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Stormwater Facility Landscape Maintenance Services



Stormwater Facility Landscape Maintenance Services

Lake Oswego Public Works Department

The City of Lake Oswego invites submission of proposals to provide a high-quality level of landscape maintenance services at fifteen stormwater facility sites throughout the City of Lake Oswego, located in right of way areas.

Please add your firm to the Planholder list to access all RFP Documents, have the ability to submit questions, be notified of addendums, and receive any other updates during the solicitation process. 

Please see the following attachments:

  • Request For Proposal Document, which includes the City's proposed Form of Contract.
  • Bid Sheet is found in Exhibit B of the RFP. A fillable bid sheet can be found in the attached Excel spreadsheet. This sheet is identical to the sheet found in the RFP, but will auto sum bid amounts to ensure accuracy and completion. Proposers are encouraged to use this sheet to subtotal proposed costs and then arrive at a lump sum bid. All bid forms must be submitted as part of a complete proposal. 
  • Exhibit D is a separate PDF, which is a map of all work sites that are included within the Scope of Work.  Due to COVID-19 pandemic, there will not be a proposer tour. Proposers are HIGHLY encouraged to take a self guided tour to gather a better understanding of all sites and work tasks to be completed. 

Questions regarding the RFP may be directed to Project Manager Pam Peterson, at Any issues with this site or document access can be directed to Rachel Sykes, at 

Proposals are due by Wednesday, January 15th, 2021 at 10:00 AM. Submissions received after this time will be considered non-responsive and will be returned without review.


Advertisements published in the Daily Journal of Commerce on December 11th and December 14th.

Bid/RFP Results

After review of all received Proposals based upon the stated responsiveness requirements and the selection criteria, the review committee determined the following:


Disqualified Proposal: None

Responsive Proposals Not Selected:

  • Brightview Landscape Services
  • LandCare
  • Storm Landscape Services
  • Crystal Greens Landscape

Highest Ranked Proposal, Alternative 1: Seagraves Landscape

Highest Ranked Proposal, Alternative 2: Seagraves Landscape

Any protest must be filed per Lake Oswego Public Contract Rule[1] OAR 137-047-0740 and ORS 279B.410 within the date stated in the Request for Proposals, or seven days, whichever is less. The selection process will then move to the next step of the solicitation and award schedule, with City Council selection of preferred Alternative on February 2nd.




Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals

Due Date

Fri, Jan 15th, 2021 10:00am

Details and Notifications

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