2023/2024 Waterline Rehabilitation Project

Background and Scope

Water Distribution Rehabilitation projects are designed to replace aging water infrastructure in the distribution system either identified in the Water System Master Plan, by Operational Staff, or ahead of other projects. This phase of work includes replacing approximately 4,000 lineal feet of 2” to 8” wide waterlines located in the following streets:

  • Cabana Lane from North Shore Road to 644 Cabana Lane
  • Galen Road from 73-80 to end (hydrant)
  • Johnson Terrace from Hazel Road to end
  • Pioneer Court from Bryant Road to end
  • Touchstone from Hotspur to Falstaff
  • Yorick loop off Touchstone 
  • Uplands Drive from Wembley Park Road to Ridgecrest Drive
  • Tanglewood Hills Condos - off Touchstone 
  • Parkhill Street

These pipelines have reached the end of their useful life and are more susceptible to leaks and breaks until they have been replaced. The project will replace these pipelines with new ductile iron pipes and associated services to the existing water meter boxes.

Project Updates

April 25, 2024:

All work is now complete on the project. Thank you for your patience! 

April 9, 2024:

Major pipe work is now complete on Cabana Lane. This week, crews are working on service connections at the Tanglewood Condos. 

Later this week, crews plan to move over to start work on Parkhill Street. 

Paving is tentatively scheduled for Cabana and Tanglewood on April 17th and 18th. 

March 28, 2024:

There is some confusion about a doorhanger construction notice that was issued to the Tanglewood Hills Condo complex on Tuesday 3/26/24. Please note, water is not being shutoff for the entire duration of construction. Residents can expect a water shut down for about half a day (4 hours) when the contractor puts the new water lines into service - this is currently expected sometime during the week of April 1. Residents will receive a door hanger 24-hours in advance before the planned shutoff happens. 

March 26, 2024:

Restoration is expected to be complete on Uplands Drive and the road is back open to through traffic by the end of this week. 

Work continues on Cabana Lane switching services and testing the new mainline. 

Later this week, crews plan to start working on the Tanglewood Hills Condo complex. This work will continue through next week. 

Construction on Parkhill Street is expected to start the week of April 8. Crews will be replacing service connections on the north side of Parkhill Street. Residents will be notified of any planned temporary water shutoffs in advance with a doorhanger. 

Final paving of the waterline trenches on the remaining streets is expected to occur in mid-April. 

March 19, 2024:

This week:

  • Crews are switching over services on Uplands and working on a fire hydrant, followed by restoration. Crews plan to pave Uplands on Thursday, 3/21. 
  • Crews plan to pave Yorick on Wednesday, 3/20. Residents will receive doorhangers in advance of the paving days. 
  • Working on Cabana Lane on the east side, testing and switching services
  • Crews expect to start working on rock excavation and installing the mainline on Cabana Lane (west side) later this week. 

Next week:

  • Service connections will be made on Cabana West, followed by restoration work. 

Early April

  • Crews plan to start work on Tanglewood Hills Condos waterline - off of Touchstone. 

March 12, 2024:

Major construction is complete on Galen Road, Johnson Terrace, Pioneer Court and Touchstone.

This week:

  • Crews are working on the east side of Cabana Lane. They have finished installing the mainline and are working on service connections this week. Once complete, the pipe will be tested and chlorinated and put into service and crews will then move to the west side of Cabana Lane. 

Next week:

  • Continue working on Cabana Lane, but move to the west side. Begin rock excavation and work on installing the mainline, followed by services and testing. 
  • Crews plan to switch over services on Uplands the week of March 18. This will result in a water shutoff - any impacted residents will receive a doorhanger 48 hours prior to the planned shutoff.
  • Final paving of Uplands and Yorick is also planned - residents will receive doorhangers in advance of the paving days. 

February 27, 2024: 

This week:

  • Crews have been switching water line services at Yorick. 
  • Finishing services on Uplands and pressure testing by end of this week, Uplands is closed during work hours, as needed.
  • Starting to pothole for utilities on Cabana Lane - local traffic only during work hours. 

Next week: 

  • Cabana Lane mainline work - local traffic only during work hours. 
  • Testing on Uplands with road closures in place as needed. Final paving and restoration to follow. 

February 13, 2024:

This week:

  • Crews have mobilized to Uplands Drive to begin potholing and mainline work. This work will continue over the coming weeks. During work hours, the road is closed to through traffic between Wembley Park Road and Ridgecrest Drive. 
  • Crews are also testing the newly installed waterline and switching services on Yorick and Touchstone. 
  • On Friday, 2/16, crews are scheduled to pave Galen Road from 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. No parking signs will be installed. Please be aware that once paving starts residents will no longer be able to drive in or out through the affected area. However, foot traffic will have access to all areas. Paving is weather dependent. 

Next week:

  • Work will continue on Uplands Drive.
  • Paving is tentatively scheduled for Pioneer Court on Tuesday, 2/20

February 12, 2024:

Due to an emergency sewer main break and repair work, the contractor is not working on Uplands Drive today and the road remains open. They expect to be starting on Uplands either Tuesday, February 13 or Wednesday, February 14 instead. 

February 9, 2024:

This week:

  • Crews worked on installing services and testing the new mainline on Touchstone. 
  • Crews worked on the Bryant Road waterline connection to Pioneer Court.

Next week (February 12):

  • Crews will continue installing mainline and services on Yorick, followed by testing and chlorination. Testing and restoration work will continue on Touchstone. 
  • Crews will mobilize to Uplands Road to start potholing for utilities and working on the mainline. What to expect: 
    • Starting Monday, February 12, Uplands Road is expected to be closed to all through traffic between Wembley Park Road and Ridgecrest Drive from 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday to Friday.
    • No through traffic will be allowed in the active work zone and closure area on Uplands Drive. (Through traffic = any vehicle that can take another route to get to their destination.
    • The closure is expected to be in place for about a month. There may be periods where no work is taking place and the closure is lifted temporarily as crews are working on other streets.

