A Better Boones Ferry Road

All work is complete on the project! After almost three years of construction, Boones Ferry Road has been transformed into a welcoming, comfortable, more accessible corridor for all. Features include:

  • a new streetscape,
  • wider sidewalks,
  • bike lanes,
  • crosswalks,
  • traffic signals,
  • street lighting,
  • landscape planters,
  • underground utilities,
  • artistic elements, and
  • stormwater facilities.

The project was very complex and had many moving parts. There were periods where multiple crews and utility companies were actively working throughout the project corridor, on some side streets, during day and night, and along business frontages for long periods at a time. It brought a lot of construction and a rough ride for the last few years. But, a better Boones Ferry Road has finally taken shape.

THANK YOU to the traveling public, all the businesses in the community, and Lake Oswego community members, for being extremely patient throughout the construction of this major project. 

Thank you to the businesses who participated in our Shop Lake Grove campaign, and the community members that continued to help support them throughout the project.

Thank you to everyone who signed up for our e-news to stay informed and updated on the project as it progressed from design through construction.

Please take a moment to watch this video celebrating the official opening of the new roadway, and reflect back on what the corridor used to be, to what it is today! We hope you take a stroll, roll, ride, or drive down the new corridor and enjoy the benefits of the new improvements!

And check out some recent drone photos of the completed corridor here.

New Signalized Intersection at Lanewood Street and Lake Grove Elementary
Signalized Intersection at Oakridge x Reese Road
New Mid-Block Crossing at Wells Fargo and Babica Hen
New Signalized Intersection at McDonald’s
Signalized Intersection at Bryant Road and Firwood Road
New Wider Intersection on Bryant Road at the Boones Ferry Intersection
New Mid-Block Crossing at Zupan’s – Keller Williams
New Signalized Intersection at Madrona Street

For an archive of the project, visit www.boonesferryproject.org