Dates and times are subject to change. Please check the agenda for the date of the meeting to verify time and location.
June 4, 2018
This will be the final PAC meeting. Held at the City Maintenance Center, 17601 Pilkington Drive, Lake Oswego, in the Conference Room from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
- June PAC Meeting Agenda
- Expected Schedule and Next Steps
- PAC Meeting Prep Notes
- Streetscape Elements in the 95% Design Plans
- December 2017 PAC Meeting Summary
December 13, 2017
This meeting is at the City Maintenance Center, 17601 Pilkington Drive, Lake Oswego, in the Willow Room from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
- December PAC Meeting Agenda
- Art/History Update
- Street Name Sign Icon Options:
- Construction Goals and Constraints
- Construction Staging Plan Options
- May PAC Meeting Summary
May 2, 2017
This meeting is at City Hall, 380 A Avenue, in the Council Chambers from 9:00 am-11:30 am
- May PAC Meeting Agenda
- Plants 2
- Furnishings Boards
- BFR May 2017 PAC Meeting Prep Notes – Final
- Plants 1
- Working Plant List
- Gubancs Draft
- Code Amendment Concept Bullet Points 5-2-17
- Property Impacts Summary 041817
- Naomi’s and Keller Williams On-Site Analysis
- Keller Williams Parking Concept 042417
- Naomi’s Site Plan
- BFR May 2017 PAC meeting additional prep notes
- Sea Reach Concepts
- Pac Streetscape Plan – Updated May 2
- February PAC Meeting Summary
February 21, 2017
This meeting is at City Hall, 380 A Avenue, in the Council Chambers from 9:00 am-11:00 am
- February PAC Meeting Agenda
- Agenda Item #4 Wayside Descriptions
- Agenda Item #4 Wayside Descriptions Summary
- Agenda Item # 5 Lanewood Intersection Design
- Agenda Item #6 Waysides and Pedestrian Crossing Boards
- November 2016 PAC Meeting Summary
- Intersection Markers Preliminary Designs
November 15, 2016
This meeting is at City Hall, 380 A Ave, in the Council Chamber from 9:00 am-11:00 am
- November PAC Meeting Agenda
- Agenda Item #3 Intersection Treatment Notes
- Agenda Item #3 Intersection Treatment Boards
- Agenda Item #4 Revised PAC Meeting Schedule
- October PAC Meeting Summary
October 18, 2016
This meeting is at City Hall, 380 A Ave, in the Council Chamber from 9:00 am-11:00 am
- BFR PAC Agenda October 16 Final
- Agenda Item 2- Summary of Traffic Concerns in Neighborhood
- Agenda Item 3-Intersection Evaluation Matrices
- Agenda Item 3-PAC 14 Intersection Boards
- Agenda Item 3-Related Lake Grove Village Center Plan
- September PAC Meeting Summary
September 20, 2016
This meeting is at City Hall, 380 A Ave, in the Council Chamber from 9:00 am-11:00 am.
- agenda-for-9-20-16-pac-meeting
- agenda-item-3-street-light-pedestrian-poles
- agenda-item-4-60-design-corridor-plan-sheets-updated-92016
- agenda-item-4-60-design-review-prep-notes
- agenda-item-4-streetscape-materials-elements-list
- agenda-item-5-intersection-elements-and-materials
- agenda-item-5-proposed-intersection-evaluation-criteria
- agenda-item-6-art-opportunities
- pac-mtg-summary-august2016
- boonesferryrd-60planreview
August 16, 2016
This meeting is at City Hall, 380 A Ave, in the Council Chamber from 9:00 am-11:00 am.
- BFR PAC #12 Meeting Agenda
- PAC#12 BFR Letter to PAC materials
- PAC 12 Boards
- 12 7 Full Corridor Furnishing Notes and Art Diagram
- Meeting Summary July 19, 2016
- Quarry Intersection with Island revised
- Quarry Intersection without Island
July 19, 2016
This meeting is at City Hall, 380 A Ave, in the Council Chamber from 9:00 am-11:00 am.
