To Provide Professional Engineering Services
Work Order 346 – Phase 2
5th Street & Lake Bay Court Drainage Improvements
The City of Lake Oswego invites your Engineering Consulting Firm to submit a proposal to provide professional engineering services for the design of Work Order 346 – Phase 2, 5th Street & Lake Bay Court Drainage Improvements.
The objective of the project is to improve the stormwater quality and conveyance conditions in the subject area. This work could include topographic survey, utility coordination, land rights, public outreach, and the development of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for the construction of the designed stormwater infrastructure improvements.
The full Request for Proposals (RFP) document is available electronically. To download the full RFP and receive all notifications, addenda, view the RFP Holders List, etc., a person or company must register and add its individual name or company to the RFP Holders List at If you have website questions concerning this invitation, please call Cindy Waggener at 503.635.0289.
Any amendments to this RFP will be in writing and will be issued to all persons or businesses that have registered to receive RFP amendments. The RFP holders list will be updated daily and available on the website.
All questions about the meaning or intent of the Request for Proposals Document shall be submitted through the bid site.
HOW TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL: Proposals shall be submitted by ELECTRONIC MEANS ONLY and must be received by May 17, 2024, 2:00 PM PST. To submit electronic (PDF) Proposals, a proposer must accurately complete the required fields and upload proposal document at:
Once submitted, the Proposer will receive an automated email confirmation. Proposer may also verify receipt by phone: 503.635.0267. Proposals will not be accepted after the RFP closing date/time specified above. Proposers are encouraged to submit proposals early.
Published in the Daily Journal of Commerce on April 19 and 22, 2023.
On May 17, 2024, the City of Lake Oswego received a proposal from Consor North America, Inc. in response to our Request for Proposals.
As specified in the RFP, since there is only one firm in the Competitive range, the City shall forego the interview phase and declare Consor North America, Inc. to be the Initially-Preferred Proposer.