Update on Planning Commission Public Hearings for LU 14-0014B and LU 14-0019
Community Development Code Annual Maintenance-Policy Related (LU 14-0014B):
This hearing is being continued due to coordination and scheduling of other city projects.
At its meeting on July 28, 2014, the PC continued this hearing to August 25th. On August 25, 2014, staff will request that this hearing be opened and immediately continued to September 8, 2014. If you have any questions, please contact the staff coordinator, Leslie Hamilton, Senior Planner at (503) 675-3731. Use the link below to visit the land use webpage for information on this project.
Clear and Objective Housing Standards (LU 14-0019):
This hearing is being continued as a result of the PC requesting clarification on issues brought up during the public hearing.
At its meeting on August 11, 2014, the PC continued deliberations on this hearing to September 8, 2014. On September 8th, staff will request that this hearing be opened and immediately continued to October 13, 2014. If you have any questions, please contact the staff coordinator, Sarah Selden, Associate Planner at (503) 697-6524. Use the link below to visit the land use webpage for information on this project.
LINK TO LU 14-0014B
LINK TO LU 14-0019