City of Lake Oswego
Request for Statement(s) of Interest to be Included on Consultant List for Future Direct Appointment or Informal Selection of Engineering Consultant, Land Surveying, Materials Testing, and Construction Management Services for Future Public Improvement Projects
The City of Lake Oswego (City) and the Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency (LORA) jointly invite Consultants to submit a Statement of Interest to be included on a City/LORA list of prospective consultants for future public improvement projects in the following areas:
The full Request for Statement of Interest is available:
Statements of Interests are due by December 20, 2012, 4:00 PM to the City of Lake Oswego. Submissions received after this time will be considered non-responsive and will be returned without review.
For questions regarding this Request for Statement(s) of Interest please contact Erica Rooney at 503-635-0264.
Published in the Daily Journal of Commerce on November 21 and 26, 2012
Thank you for your interest in being on the City of Lake Oswego’s Official List for Engineering Consultants, Land Surveyors, Materials Testing, and Construction Management.
An alphabetical listing of the firms in each category is provided for your information. You can view or download the consultant list and a Memo from Erica Rooney, PE, Assistant City Engineer under the Planholder Files.