The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to obtain competitive pricing for a comprehensive, hosted or hybrid-hosted RMS that can meet the current requirements of the City of Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation Department (Department), and is capable of expansion to meet future needs. Proposal are solicited to provide software products or programs, installation, maintenance and support for an all-inclusive recreation management software for up to 11 years.
Deadline for Submission of Proposal: 3:00PM., Thursday, February 29, 2024.
Submissions received after this time will be considered non-responsive and will be returned without review.
Post-Proposal Virtual Demonstration (Required): Date and Time to be coordinated with Proposer.
Obtain Request for Proposals:
Email: Submit a request for the RFP by email to Project Manager Dina Balogh, Administrative Assistant,; label subject line of email: “Request: Recreation Management Software RFP”, (email is not deemed submitted until receipt is confirmed).
All communication and correspondence pertaining to this Invitation should be directed to City Project Manager Dina Balogh, Administrative Assistant at 503-534-5420 or by e-mail at