Bruce Goldson
Bruce is a member of both the Lake Grove Business Association and the Waluga Neighborhood Association Board. He is an engineer for the Lake Grove Water District and owner of a small engineering firm, Theta Engineering.
Carolyn Krebs
Carolyn is a resident of Lake Forest neighborhood and was the Lake Forest Neighborhood Association representative on the Lake Grove Village Center Plan Advisory Committee and the Boones Ferry Refinement, Phase 2 project. She has been actively involved in nearly every aspect of the Lake Grove Village Center planning and implementation process. She is currently the Co-Chair of the Lake Oswego Neighborhood Action Coalition (LONAC). Carolyn has a background in chemical, material science and environmental engineering, and owns her own business involving math education.
Cheryl Uchida
Cheryl has been involved with the Waluga Neighborhood Association for over 30 years. She has been a member of the Board for most of that time and is presently the Chair. She was previously a member of the City’s Transportation Advisory Board and is currently serving on the LONAC Executive Board. She was also actively involved in the Lake Grove Village Center planning process.
Debbie Siegel
Debbie is the owner of the Kumon Math and Reading Center at 16063 Boones Ferry Road. She is a member of the Lake Grove Business Association and lives in the Palisades neighborhood. Debbie has a background in public affairs.
Lang Bates
Lang is a principal of the architectural firm, BBL Architects, located here in Lake Oswego. He was a member of the Lake Grove Village Center Plan Advisory Committee. Lang has lived in Lake Oswego since 1976 and currently resides in the McVey/South Shore neighborhood.
Mike Buck
Mike is both a Boones Ferry Road property owner and business owner. He owns Gubanc’s Pub located at 16008 Boones Ferry Road. He is a member of the Lake Grove Business Association and a resident of Lake Grove neighborhood. Mike has been actively involved in nearly every aspect of the Lake Grove Village Center planning and implementation process.
Riccardo Spaccarelli
Riccardo is both a Boones Ferry Road property owner and business owner. He owns Riccardo’s Ristorante, Vin Italy, and Café Marzocca located at 16035 and 16045 Boones Ferry Road. Riccardo was involved in the Lake Grove Village Center planning process, and currently resides in the River Grove neighborhood.
Trudy Corrigan
Trudy has lived in Lake Oswego since 1991 and has served on the Lake Grove Neighborhood Association Board for four years. She was on the CAC for the City’s Commercial Code Streamlining Project and participated in the Lake Grove Urban Renewal Focus Group. She has two children in Lake Oswego Schools. Her professional background is in employee benefit consulting.
Left-Right: Lang Bates, Cheryl Uchida, Riccardo Spaccarelli, Trudy Corrigan, Mike Buck, Carolyn Krebs, Bruce Goldson, Debbie Siegel