January 30, 2024:

The recent winter storm slightly delayed the schedule. 

This week:

  • Crews are working on the Bryant Road waterline connection to Pioneer Court and testing the new lines.
  • Crews are working on the mainline on Touchstone and services.
  • Crews are also starting work on the Yorick mainline.

Next week (Feb 5):

  • Finish up installation of mainline and services on Yorick.
  • Testing of new mainline on Touchstone.

Two weeks out (Feb 12):

  • Testing new main and services on Yorick.
  • Crews will start preliminary work on Uplands Road ramping up to mainline installation the following weeks. Expect a daytime road closure during work hours (M-F 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.) on Uplands for mainline and services installation. Road will be closed to through traffic, access for residents will be permitted. All other traffic please use the short detour on Crest Drive. Once the mainline work is complete residents can expect periodic closures for testing and switch over work.

January 9, 2024:

Crews are working on tie-in work on Pioneer this week. They have also started installing new waterline on Touchstone. 

Next week, weather dependent, the tie-in work on Pioneer/Bryant Road is scheduled to take place. Lane closures will be in place on Bryant Road between Kelok Road and Royce Way from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday to Friday to accommodate this work. During work hours, please expect some delays and plan extra travel time. 

Crews will also be working on service connections on Touchstone. 

During the week of January 22, crews expect to start working on the mainline on Yorick, which was recently added to the project scope. 

December 19, 2023:

Crews are continuing to test and chlorinate the new lines on Galen Street and Pioneer Court. 

The tie-in work on Bryant has been rescheduled until the January.

Crews are planning no work for the week of December 25. 

December 12, 2023:

This week, crews are working on installing the new waterline and services on Galen Street. Testing, chlorination and restoration will follow over the next two weeks.

Crews are also testing and checking services for leaks this week on Pioneer Court. The week of December 18, crews will be tying in the new waterline to an existing line on Bryant Road, near Cardinal Drive. Lane closures will be in place on Bryant Road between Kelok Road and Royce Way from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday to Friday to accommodate this work. During work hours, please expect some delays and plan extra travel time. 

Later this week, crews may start surveying and potholing for utilities on Touchstone. 

Crews are currently planning on taking the week of December 25 off, however this is subject to change. 

December 4, 2023:

Potholing for utilities and preparation work is starting on Galen Street. Waterline work is expected to start in the next week and continue over the coming weeks. 

Service connections are taking place on Pioneer Court this week, along with chlorination testing. 

Work is wrapping up on Johnson Terrace. Final restoration and trench paving will occur when the weather improves. 

November 14, 2023

Work has been progressing well on new waterline and services on Johnson Terrace. Flushing and testing is expected to take place in the next week, along with restoration work.

Potholing and preparation work is starting on Pioneer Court. Waterline work is expected to start later this week and continue over the coming weeks. No work will take place on Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving. 

October 31, 2023

The contractor has been conducting potholing, exploratory digging, marking utilities, and installing erosion control and tree protection fencing. 

Starting the week of November 6, work is expected to begin on the new pipelines and services on Johnson Terrace. Lane closures will be in place during work hours, however, on Friday, November 10th Johnson Terrace and Hazel Road will be closed to traffic for the pipeline work. 

Starting the week of November 13, work is expected to begin on Pioneer Court and take up to three weeks to complete. 

Residents or businesses will be notified of any planned temporary water shutoffs in advance with a doorhanger.

October 18, 2023

Crews are planning to start preliminary potholing/exploratory digging the week of October 23 on all streets. Crews then plan to start major construction on the mainlines and services the week of November 6. At this stage, the contractor plans to work in the following order of streets:

  1. Johnson Terrace
  2. Pioneer Court
  3. Galen Road
  4. Cabana Lane (east)
  5. Cabana Lane (west)
  6. Uplands Drive
  7. Touchstone 

Residents should expect to receive a doorhanger notice at least 48-hours ahead of the major pipeline construction work, in early November. 

September 2023

In early October, preliminary work is expected to start ahead of major construction. This work may include marking utilities in the right-of-way, exploratory digging for utilities, surveying, installing erosion control and tree protection fencing, and mobilizing equipment. Following preliminary work, major construction will begin to replace the waterlines and service connections.

What to expect during construction:

  • Work hours are 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday to Friday, and some Saturdays, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Lane closures or possibly road closures may be in place during work hours. Please expect some delays and plan extra travel time.
  • Crews will be working on each street at different times over the coming months. There may be long periods where no work is taking place as crews are working on other streets.
  • During work hours, please expect an increase in noise, dust, and vibration. Equipment and construction activities from jackhammers, saw cutting, excavators, and back-up alarms can be very loud.
  • Residents or businesses will be notified of any planned temporary water shutoffs in advance with a doorhanger.
  • At times, on-street parking may be temporarily reduced.
  • Equipment and materials will be stored on-site and within the public right-of-way.
  • Restoration of the work areas and public right-of-way will take place once major construction is complete.

May 2023

Design work is complete and the City expects to go out to bid for a contractor in June or July 2023. Construction is expected to start in late summer or fall, and continue through the end of 2023.

More information about what to expect during construction will be provided once a contractor is on board.

Please note, schedules are subject to change. 

Cabana Lane
Lake Oswego,
Project Details
WO 315
Project Contact: 

David Kudna, Project Manager