LU 15-0011: Community Development Code Text Amendments-Annual Maintenance
A request from the City of Lake Oswego for amendments to the Community Development Code (CDC) for the purpose of clarifying and updating various code provisions. Amendments include clarification of screening for parking, updates and additions of cross-references, restoration of text, and the addition of a definition for Lot Depth.
Explanation of Proposal:
The Code Maintenance amendments correct or add cross-references, clarify existing standards, and update requirements based on changes to other codes (e.g., Tree Code, Building Code, etc.), as follows:
Lot Coverage in the R-6 Zone: The proposed amendments to Table 50.04.001-8 and Note 2 will delete unnecessary text; no changes are proposed to the methodology for measuring height or to the allowed lot coverage in the R-6 zone.
Public Notices and Maps: Clarify whether a map is required for Notices of Application, Decision and Public Hearing. The code currently requires a map only for a Notice of Decision, although staff practice has been to include a map for all three types of notice.
Fence Height: By definition, the height of a fence is the vertical distance from the downslope side of “finished grade” to the highest horizontal surface of the fence (Height, Fence). The fence standards then require that, if a berm is created, the height of the berm be included in the calculation of fence height (LOC Staff believes it would be clearer for the Fence Height definition to reference the methodology used for measuring building height instead, i.e., that fence height is measured from existing grade if there is no change to grade, or from finished grade where grade is lowered.
Lot Depth: In previous amendments to Chapter 50, the definition of Lot Depth was deleted because minimum lot depth was removed as a dimensional zone standard. However, lot depth is still used in the flag lot standards and to determine whether a lot is subject to the Long Wall Plane standard of LOC The proposed amendment would restore the historic definition of Lot Depth, i.e., the horizontal distance from the midpoint of the front lot line to the midpoint of the rear lot line.
On 12/01/15, the City Council finalized its decision to approve the proposed amendments and adopted Ordinance 2668 (including the Findings, Conclusions and Order). A link can be found below under "Key Documents" on this page.
At its meeting on November 17, 2015, the City Council held a public hearing and made a tentative decision to approve the proposed amendments (Ordinance 2668). The Council is scheduled to consider adoption of the final ordinance on December 1, 2015. For more information regarding the Council's agenda and schedule, please contact Anne-Marie Simpson, City Recorder, (503) 534-4225.
On November 3, 2015, the City Council is expected to open the hearing and immediately continue it to November 17, 2015.
At its meeting August 10, 2015, the Planning Commission approved the Findings, Conclusions and Order (the final recommendation).
The City Council study session is scheduled for September 15, 2015. The public hearing is tentatively scheduled for November 3, 2015.
For more information regarding the Council's agenda and schedule, please contact Anne-Marie Simpson, City Recorder, (503) 534-4225.
At its meeting on July 27, 2015, the Planning Commission considered the Findings, Conclusion and Order. Staff was asked to return on August 10, 2015, with recommended language regarding fence height.
At its meeting on July 13, 2015, the Planning Commission opened the public hearing, accepted public testimony, held deliberations and made a preliminary recommendation. The Findings, Conclusions and Order will be considered on July 27, 2015.
Leslie Hamilton, Senior Planner, (503) 675-3731
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