LU 15-0010: CDC Amendments - Definition of Duplex

A request by the City of Lake Oswego for legislative amendments to the Community Development Code (Chapter 50) for the purpose of clarifying the definition of “duplex” (LOC; adding “multi-dwelling development” as a residential use (LOC 50.03.002), and adopting associated standards (LOC 50.06.001, 002, .003, .004); amending the Open Space requirement for multi-family and multi-dwelling development in the R-0 zone (LOC 50.06.005), and amending the Residential Use Table (LOC 50.03.002).

Explanation of Proposal:

Amendments are proposed to the Community Development Code regarding:

  • Definition of “duplex,” to specify that it is a single detached building on its own lot.
  • Permitting “multi-dwelling development,” a new use that would permit a group of individual structures where each structure contains one or more dwelling units; the use would be allowed in the zones that permit multi-family dwellings.
  • Building Design and Site Design, Circulation and Connectivity, and Parking Development standards, to apply to “multi-dwelling development.”
  • Open Space development standard, to reduce the required percentage of open space in the R-0 zone on lots up to 16,000 sq. ft.
  • Residential Use Table, to include “multi-dwelling development” and correct inconsistencies resulting from Code Reorganization.

Amendments are proposed to the following Code sections: LOC 50.03.002 Use Table; LOC 50.06.001 Building Design, LOC 50.06.002 Parking, LOC 50.06.003 Circulation and Connectivity, LOC 50.06.004 Site Design, LOC 50.06.005 Park and Open Space Contributions, and LOC 50.10.003 Definitions.

Please refer to the notice for additional information.

Project Updates: 

The City Council study session is scheduled for September 1, 2015.  The public hearing is tentatively scheduled for October 6, 2015.

For more information regarding the Council's agenda and schedule, please contact Anne-Marie Simpson, City Recorder, (503) 534-4225.

At its meeting July 13, 2015, the Planning Commission approved the Findings, Conclusions and Order (the final recommendation).

At its meeting on June 22, 2015, the Planning Commission opened the public hearing, accepted public testimony, held deliberations and made a preliminary recommendation.  The Findings, Conclusions and Order (the final recommendation) will be considered on July 13, 2015.

Due to the length of the hearing preceding this item on the Planning Commission's April 27 agenda, the hearing for this case, LU 15-0010, was opened and immediately continued to Monday, June 22, 2015.

Project Details
LU 15-0010
City of Lake Oswego (A)
Project Contact: 

Sarah Selden, Senior Planner, (503) 697-6524 or e-mail.

Reviewing Body: 
Hearing Date: 
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Attachments Neighborhoods

City Wide
