Thanks to the hard work of neighbors and business and property owners on the Project Advisory Committee (PAC), design work for the first phase of Boones Ferry Road improvements is 30% complete. This first phase includes improvements from Madrona Street to the Oakridge Road/Reese Road intersection and the Lanewood Street intersection.
The PAC met monthly last year to advise City staff and the consultant team on decisions about the project. Discussions have included improvements to stormwater treatment, pedestrian and bicycle safety, and to traffic flow on Boones Ferry Road. Much time was spent on enhancing the streetscape including new sidewalks, landscaping, street trees, street lights and other street amenities. The streetscape design aims to highlight the area’s nature, history, art and sustainability in a streetscape that reflects the Lake Grove area. The PAC will continue its work through 2016 with the goal of beginning construction in 2017. PAC members look forward to sharing plans and getting feedback from the community, so stay tuned for your opportunity to participate in 2016.
The next PAC meeting has not yet been scheduled, but it anticipated to be in April sometime.