Anderson, Atherton, Bates, Bullock, Carlson, Chrisman, Dobie, Klammer, O'Rourke Meadors,
Schlenker and Sievert-Morris voting in favor of the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 25,
1995 at 5:30 p.m.
ctfully submitted,R ,
a4,4. p cd4_____
S Patricia P. Kopetski
Recording Secretary
Budget Committee Minutes-May 18, 1995
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