City Recorder

As the Clerk to the City Council and Redevelopment Agency, the City Recorder:

  • Prepares and distributes the Council | LORA agenda and meeting materials
  • Completes Council | LORA meeting minutes
  • Maintains a schedule of upcoming Council | LORA agenda items
  • Serves as the Elections Officer and coordinates Mayor and City Councilor elections, as well as city-wide measures
  • Maintains the legislative history, documents, and public records of the city.

In addition to the City Recorder, staff resources include a Records Management Specialist.

For information about these programs, contact Kari Linder, City Recorder, at 503-534-4225 or

Grievances Alleging a Public Meetings Law Violation

Written grievances alleging a Public Meetings Law violation shall be submitted to the City Recorder.  Written grievances may be submitted electronically to, by mail to P.O. Box 369, Lake Oswego, OR  97045, ATTN City Recorder, or in-person at City Hall (380 A Avenue) Monday through Friday, 8am - 5pm.  OAR 199-050-0070(3)

Contact Information

Kari Linder
City Recorder | Elections Officer

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