LU 22-0004: Special Street Setback Requirement (South Shore Boulevard between Lakeview Blvd. and Blue Heron Road)
An ordinance amending Table 50.04.002-1 of the Community Development Code (CDC) to remove the Special Street Setback requirement from a section of public right-of-way on South Shore Boulevard between Lakeview Blvd. and Blue Heron Road. All other setbacks requirements are to remain.
The purpose of the Special Street Setback (SSS) requirement is to assure an adequate space is available in the event of possible future street improvements, such as additional lanes, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, transit facilities, drainage management improvements, lighting, and street landscaping per LOC 50.04.002. The SSS along South Shore Boulevard is 40 feet (measured from the street centerline). Engineering staff has studied the section of street right-of-way (ROW) where the removal of the SSS requirement is proposed (South Shore Boulevard between Lakeview Blvd. and Blue Heron Road), and finds the existing 60-foot ROW can accommodate future pedestrian and bike improvements that may be planned for that segment of roadway. The Transportation System Plan (TSP) generally identifies an ultimate ROW width of between 60 feet and 80 feet for major collectors including South Shore Boulevard, depending on whether they include medians and on-street parking, neither of which exist or are planned for this segment of roadway. Therefore, the SSS of 40 feet is not necessary to assure an adequate front yard setback is available for future street improvements for that section of South Shore Boulevard.
On May 3, the City Council held a public hearing and tentatively approved Ordinance 2893 amending LOC Chapter 50 Community Development Code to remove the Special Street Setback from the segment of South Shore Blvd between Blue Heron Road and Lakeview Blvd. On May 17, the Council adopted the findings and enacted Ordinance 2893. The adopted Ordinance and other documents are available in the Public Records file.
On Monday, April 11, 2022, the Commission adopted the Findings, Conclusions, and Order, the final recommendation. The adopted Findings are available in the Public Records file. The City Council public hearing is scheduled for May 3, 2022. For more information regarding the Council's agenda and schedule, please contact Kari Linder, City Recorder, (503) 534-4225 or email.
Notices and hearing documents, can be found in the Public Records.
On Monday, March 28, 2022, the Commission made a tentative decision to recommend to Council approval of the proposed amendments. The Commission is scheduled to consider adoption of the Findings, Conclusions and Order (final recommendation) at its meeting on April 11th.
On Monday, March 28, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider the proposed amendments. The notice of public hearing is now available and the staff report will be available ten days prior to hearing in the "Public Records" file.
In order to testify electronically online or by phone, you are required to register by 12:00 noon the day of the meeting, instructions are included in the notice (see Public Records file); registration will be available 10 days prior to the hearing. Pre-registration online is not required to testify in-person at City Hall, but is encouraged and appreciated for meeting preparation.
Evan Fransted, Senior Planner, (503) 675-3732