The City of Lake Oswego Development Code
section 45.09.075 Undergrounding of Utilities. 
Requires Utilities to be Installed Underground.

45.09.075 Undergrounding of Utilities

Utility service facilities shall be located underground in conjunction with construction of all new structures subject to this Code that require utility service. The City may require undergrounding of utility service facilities for other structures when subject to development review approval under LOC Ch. 50.
[Ord. 2649, Effective August 28, 2014]

Specific exemptions are as follows:

I. Developments that need multi phase voltages or high KVA demands may develop with pad transformers where underground transformers may not be feasible. Pad mounted transformers shall be buffered from sight by landscaping or other suitable methods. 

II. Pad mounted transformers are allowed in major single-family developments, but shall be buffered from sight by landscaping or other suitable methods.

III.  Above ground telephone and cable television junction boxes are allowed.

However, the following special consideration for additions, alterations, and
 renovations  is applicable:

 Where site infeasibility precludes the installation underground, the applicant shall request relief in writing to the Building Official.