Water Smart Video Library
Every drop of water counts. On this page you can enjoy a variety of video demonstrations for tips and ideas relating to water conservation.
Did you know that washing your car in the driveway can use up to 140 gallons of water? Washing your car properly saves water and water quality.
Do you know if you have a leaky faucet, valve or toilet? Watch these handy "how-to" videos to help you find and repair leaks in your home.
These videos provide detailed instructions for things that you can do that will reduce the amount of water your irrigation system uses. Videos No. 1, 2 and 4 are designed to be used along with the linked worksheets.
Naturescaping seeks to match what you plant in your yard to the conditions of moisture, exposure, and soils in your yard using native plants and other well adapted (and well behaved) plants. It’s water wise and helps improve water quality too!
Pin-pointing where a leak might be located can help save hundreds of dollars in plumber fees. Fixing the problem helps conserve water and save money on your bill. This video will help determine if you have a water leak and assist in isolating the location.