LU 14-0053: Sensitive Lands Code Amendments-2014

Amendments to the Community Development Code (CDC) related to Sensitive Lands in LOC 50.05.010, Overlay Districts and LOC 50.07.004, Additional Submission Requirements. These amendments are interim code changes that are intended to provide regulatory relief to property owners, consistent with minimum State and Metro requirements, and make the code easier to administer, while the City implements the overall Sensitive Lands reforms in 2015.

For information on the overall program reforms, please refer to the Planning Project page for PP 12-0002.

Project Updates: 

On 12/16/14, the City Council finalized its decision to approve the proposed amendments and adopted Ordinance 2658 (including the Findings, Conclusions and Order).  A link can be found below under "Key Documents" on this page.

At its meeting on 12/02/14, the City Council tentatively approved the proposed amendments with some changes to the proposed text.  The Council is scheduled to consider adoption of the final ordinance on 12/16/14.  For more information regarding the Council's agenda and schedule, please contact Cate Schneider, City Recorder, (503) 675-3984.

At its meeting 11/17/14, the Planning Commission approved the Findings, Conclusions and Order (the final recommendation). A copy is available to view below, under "Key Documents."

The City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing on on these proposed amendments at its meeting on 12/02/14. For more information regarding the Council's agenda and schedule, please contact Cate Schneider, City Recorder, (503) 675-3984.

The Planning Commission held a public hearing at its meeting on 11/10/14, and made a preliminary recommendation that the City Council approve the proposed amendments.  The Findings, Conclusions and Order (the final recommendation) will be considered at a special Planning Commission meeting on 11/17/14.

The Planning Commission held a works session on 10/27/14.

Use this link to visit the meeting webpage for 10/27/14 to view the video of the work session.
Use this link to review the Planning Commission Staff Memo and citizen comments received thru 10/27/14.

Project Details
LU 14-0053
City of Lake Oswego
Project Contact: 

Scot Siegel, Director of Planning and Building Services, (503) 699-7474 or e-mail.

Reviewing Body: 
Hearing Date: 
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
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