Lance Hofstad
Concert Coordinator
Summer Concerts
Celebrate summer with the return of our traditional summer concerts! Concerts are free and open to the public (no registration required). Bring your picnic blankets and low-sand chairs to enjoy a stellar lineup of local musicians. Outside food and drink permitted (no spirits, please). In addition, Wednesday concerts have wonderful food vendors onsite with cuisine for purchase. For performer bios, parking, vendors, and more, visit the concert date specific website pages.
Interested Performers: Interested in performing at a concert, farmers’ market or other Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation community event? Submit an online performer application here. Application includes contact information, website, pricing, event listing and opportunities to include footage of live performances. The application also allows an equitable process for all musicians interested in joining us.
RESCHEDULED SUNDAY CONCERT: The July 7th Sunday concert with Barrio Mestizo that was canceled due to extreme heat has been rescheduled to Sunday, August 11 from 7-8:30pm at Millennium Plaza Park.
Special thanks to our Concert Sponsors: