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Request for Proposals for Professional and Engineering services for Iron Mountain Park Master Plan and Stream/Wetland Restoration


The intent of the Request for Proposals is to secure a professional planning/engineering team to lead the department through a community based planning process that results in a collection of professionally designed conceptual park documents that reflects the character and scale of Iron Mountain Park, utilizing and integrating recommendations from parks Plan 2025 and identified additional community needs.  Additional needs could be identified by the community, planning advisory committee, Planning Commission and City Council. The overall project will produce three distinct documents each having a particular expertise associated which are:

  • Master plan (conceptual site plan and narrative),
  • 30% Engineered stream and wetland restoration plans (Option to extend contract for a Joint Permit Application to ODSL & COE) and,
  • 60% construction documents for site plan (Option to extend contract for a Conditional Use Permit process).

The team responding to this RFP will be responsible for developing the Master Plan (public outreach, site design, master plan narrative, cost estimate, etc.), the 60% construction documents and 30% Wetland/Stream design and engineering.

Estimated Project Budget: Base Tasks (Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3, See "Attachment D – Task Fee Schedule"): $ 73,000.

Additional tasks are not part of the initial budget. A price quote for additional tasks is requested using Attachment D – Task Fee Schedule.

Bid/RFP Results

Bid not awarded