Getting Around

Lake Oswego has an excellent road system and many pathways and bike lanes. The Street Operations Program is responsible for the maintenance of 178 miles of pavement, in addition to striping, traffic signals, potholes and pavement repair, brush removal, street signs, pavement marking and sweeping.

The town is surrounded by hills on the north and the south, the Willamette River to the east and I-5 to the west.  Highway 43, a State highway, runs through the eastside of town.  Oswego Lake is in the center of the City. Lake Oswego City Map.

Here is some useful information to help you get around town:

TriMet's online Trip Planner

TriMet, the regional public transit provider, operates bus service in Lake Oswego.

TriMet has a wonderful trip planning tool, the TriMet Regional Trip Planner at  Enter in your start and destination addresses and choose from the following options:

  • Transit – Quickest trip, fewest transfers, custom;
  • Bike – Safest, quickest, custom;
  • Transit and Bike – Fewest transfers, quick trip, bike-friendly trip, custom; or
  • Walk.

Click on the icons on the top left of the map to see car share location, park and rides, and more! It provides a map and displays a cross section which shows elevation change. Also, like Google Maps, it is linked with the bus/train schedule, so you can plan your trip based on arrival or departure time.

When you are on the go, call TriMet Transit Checker at 503-238-7433 to see when the next bus is arriving. You will need to know your stop ID, which is often listed on the bus stop sign.

There are a number of tools and apps that use TriMet’s real-time GPS arrival information. A list of free and commercial applications is available at

Adult Community Center (ACC) Transportation

The ACC can help the 50+ community and disabled adults with transportation service - whether it is a ride to a doctor’s appointment, a trip to the grocery store, or just a ride into the Center.


The City has a system of pathways around the community. Each loop is designed to connect neighborhoods with schools, parks, and commercial centers. These pathways are multi-use and shared by walkers, runners, bikers, and pets.

Willamette Shore Trolley

Now closed for repairs. When operating, the historic Willamette Shore Trolley takes you on a beautiful journey along the Willamette River in a authentic antique trolley car along a line that boasts trestles, tunnels and street running. Both ends of the line, at Lake Oswego and Portland, offer numerous shops and restaurants to explore and enjoy. The one-way trip is 45 minutes long. Allow 2 hours for round trip travel.

Transportation and Infrastructure Projects

Select our projects link to find out about ongoing projects related to the Capital Improvement Plan which includes all transportation and infrastructure projects. Call the City's Construction Hotline at 503-635-0261, for updates. 

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