- PAC#11 Agenda for July 19
- Art and History Subcommittee Meeting Notes for 7-8-16_final
- Boards for PAC#11 Meeting
- Letter to PAC Members Describing Boards
- Quarry Road Approach Alternatives With Island and Without
- Roll Plan including Art Opportunities
- MeetingSummaryDec 15 2015
- MeetingSummaryJune 21 2016
June 21, 2016
This Meeting is at City Hall, 380 A Ave, in the Council Chamber from 9:00 am-11:00 am.
- BFR PAC Agenda June 21
- Proposed PAC Meeting Schedule_final
- Summary of Boones Ferry Road Design Work – Dec 2015 thru May 2016 final version
- Updated Project Cost Estimate and Funding
- 30%StreetscapePlan UpdatedBase with Meeting Notes (added after meeting)
December 15, 2015
This Meeting is at City Hall, 380 A Ave, in the Council Chamber from 9:00 am-11:00 am
- BFR PAC Agenda December
- DRAFT Full Corridor Plan
- Expanded Sidewalk Boards
- BFR PAC Summary Notes Nov 17 2015
November 17, 2015
This meeting is at City Hall, Council Chamber, 380 A Ave from 9:00 am -11:00 am.
- Boones Ferry PAC Agenda November
- Meeting Summary Oct 27 2015
- Sidewalk Width Options for Shell and Chevron Sites
- Boones Ferry Final Design Schedule
- Draft Streetscape Plan for the Corridor
- PAC 8 Streetscape Boards
October 27, 2015
(Note: This Meeting is at the main fire station, 300 B Avenue from 9:00 am-11:00 am)
- PAC Agenda
- Meeting Summary Sept 24 2015
- 9-24-15 BoonesFerryRd Community Meeting Summary & 9-24-15CommunityMeetingMapComments
- Boards for Plantings and Street Lighting
- Corridor Planting Layout
September 24, 2015
(Note: This Meeting is at City Hall, 380 A Ave, in the Council Chamber from 9:00 am-11:00 am)
August 18, 2015
(Note: This PAC meeting is at the Lake Oswego Main Fire Station, 300 B Ave from 9:00 am-11:30 am)
- PAC Meeting Agenda – August 2015
- Meeting Summary July 21 2015
- Boones Ferry Road Full Length Profile
- Bryant Intersection Profile
- Inverted Crown vs Shed Section Matrix Analysis
- McDonalds-Jenike Intersection Profile
- Select Driveway Cross Section Profiles
- Lanewood Alternatives Matrix Analysis
- Lanewood Intersection Design Alternatives
- Oakridge-Reese and Lanewood U-Turn Exhibit
- Oakridge-Reese North Approach Alternatives Matrix Analysis
- Oakridge-Reese North Approach Options
- Bryant Area Urban Design Draft Plan
- Hardscape Boards
- Hardscape Discussion Notes
July 21, 2015
- Agenda
- Meeting Summary June 16 2015
- Boones Ferry Road Historical Topics
- Boones Ferry Road – Full Length Profile
- Cross-Section Examples
- Roadway Section Alternatives
- Stormwater-Urban Design Outline & Questions for PAC Members
- Stormwater Boards
- Bryant Approach Profile
June 16, 2015
- Agenda
- BFR PAC Summary Notes June 16 2015 draft
- Streetscape Elements Examples
- PAC Protocols Final Draft
- PAC Schedule
- Boones Ferry Focus Area Sketch
May 19, 2015
- Agenda
- Meeting Summary
- Protocols Draft Protocol
- Site Note Map
- Streetscape Design Definitions
- Susanna Kuo Presentation
- Mary Lou Culver Presentation
April 30, 2015
July 29, 2014
- Agenda (No meeting summary due to field trip format)
June 17, 2014
April 15, 2014