The City of Lake Oswego is seeking an experienced consultant to assist in updating the City’s Urban & Community Forestry Plan (2007), using the findings of the City’s State of the Urban Forest Report (2022) and addressing issues related to equitable outcomes, tree species, housing, and climate change. The work must begin no later than the week of March 13, 2023.
The overall goal of the Plan is to create a comprehensive, sustainable, and integrated approach to tree management on both public and private property. The current plan contains goals and actions for: Stewardship and Education, Forest Health, Forest Size/Canopy, Tree Maintenance, Invasive Species, Program Integration, and Funding. The plan update must address these elements and key issues using the best available science and considering community input.
The plan update may include recommending amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan (Healthy Ecosystems Chapter), Community Development Code (Lake Oswego Code (LOC) Chapter 50), and Tree Code (LOC Chapter 55), however, any such policy or code changes would be led by City staff, subject to City Council direction, and are not part of this scope of work.
The City currently uses an on-call consultant, Morgan Holen with Morgan Holen Associates, for Urban and Community Forestry Program Management and review of some tree removal permits. Ms. Holen, along with the City’s project manager and City staff in the Planning, Parks, Public Works/Engineering, City Manager Office (Sustainability) departments, will assist the consultant with data collection, GIS, meeting logistics, and review of draft work products.
The key consultant must have a minimum of 5 years’ experience developing urban forestry or natural resource management plans and be available to begin work not later than March 13, 2023.
The full Request for Proposals is available free of charge:
Online. To download the full Request for Proposals and receive all notifications a person or company must register and add your individual name or company to the Planholder’s list. See for instructions on how to create an account. If you have questions concerning the website, please call Iris McCaleb at (503) 697-6591.
RFP Amendments / Proposal Submittal
Parties interested in submitting a proposal must register through the City of Lake Oswego Bid & RFP webpage and select themselves to be on the Planholder’s list for this project. See for instructions on how to create account.
Questions or comments regarding the RFP should be directed to: Questions must be submitted in writing and received by Thursday, February 9, 2023 by 4:00 PM.
RFP Amendments: Any amendments to the RFP will be posted to the City’s Bid & RFP webpage not less than 7 days prior to the date for submission of proposals. Persons/firms that are registered on the planholder’s list for this project will be sent an email notice of any RFP amendment. Persons/firms are responsible for checking the City’s Bid & RFP webpage for this project to verify that the proposer has received all RFP amendments prior to submission. No proposal will be considered if it is not responsive to any issued RFP amendments.
Submittal: Parties interested in submitting a proposal must submit the proposal in PDF format to