Planning Commission Public Hearing - Natural Resources Program & Sensitive Lands Revisions (LU 15-0019)

Posted Fri, 05/08/2015 - 5:39pm

The Planning Commission has a public hearing scheduled for Wednesday, May 27, 2015, to consider a request from the City of Lake Oswego to amend the Comprehensive Plan by adopting a new Healthy Ecosystems chapter and replacing Plan provisions under Goal 5 (Open Spaces, Scenic and Natural Resources), Goal 6 (Air Resources Quality), and Goal 15 (Willamette River Greenway); and replace the Community Development Code (CDC) provisions for Sensitive Lands (LOC 50.05.010 and LOC with new code provisions and incentives implementing the Healthy Ecosystems chapter. Code cross-references contained in LOC 42 (Streets and Sidewalks), LOC 47 (Signs), and LOC 55 Trees are also to be amended for consistency.

To view the public hearing notice, click here.

To visit the land use webpage for LU 15-0019, click here.