2022 'If I Were Mayor' Contest Winners
The 'If I Were Mayor' contest is an annual contest sponsored by the Oregon Mayors Association. Students grades 4-12, including home-schooled students, from all over Oregon share their creative and inspirational ideas of what their city would look like if they were mayor.
Lake Oswego received 31 entries, all creative and interesting. While not every entry could be selected as a winner, each was informative and helpful in understanding what is important to those who participated and their peers.
After considering all entries, Mayor Joe Buck selected first, second and third place winners in the following categories:
- Posters (grades 4-5)
- Essays (grades 6-8)
Sydney Schindler
Sydney's creative poster won 1st place in the Posters (grades 4-5) category.
As a 1st place winner Sydney was also entered in the Oregon Mayors Association's statewide contest for a chance to win up to $500.
Sydney shared "good things" that she would consider if she was mayor. These include:
- Equity and inclusion
- A safe and secure community
- Access for everyone
- Quality infrastructure
- Pedestrian safety
The City of Lake Oswego is committed to making Lake Oswego a welcoming and inclusive community for all. In addition, the "good things" that Sydney brought up align with many of the City Council's 2022 goals:
- Ensure a safe and secure community for all
- Foster diversity, equity and inclusion in Lake Oswego and in the City as an organization
- Improve transportation connections, mobility and safety for all travelers and for all types of trips in Lake Oswego
Paige Huntley
Paige’s colorful poster took 2nd place in the Posters (grades 4-5) category.
Her poster definitely showed her artistic talent and her message about teaching and encouraging youth to learn about the history of our city issues spot on.
Isla Tran
Isla's bright poster won 3rd place in the Posters (grades 4-5) category.
Isla’s poster exuded a happy community feel, and, frankly, who wouldn't want an animal parade!
Mario Welliver
Mario’s well-written essay won 1st place in the Essay (grades 6-8) category.
As a 1st place winner Mario was also entered in the Oregon Mayors Association's statewide contest for a chance to win up to $500.
His essay stood out in the category for a number of reasons. In addition to stating the desire to give the citizens of LO a better well-being, Mario:
- Identified a problem (car dependency - contributing to unbearable rush hours, Climate Change and poor well-being of life)
- Identified a solution (a new infrastructure made for ways of transportation besides cars. Specifically, pathways – which would be researched so that they would not be poorly designed)
- Discussed public opinion and engagement (use citizen surveys and votes to determine where paths would go, and where they are most needed. Consider the ideas and suggestions of people.)
- Discussed funding (once he had gotten the interest of the masses and showed the pros of the new infrastructure, he would present a bond and let the community vote)
Kate Scipio Del Campo
Kate's well-thought-out essay took 2nd place in the Essay (grades 6-8) category.
In her essay, Kate focused on the need for athletic fields and how they relate to important community issues, including: community engagement, physical health, inclusion and the celebration of diversity.
Anthony Cote
Anthony's excellent essay won 3rd place in the Essay (grades 6-8) category.
Anthony focused on local government improving sustainability and building an infrastructure that supports a greener future while working in cooperation with private citizens and small businesses. He also touched on important topics including eco-friendly transportation, regenerative energy, and energy-efficient facilities.
Thank you!
To everyone, we appreciate the amount of time you spent presenting your ideas and very much enjoyed learning your unique perspective. I hope you stay involved as you grow older and consider participating as a Youth Advisor to the City in the future. Continue showing compassion for those least fortunate around us and always know that you have a voice in our community. This is key to becoming a leader in Lake Oswego and beyond.
Awards Ceremony 050322 (presentation starts at 1:11:20)