Geotechnical Exploration, Infiltration and Survey Work June 6 – July 15

Final design for the Boones Ferry Road project is getting underway. To facilitate design, crews will be doing geotechnical exploration, stormwater infiltration tests, and survey work along Boones Ferry Road between Mercantile Drive and just south of Madrona Street.  A description of the work and schedule are included below.

While working on site, crews will try to minimize impacts to traffic. Traffic cones and caution tape will be used to mark off the work zone to protect the safety of motorists, pedestrians and the workers.

Geotechnical Exploration and Infiltration Testing:

Work will occur between June 6 – July 15 on the following anticipated schedule:

  • Nighttime borings and infiltration tests on private properties where consent has been given between June 6 and June 10.
  • Daytime infiltration tests along Boones Ferry Road (with very limited impact to traffic) and on private property where consent has been given between June 6 and July 15.
  • Nighttime pavement borings and infiltration tests in Boones Ferry Road with traffic control on June 24 (one day only).

Daytime work will be between 7:00 am – 5:00 pm. Nighttime work will be between 8:00 pm – 6:00 am.

The geotechnical exploration will entail boring a hole 4 to 6-inches wide and 30 to 40 feet deep. Soil and bedrock samples are collected for engineering purposes.  Afterwards, the hole is filled, the area is cleaned, and the surface is patched with a matching surface material, either asphalt or concrete.  Each boring takes approximately 4 to 5 hours.

The geotechnical infiltration tests will entail digging a 6-inch diameter hole 2 to 3 feet deep. The hole is filled with water and infiltration of the water into the ground is measured over a period of time.  Afterwards, the hole is filled, the area is cleaned, and the surface is patched with asphalt, concrete or matching surface material.  Each infiltration test takes approximately 6 to 10 hours.


Field surveying for this phase is scheduled begin on June 13th and be completed by July 1st.  Two survey crews will typically be working from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, collecting survey information for property corners, fences, walls, landscaping and various street features.  The primary area of work is north of Oakridge Road to Collins Way, including the Lanewood Street intersection approaches.  Other work includes small areas south of Madrona Street and on Reese Road near Boones Ferry Road.  The crews are employed by WHPacific, the engineering firm designing the project.

For survey work on private property, surveyors will check with occupants of the property prior to performing work.  If there is no response, they will leave notice on the site with contact information and will proceed with the survey.

Contact Information:

Survey work – Scott Grubbs, WHPacific at 503-372-3743 and at

Geotechnical work – Cody Sorensen, Shannon Wilson Geotechnical at 503-210-4784 and at

General project questions – Sid Sin, City of Lake Oswego at 503-697-7421 and at