PP 15-0002: Comprehensive Plan-Community Development Code Audit

The Comprehensive Plan is the guiding policy for land use and development in the city. The Community Development Code (CDC), contained in Lake Oswego Code (LOC) Chapter 50, provides standards and development review procedures that implement the Plan. The Audit of the Comprehensive Plan and CDC (“Audit”) identifies changes to the CDC that are needed to ensure the documents are consistent with one another. The Planning Commission has already commenced work on some of those changes.

Where the CDC conflicts with the Comprehensive Plan, the Audit identifies options for resolving those conflicts. Examples of conflicts include instances where the Plan directs the City to adopt certain land use regulations that currently do not exist (omissions). Other examples are where existing regulations contradict adopted policy, or are unclear, and therefore should be amended.

Based on public input, the Planning Commission will identify action items and next steps for addressing the Audit recommendations. Staff will prepare a work plan, to include a scope of work, code outline, and recommendations for further public involvement. The scope and outline will also coordinate the Audit-related amendments with the Commission’s ongoing work program, including the Annual CDC Amendments and Code Streamlining work (Council Goal). Some recommendations may require further Policy direction or clarification from City Council before the Planning Commission can begin working them.

Project Updates: 



The Planning Commission will review public comments on the audit (Public Review Draft) and establish a work plan for code amendments in 2015-2016, in coordination with the CDC 2015 Annual Update.  To review the staff memo and attachments, click here.

To visit the meeting webpage and view the video when it becomes available, click here.



The Commission had tentatively scheduled a work session on this item for July 13 to review public comment on the audit (Public Review Draft) and to establish a work plan for code amendments in 2015-2016, in coordination with the CDC 2015 Annual Update. This work session is to be rescheduled to August 10 due to the current backlog of cases before the Commission.

Any written comments received by 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, July 8, will be distributed to the Planning Commission in advance of the August 10 meeting. To review the Public Review Draft, click here.


The Planning Commission is requesting public comments on an Audit of the Comprehensive Plan and Community Development Code. The Commission will conduct a work session on July 13, 2015 to review the input it receives. The public is encouraged to submit comments before the work session to allow time for the Commission’s consideration. Public comments will also be received at the work session.

To view the Public Review Draft, click here.

Any written comments received by 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, July 8, will be distributed to the Planning Commission in advance of the July 13 meeting. Comments received after that deadline will be distributed at the meeting.

The Commission meets in the City Hall Council Chamber located on the first floor. Meetings begin at 6:30PM.

For more information or to provide comments on the Audit of the Comprehensive Plan and Community Development Code, please contact:

Scot Siegel, Director, Planning and Building Services
City of Lake Oswego Planning & Building Services Department
380 A Avenue
P.O. Box 369
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Phone: (503) 699-7474
E-Mail: ssiegel@ci.oswego.or.us


The Planning Commission held a work session to establish a work plan for amending the CDC to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.  To visit the meeting webpage and view the video and staff memo, click here.

Project Details
PP 15-0002
Project Contact: 

Scot Siegel, Director of Planning and Building Services, (503) 699-7474 or e-mail.


Reviewing Body: 
Related Links Neighborhoods

City Wide
