2018-19 Department and Program Budgets

The Adopted 2018-19 budgets for all City departments are listed here in the order that they will be in the Budget-in-Brief document. You can review their respective Budget Summary and/or a system report of those Departments by Major Category by clicking on those links in each section.

There is additional information provided about most of these departments by navigating to their respective webpage by doing either of the following:

  • Click on the link to the department(s) below this page; or

  • Click on the department title in their respective Budget Summary below

Detail for all accounts in the budget is provided in the Account Level Detail link near the bottom of this page.

Department Summaries and Division/Program level budgets


GENERAL FUND (Direct Departments) – Departments in the General Fund that generate some of their own revenue as well as receive a portion of General Revenue, such as property taxes, to fund their operations.

These include Police, Fire, Parks & Recreation, Library, Planning, Adult Community Center, Municipal Court, Redevelopment, and City Council. 

General (Direct) - Budget Summary or  Departments by Major Category report

PUBLIC WORKS – Public Works is responsible for providing efficient sound infrastructure, facilities, and services regarding the City's water, sewer, stormwater, transportation, building and property management.

These funds include:  Water, Sewer, Street, Stormwater, Systems Development Charges (SDCs), Assessment Project, Bicycle Path, Operations Building Capital Projects, and Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership.

Public Works - Budget Summary or  Departments by Major Category report

OTHER – Other funds of the City account for specific operations.

These are City/LORA Debt Service, Bonded Debt Service, Building, Golf Course, Tennis Facility, Tourism, Public Art, Trolley, Capital Reserve, ACC Endowment and Library Endowments.

Other - Budget Summary or Departments by Major Category report

SUPPORT SERVICES DEPARTMENTS and PROGRAMS – Departments that provide ‘support services’ to the City and are reimbursed from other departments by internal fees for service. 

These are Engineering, Public Works Support Services, Information Technology, Finance, City Manager's Office, Facilities Management, City Attorney's Office, Human Resources, Risk Management, General Nondepartmental.  Engineering and Public Works Support Services (Maintenance Services & Motor Pool) are their own funds and the remaining departments are within the General Fund.

Support Services Budget Summary or Departments by Major Category report


ACCOUNT LEVEL DETAIL — Budget Detail Reports for All Funds, Departments, and Programs (Account level detail).  In Fund number and department order.


Links to Department Homepages are below this section...

          Note:  The Public Works link takes you to information regarding Public Works Support Services, Streets, Stormwater, Sewer and Water.

Related Links