Section 4
CAPRA Standards Covered in Standard 4.1 Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual
4.1 ENTIRE HR Personnel Policies Manual
4.1 ALL HR Personnel Policies Graphic of ALL HR PP listed in private pages
4.1 E1_HR PP 1-1 Formulation and Issuance of City Personnel Policies
4.1.1 E1_Code of Ethics (HR PP 1-4)
4.1.1 E1_Code of Ethics (HR PP 1-4) This copy is highlighted for social media reference. E1_Staff Acceptance of Gifts and Gratuities (HR PP 1-4)
4.1.14 E1_Social Media Policies Regarding Staff Use (LOPR PP&P, HR PP 1-4)
4.1. a. Selection, Hiring and Dismissal
4.1.2 E0_Recruitment Process (LOPR PP&P and HR PP 2-2)
4.1.2 E1_City of LO Recruitment Overview 2020
4.1.2 E2_Interview Score Sheet 1 - Communication & Sponsorship Coordinator
4.1.2 E3_Interview Score Sheet 2 - Recreation Specialist
4.1.3 E0_Equal Opportunity Employment and Workforce Diversity (HR PP 1-2, 2-3, and LOMEA 3.2)
4.1.3 E1_EEOC Summary 2017 - 2021
4.1.3.A E2_LOPR_Parks_Recreation Equal Opportunity_Diversity
4.1.3.B E3_LOPR_Parks_Recreation_Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statements
4.1.4 E1_Selection Process (HR PP 2-3, LOMEA 30)
4.1.5 E0_Background Investigation (LOPR PP&P) E1_(Sample Check 1, E2_Sample Check 2)
4.1.7 E1_Supervision (HR PP 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 5-1)
4.1.7 E2_LOPR Leadership Retreat Agenda 021522
4.1.7 E3_LOPR Retreat Goal Summary - Output of Retreat 021522
4.1.7 E4_LOPR Supervisor Training Meeting 012622
4.1.7 E5_HR Supervisor Forum Training 090822
4.1.7 E6_Sample Employee Review 2021 and 2022 Preview
4.1.11 E1_Disciplinary System (HR PP 1-6, 2-5 and 5-2, LOMEA 20)
4.1.11 Excerpt from HR PP 2-3 to address Disciplinary System
4.1.12 E1_Grievance Procedures (HR PP 1-7, LOMEA 22)
4.1.13 E1_Termination and End of Employment (HR PP 2-5 and 2-6, LOMEA 20)
4.1 b. Benefits (including retirement, insurance, leaves and other benefits)
4.1.6 E1_Employee Benefits (HR PP 4, LOMEA 16)
4.1 c. Salary Schedule
4.1.8 E1_ Compensation Plan (HR PP 3-2)
4.1 d. Incentive System
4.1.10 E1_Promotion (HR PP 2-6 and 3-3 highlighted for pay info)
4.1 e. Staff Development Program
4.1.9 E1_Performance Evaluation (HR PP 2-4, HR PP 3-3, LOMEA 26)
4.1.9 E2_Sample Crew Leader Probation Evaluation 2022
4.1.9 E3_Park Ranger Evaluation Questions 2022
Other CAPRA Section 4 Standards
4.3 E0_Job Analyses for Job Descriptions
4.4 Excerpt from City Charter - City Manager Powers
4.4.1 E0_Leadership Succession Procedure
4.4.1 E1_City Charter Chapter V,Section 20: Powers and Duties of Officers - City Manager
4.5 E0_Workforce Health and Wellness Program
4.5 E2_City Employee Assistance Program
4.5 E3_Health Fitness Membership Information
4.5 E4_Excerpts from Benefits Committee Meeting_EAP Utilization 2021, Q1 2022
4.6 Orientation Program (E0_LOPR, E1_LOMEA 3.9)
4.6.A E1_LOPR_Employee Onboarding Checklist FORM
4.6.B E2_LOPR_New Hire Orientation Matrix
4.6.C E3_LOPR_Parks Division New Employee Checklist FORM
4.6.D E4_LOPR_City Employee Onboarding Checklist FORM
4.6.1 E0_Employee Training and Development Progam
4.6.1.A E1_LOPR_Training Requirements by Job Title
4.6.1.B E2_LOPR_Employee Completed Training MATRIX 2022
4.6.1 E3_IT Training Offerings
4.6.1 E4_City of LO_Onboarding and Mentorship Project 2021
4.6.1 E5_HR PP 3-5 Courses, Classes, Seminars Policy
4.6.2 E0_Professional Certification and Organization Membership
4.7 E0_Volunteer Management Policy
4.7.1 E0_LOPR_Volunteer Management Plan (Use of Volunteers)
4.7.1 Volunteer Management Plan - DESTINATION VERSION
4.7.1 E1_2022 Events Matrix of Volunteer Positions
4.7.1 E2_2022 JCC Duties excerpt pg from JCC Training
4.7.1 E3_JCC Vol Opp WORKSHEET
4.7.1 E4_2021-2022 Parks Stewardship Work Parties
4.7.1 E5_2022 Stewardship Volunteer Process
4.7.1 E6_Teen Lounge Volunteer Daily Tasks
4.7.2 E1_2022 Events Recruitment Letter to Interested Businesses
4.7.2 E2_2022 Events Volunteer Recruitment Mailer
4.7.2 E3_JCC Recruiting Poster
4.7.2 E4_2022 LO Hikers Ad in Activities Guide
4.7.2 E5_2022 Stewardship Volunteer Recruit, Place, Track
4.7.2 E6_2022 Events Volunteer Handbook
4.7.2 E7_2022 Events Volunteer Training
4.7.2 E8_2022 Hike Leader Guide
4.7.2 E10_2022 Events Welcome Back & Orientation Letter
4.7.2 E11_2022 JCC Volunteer END Letter
4.7.3 E1_Events Volunteer Supervision and Evaluation
4.7.3 E2_Stewardship Expectations
4.7.3 E3_Volunteer Tracker - Farmers' Market
4.7.3 E4_Volunteer Tracker - Events
4.7.3 E5_2022 JCC Evaluation FORM
4.7.3 E6_2019 Volunteer Survey Results
4.7.4 E1_2022 Events Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Invite
4.7.5.A E1_LOPR_City Volunteer Waiver Release FORM
4.8 E0_LOPR_Consultants and Contract Employees
4.8 E1_Res 05-19 Public Contracting