What Services Do I Get When Paying my Utility Bill?
Utility Bill payments pay for your consumption and use of the water system, sewer, stormwater (carrying water away from streets, parking lots and yards in way that does not pollute our water), and use of streets. The money collected is also used to pay for operations, maintenance and capital improvement costs for the City's utility systems.
Through the bills customers pay, the City is able to provide clean, safe drinking water, safe streets for travel, and remove used water (sewer) from your home. In order to do this in a legally sound, cost effective and efficient way, which practices good stewardship of our financial and natural resources and environment, the City engages in different engineering, public works, financial management, and education programs.
Thank you for being a member of the Lake Oswego community and a ratepayer as well as for your value in quality and efficient services.
The City of Lake Oswego operates and maintains a Water Treatment Plant in West Linn, as well as a distribution system, a water conservation program, and a cross connection control program.
The Lake Oswego street system includes more than 178 miles of streets and 23.7 miles of pedestrian pathways. The streets are classified as major and minor arterials, major collectors, neighborhood collectors and local residential streets.
The City’s stormwater system is not connected to the City’s sewer system. As such, the City conducts a variety of activities focused on the prevention of stormwater pollutants entering the system.
Public Works Maintenance operates and maintains 206 miles of collection system with 13 major pump stations and 14 single-family pump stations.
Water Conservation saves money, preserves wildlife habitat and makes sure there is enough water for all uses. Review the pages herein to find out how you can save indoors, outdoors, and all around your home or business.
Capital Improvement Program
Getting Water Service Shut Off