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Transportation System Plan
The City of Lake Oswego’s transportation system plan (TSP) is an important document for long-range planning purposes as well as a tool for current developments. The TSP provides a snapshot of the existing system, immediate changes, and future plans into year 2035. The previous TSP was published in 1997. Many changes have occurred since that time and the updated plan is reflective of City code updates, new state and regional TSP requirements, and a more complete transportation network.
Kittelson & Associates was the engineering consultant hired to assist the City with the update. Our regional partners included TriMet, Clackamas County, Metro, and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). Lake Oswego coordinates planning efforts with all neighboring cities and counties.
The TSP also includes a long list of projects for upgrading and enhancing the transportation system, including automobiles, transit, bicycling, and pedestrian improvements. A consistent theme is to make walking, cycling, and transit more convenient to reduce congestion on the roadways rather than adding capacity (new lanes) to existing roads. All projects are transferred to the Capital Improvement Plan regardless of dedicated funding sources. As funding becomes available through annual City budget review or during the private development process, these projects are constructed.
To view the adopted TSP, click on the supporting document links. Please note that the files are quite large and may take some time to download. The documents have been reduced for web viewing. A "print ready" pdf is available upon request. If you would like more information regarding the TSP, email traffic@lakeoswego.city or call 503-635-0274.
On January 5, 2017, the City Council adopted Ordinance 2725 (LU 16-0025), amending the TSP to add projects, update maps, and clarify text.

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