Lake Oswego Economic Development Strategy - 2010

By the year 2025, Lake Oswego will be a more vibrant, connected and sustainable community, known throughout the region as a unique and wonderful place to live, learn, work, play and enjoy arts and culture. Pedestrian-friendly shopping and dining districts are lively and commercial buildings are fully occupied with thriving businesses. Industrial uses are consolidated in a better-organized, more attractive and efficient district in the I-5/west Lake Oswego area. Strategic higher-density infill and redevelopment, including the Foothills and downtown North Anchor at 1st and B projects, provide a broader range of housing options and additional locations for retail, civic, cultural and employment uses. Strong neighborhoods are connected by safe and attractive walking and bicycle routes, with transit options and internal bus circulation. River, lake and trees are enduring connections to natural beauty and visible symbols of a healthy community.