Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project 2022/2023

The project includes approximately 2,000 linear feet of sewer pipe lining, 2,000 linear feet of mainline replacement, 1,000 linear feet of lateral replacement, the rehabilitation of 8 sewer manholes, and replacing 40 manhole covers. This project was identified from a Public Works needs assessment and is the second phase of the Sanitary Sewer Rehab Project (WO 277)

Project Updates: 

October 2023

All work is now complete on the project. 

July 2023

The contractor is planning to pave the following streets on Monday, July 31 and Tuesday, August 1:

Monday, July 31: 

  • Childs Road and Childs Court intersection
  • Laurel Street between Bickner Street and Erickson Street
  • Middlecrest Road and Lakewood Road intersection

Tuesday, August 1: 

  • Lee Street and Cedar Street between Cornell Street and Parrish Street
  • Pine Street between Lee Street and Parrish Street
  • Meadows Drive, south of Hemlock Street

What to Expect:

  • Work generally occurs Mondays through Fridays, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturdays as needed.
  • On-street parking is prohibited in work zones. Watch for no parking signage—Cars may need to be towed out of work zones to avoid delays to work.
  • Road closures —This will happen more than once for asphalt grinding and paving.
  • Residents within road closures will have access to their homes during most of the work. If you do not live within a closed area, please use an alternate route. You may need to approach your home from the other side of a road closure.
  • On paving days, you may experience a longer delay accessing your home from the street. Please park on a nearby street if possible or plan to leave home prior to major work starting.
  • Garbage service, mail, and deliveries will be coordinated by the contractor, as needed.
  • Emergency services will have access.
  • Expect brief delays, dust, vibration, and noise from work.
  • Please keep clear of work zones.



June 2023

In mid-late July, trench paving is expected to occur on portions of the streets where sewer rehabiltation work took place:

  • Greenwood Road loop parallel to North Shore Road
  • Laurel Street between Bickner Street and Erickson Street
  • Childs Road and Childs Court intersection
  • Middlecrest Road and Lakewood Road intersection
  • Pine Street between Lee Street and Parrish Street
  • Meadows Drive, south of Hemlock Street
  • Lee Street and Cedar Street between Cornell Street and Parrish Street

What to Expect:

  • Work will occur between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday to Friday.
  • Residents located within the paving limits will receive a doorhanger 48-hours before the day of paving.
  • On-street parking is prohibited in work zones. Watch for no parking signage 48-hours ahead —cars may need to be towed out of work zones to avoid delays to work.
  • Some roads will be closed to through traffic, others will have single lane closures with flaggers.
  • Residents within road closures will have access to their homes during most of the work. If you do not live within a closed area, please use an alternate route. You may need to approach your home from the other side of a road closure.
  • Emergency services will have access.
  • Expect brief delays, dust, vibration, and noise from activities and equipment.

January 2023

For the weeks of January 16 and January 23, work is expected to take place on sewer pipe installation and sewer lateral connections on the following streets:

  • North Shore Road
  • Greenwood Road
  • Middlecrest

Please watch for road closure signage on Greenwood Road during the sewer work. Access will be open for local traffic only - no through traffic. 

November 2022

For the week of November 14, work is expected to take place on the following streets:

  • Meadows Drive - open cutting road to replace sewer laterals between homes and existing sewer main in the street
  • Greenwood Road, Lakewood Avenue, Lund Street, Pine Street, Stafford Road - installing liners inside of existing sewer main
  • Laurel Street - construction staking
  • Stafford Road - completing a connection 

During the week of November 21, work is epxected to take place on Childs Court for replacing a sewer main. No work is taking place on Thanksgiving or the day after Thanksgiving.

October 2022 

Work has started on all streets where sewer rehabilitation is taking place for the project. Work is being conducted in multiple phases with periods of inactivity between each phase ranging from a few days to a few weeks (for final paving restoration). All contract work is expected to be complete in late 2022. Schedules are subject to change. 

The week of October 24, 2022, work is expected to take place on the following streets:

  • Greenwood Road
  • Lakewood Ave
  • Laurel Street
  • Middlecrest Road
  • Pine Street  
  • Meadows Drive
  • Childs Court
  • Oak Street 

For the week of October 31, 2022, work is expected to take place on the following streets:

  • Laurel Street
  • Meadows Drive
  • Pine Street 
  • Lakewood Ave
  • Middlecrest Road
  • Lund Street
  • Oak Street

What to Expect During Construction 

  • Work hours are 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday to Friday.
  • Construction creates noise, vibration, and dust and disrupts normal neighborhood activity. 
  • Single lane closures or full road closures may be in place on some streets. 
  • Local access to all properties will be maintained, but construction activities may impact normal use of your driveway.
  • Expect traffic delays in and near the work area.
  • On-street parking will be restricted in and near the work zones to create a safe work environment.
  • Equipment and materials may be stored on your street.
  • Sewer, water, and other utilities are expected to remain in service during construction. A request may be made to limit water use during specific construction activities. Notification will be provided in advance, if needed. 

For more information on sewer rehabilitation methods, review the 2022 flyer.

September 2022

The contractor is walking around project streets and handing out contact information.  More details will come on exact dates of when work will be going on your street.  Watch for project flyers. Construction work is expected to take place late September through December.  Contractor mobilizes crew, materials and equipment on Oak Street, Meadows Drive, Lee Street, Laurel Street, Lund Street, Middlecrest Road, Lakewood Ave, Greenwood Road, River Run, Childs Court and Pine Court. Tree protection fencing and Erosion control measures have been installed.  Sanitary Sewer cleaning and video work will continue into October.  

June 2022

Braun Construction, has been awarded the contract for this project.  Watch for paint on your streets and traffic signs and flyers later this summer and early fall. 

May 2022

The City is currently seeking bids from contractors to conduct the sewer pipelining work. Construction is expected to start in summer 2022. 


July 21, 2021

The City has retained the services of Wallis Engineers, ProPipe, and Compass Surveyors to provide engineering design and construction inspection throughout the project. During this phase of the project, employees from Wallis or their subcontractors may need to enter your property in order to locate sewer infrastructure or assess the condition of the sanitary sewer.

The next phase of the project will involve locating each homeowner’s service laterals at the property line. Where there is exterior access to the sewer cleanout, representatives from ProPipe may need to access the front or back yard. Where outside access does not exist, ProPipe will need to access a basement or floor drain inside the home. This access will be scheduled on a case-by-case basis to minimize disruption.


March 31, 2021

The 2022 wastewater rehab project is currently in design. The City is anticipating construction will occur in summer 2022.

Project Details
WO 312
Project Contact: 

Javier Moncada, P.E. Construction Manager 

(503) 675-2533


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