LU 22-0007: Middle Housing (House Bill 2001) Community Development Code Amendments
Consistent with the City Council goal to, “Conserve the community’s quality of life by planning for growth and change”, and the Council initiative to, “Adopt codes that comply with HB 2001 that are consistent with the community’s sense of place, neighborhood character, and livability,” the City of Lake Oswego is proposing to amend Chapter 50 (Community Development Code) of the Lake Oswego Code for the purpose of compliance with Oregon House Bill 2001 (2019), state legislation requiring that cities allow “middle housing” – including duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, townhouses and cottage clusters – in any zone that permits detached single-family dwellings. The City notes that there was incorrect and inconsistent language in the ORS 227.186 (Measure 56) notice distributed for the proposed code amendments. The proposed code amendments will apply in “any zone that permits detached single-family dwellings”; the statement that the code amendments would apply to “any zone that permits attached single-family dwellings” was made in error.
In 2019 the Oregon Legislature enacted House Bill 2001 (HB 2001) , which requires cities over 25,000 in population to allow the development of “middle housing” – including duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, townhomes and cottage clusters – within zones that allow for the development of detached single-family dwellings Consistent with the City Council goal to, “Conserve the community’s quality of life by planning for growth and change”, and the Council initiative to, “Adopt codes that comply with HB 2001 that are consistent with the community’s sense of place, neighborhood character, and livability,” the Council directed the Planning Commission and staff to prepare amendments to the Community Development Code (code) to meet the minimum compliance provisions outlined in the administrative rules for middle housing contained within Division 46 of Chapter 660 of the Oregon Administrative Rules (Division 46).
Additional background information on work sessions, updates and public outreach related to Middle Housing Code Development can be found on the planning project webpage for PP 19-0008, click here.
Final Update
On June 7, 2022, the City Council adopted final code amendments to comply with the middle housing requirements of House Bill 2001. The adopted Ordinance 2892 (including Findings) and final code amendment package, in addition to related notices and hearing documents, are available in the Public Records File.
On May 17, the Council tentatively recommended approval of the code amendments, which will be considered for formal adoption on June 7, 2022.
On Monday, May 9, 2022, the Commission adopted the Findings, Conclusions, and Order, the final recommendation. The adopted Findings are available in the Public Records File. The City Council public hearing is scheduled for May 17, 2022. For more information regarding the Council's agenda and schedule, please contact Kari Linder, City Recorder, (503) 534-4225 or email.
Notices and hearing documents, can be found in the Public Records File.
On Monday, April 11, 2022, the Commission made a tentative decision to recommend to Council approval of the proposed amendments to comply with the middle housing requirements of House Bill 2001. The Commission also directed staff to return with language that addresses resident concerns related to the covered front porch standards in the R-6 zone.
The Commission is scheduled to consider adoption of the Findings, Conclusions and Order (final recommendation) at its meeting on April 25th.
On Monday, April 11, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider the proposed amendments. The staff report is available in the "Public Records" file; the public hearing notice will be available on Wednesday, March 9th. The agenda will be available ten days prior to the hearing on the meeting webpage, click here.
This meeting is available to the public on the City's YouTube Channel, on the City's website, or on Tualatin Valley Community Television. If you would like to comment or testify at an upcoming meeting, please refer to the City’s instructions for in-person and electronic (online or by phone). In order to testify electronically online or by phone, you are required to register by 12:00 noon the day of the meeting; registration will be available 10 days prior to the hearing. Pre-registration online is not required to testify in-person at City Hall, but is encouraged and appreciated for meeting preparation.
Erik Olson, Long Range Planning Manager, at (503) 697-6524 or
Middle Housing General Information