Statements of Qualification from General Contractors for Work Order 233 D Avenue Improvement Project for the City of Lake Oswego will be received by Rob Amsberry, Project Manager, at the City Hall, 3rd Floor Reception, 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 in Lake Oswego City Hall at 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, Oregon, 97034 until 2:00 p.m., local time, on January 16, 2018, and then will be publicly opened and read. Statements for Qualification will not be accepted after this closing time.
Request for Sealed Bids for Work Order 233 D Avenue Improvement Project for the City of Lake Oswego will be distributed to those submitters that have been determined to meet the prequalification requirements on approximately January 23, 2018.
SPECIAL MINIMUM EXPERIENCE QUALIFICATIONS APPLY TO PORTIONS OF THIS PROJECT. Pre-bid qualification of the Bidder for the project scope of work is a requirement for this project. Statements of Qualification and submittal requirements are specified in the Bidder’s Work History Form. The qualifications of all bidders will be determined by the criteria set forth in the Bidder’s Work History form. Statements for Qualification complying in form and content to the requirements of the Bidder’s Work History Form shall be presented to the Owner by the deadline stated above. Only Bidders who have submitted the required Statement for Qualification and have been determined by the Owner to meet the qualification requirements may submit a sealed Bid.
SCOPE OF WORK: Approximately 3,300 lineal feet of phased-block asphalt roadway reconstruction with associated curbs, sidewalk, curb ramps, vegetated stormwater facilities, storm sewer, waterline, illumination, landscaping, irrigation, signing, striping, and miscellaneous amenities. The 90% Preliminary Plans are available to registered Planholders.
To download the Bidder’s Work History Form, Preliminary Schedule and 90% Preliminary Plans, and to receive all notifications, addenda, and view the Planholder’s list, a person or company must create an account and add its individual name or company to the Planholder’s list at If you have website questions concerning this invitation, please call Donna Broadhurst at 503.635.0266.
Bids of Contractors that have not been qualified by the Owner shall be considered non-responsive and shall be rejected. The Contract, if awarded, is to be awarded to the lowest prequalified bidder (with disclosure required under ORS 279C.370).
The City of Lake Oswego may reject any Statement of Qualification not in compliance with all prescribed public procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all Statement of Qualifications upon a finding of the agency that it is in the public interest to do so.
All questions about the meaning or intent of the Statement of Qualification shall be submitted to the Project Manager in writing or by e-mail. Contact the Project Manager Rob Amsberry at with any questions.
Published in Daily Journal of Commerce: December 25, 2017, December 27, 2017 and January 1, 2018.