Special Screening - The Black Stars
Join the City of Lake Oswego and Word is Bond at the Lake Theater for a special screening of "THE BLACK STARS,” a captivating documentary that chronicles the journey of eight young Black men from Portland, Oregon. These individuals embark on a transformative two-week leadership expedition to Ghana, guided by the non-profit organization, Word is Bond.
Get your tickets to the screening today! Doors open at 12 p.m. with the screening starting at 12:30 p.m.
Following the screening, there will be an engaging discussion panel moderated by Word is Bond and featuring students from Lake Oswego and Lakeridge High Schools Black Student Unions. It promises to be an enlightening conversation that delves into the film's themes and the experiences of the participants. Don't miss out on this thought-provoking event!
Seating for the discussion is on a first-come, first-served basis and is not included with the purchase of the documentary ticket.
For more information, visit www.mywordisbond.org/blackstars.